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51 Cards in this Set

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what would you do for a non-communication client who is on his light frequently?

bring him a urinal, he might have to use the restroom

how can you promote good bowel habits?

veggies, high fiber, exercise, 8 glasses of h2O a day. NOT LAXATIVES

when you start your shift which client would you examine first?

CHEST PAIN w/ breathing problems

what is an advocate?

puts patients first, acts in patients interest

components of a good death?

dying with dignity, in control of how they die, privacy, ask if want a chaplain

pain in the elderly

blunted pain, not always stated

meds from a dying patient for breathing and pain

ativan (lorazapam) and morphine

how do you treat break though pain

(pain before patient is given their next does)

consult doc about giving a higher dose.

low and go slow

non-verbal signs of pain

agitated increased HR, pulse, and BP

nonpharmacy treatment for anxiety

calm them down, stay with them, deep breathing

complementary therapy

acupuncture, massage

life prolonging care

ventilation, surgery dialysis- if dont want any of this you go in hospice...

ativan= pallative

how can a caretaker get a break?

respite care- adult day services is respite care

herbs?? bleeding disorders contraindications

ginko bulboia- for cognitive function... CONTRAINDICATED with coumadin

prevention of elder abuse

report it, follow protocol, talk with family, ask if need help finding nursing home, know state laws on reporting

what constitutes as self neglect

dont bathe, dont take meds

financial abuse, physical abuse??

financial- steal money and belongings

physical- not feeding, hitting

elderly women and sex problems

elderly women- dryness, lack of estrogen

what problems can happen for sex for elderly

have sex in morning or after nap, find a room for them

elderly and HIV?

prevalent, increased risk, men w/ men then elderly.. EDUCATE

how can the elderly improve sexual health?

exercise, lose weight, quit smoking... VIAGRA not health promotion.. dont take with nitrates

HIPPA laws

confidentiality about patient

hospice dos and donts

do- keep comfortable.. if wound, keep clean dressing changes but no surg.

dont- take life prolonging measures, no surgeries

informed consent

pt understands procedure and says its okay every aspect of what can happen is covered

urge incontinence

having to go always.. FIX meds, go every two hours

functional incontinence

dont know.. CANT FIX. ex. alzheimers, parkinsons

stress incontinence

cough or sneeze.. FIX kiegels



signs and symptoms of dysphagia

cant swallow, "feels like something is stuck in my throat" can lead to aspiration pneumonia

avoiding pressure ulcers

turning schedule every 2 hrs (if skinny every hour) dry bed, good nutrition & H20, special bed

malnutrition can lead to where?

skin breakdown, and pt wont heal properly

scale for pressure ulcers


durable POA

make decisions for you

group home definition

fam home and environment, about 10 people, meets legal requirements

elder cottage housing opportunity

watch them while live in pods, monitor

acute rehab

place where you can get PT 3-8 weeks to get in shape and go home

what should you ask pt about meds?

herbs, OTC, complaint, where is your pharmacy

patients autonomy and DNR

make own choice, have to respect it


do no harm, give meds for breakthough pain another nurse says no BC respirations


equal care


doing things for pateint


promising something and dont carry though


tell the truth

why is there an increase in ethical dilemmas

more older patients, living longer

societys view on sexuality in older adults

they dont think it happens, stigma against elderly, they have normal relations

problems and pain

effect mental status and become depressed



patients rights

right to refuse, right to equal care, right to be safe

s/s of dying

modling skin, resp go down rapidly, cheyne strokes resp, death rattle

goal of grieving

let them go though all stages, everyone has different grieving process

options for nonlife prolonging care

hospice, pallative, pain relief, oxygen