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39 Cards in this Set

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Days, months, and seasons:
Montag, Juli, Sommer (Monday, July, summer)
always masculine (der/ein)

except: das Frühjahr (another word for spring)
Nouns ending in the following suffixes: -heit, -keit, -tät, -ung, -schaft
Examples: Freiheit, Schnelligkeit, Universität, Zeitung, Freundschaft
always feminine (die/eine)
Nouns ending in -er, when referring to people
usually masculine (der/ein)

except: die Jungfer, die Mutter, die Schwester, die Tochter, das Fenster
Points of the compass, map locations and winds:
Nordwest(en) (northwest), Süd(en) (south), der Föhn (warm wind out of the Alps), der Scirocco (sirocco, a hot desert wind)
always masculine (der/ein)
Nouns ending in -chen or -lein: Fräulein, Häuschen, Kaninchen, Mädchen
always neuter (das/ein)
Precipitation: Regen, Schnee, Nebel (rain, snow, fog/mist
always masculine (der/ein)
Geographic place names (towns, countries, continents): Berlin, Deutschland, Brasilien, Afrika
usually neuter (das/ein)

except e.g.:der Irak, der Jemen, die Schweiz, die Türkei, die USA [plur.]
Most nouns ending in -e: Ecke, Ente, Grenze, Pistole, Seuche
usually feminine (die/eine)

except:der Deutsche, das Ensemble, der Friede, der Junge ([the] German, ensemble, peace, boy)
Nouns ending in -ie: Drogerie, Geographie, Komödie, Industrie, Ironie
always feminine (die/eine)
Agents (people who do something), most occupations and nationalities
usually masculine (der/ein)
Names of aircraft, ships and motorbikes
always feminine (die/eine)
Infinitives used as nouns (gerunds)
always neuter (das/ein)
Names of cars and trains
always masculine (der/ein)
Young animals and people: Baby, Küken
usually neuter (das/ein)

except: der Junge
Nouns ending in -in that pertain to female people, occupations, nationalities:
Amerikanerin, Studentin
usually feminine (die/eine)
Almost all of the 112 known chemical elements
always neuter (das/ein)

5 excepts: der Kohlenstoff (carbon), der Sauerstoff (oxygen), der Stickstoff (nitrogen), der Wasserstoff (hydrogen), der Schwefel (sulphur)
Words ending in -ismus:
Journalismus, Kommunismus, Synchronismus (equal -ism words in English)
always masculine (der/ein)
Most metals: Aluminium, Blei, Kupfer, Messing, Zinn
usually neuter (das/ein)
Nouns ending in -ik:
Grammatik, Grafik, Klinik, Musik, Panik, Physik
always feminine (der/ein)
Names of alcoholic drinks: der Wein, der Wodka
usually masculine (der/ein)

except: das Bier
Nouns ending in -o (often cognates from Latin):
Auto, Büro, Kasino, Konto (account), Radio, Veto, Video
usually neuter (das/ein)

excepts: die Avocado, die Disko, der Euro, der Scirocco
Borrowed (foreign) nouns ending in: -ade, -age, -anz, -enz, -ette, -ine, -ion, -tur:
Parade, Blamage (shame), Bilanz, Distanz, Frequenz, Serviette (napkin), Limonade, Nation, Konjunktur (economic trend)
always feminine (der/ein)

rare expect: der Nomade
Words ending in -ner: Rentner, Schaffner, Zentner, Zöllner
always masculine (der/ein)
Fractions: Viertel (¼), Drittel
usually neuter (das/ein)
Nouns ending in -ei: Partei, Schweinerei
usually feminine (der/ein)

except: das Ei, der Papagei
Names of hotels, cafés and theaters
always neuter (das/ein)
Names of mountains and lakes: der Berg, der See
usually masculine (der/ein)
The basic "atmospheric" elements that end in -stoff: Sauerstoff (oxygen), Stickstoff (nitrogen), Wasserstoff (hydrogen), carbon (der Kohlenstoff), Schwefel (sulphur)
always masculine (der/ein)
Most types of flowers and trees: Birke, Chrysantheme, Eiche, Rose
usually feminine (der/ein)

except: der Ahorn, (maple), das Gänseblümchen (daisy), der Baum (tree)
Names of colors used as nouns: Blau, Rot
always neuter (das/ein)
Borrowed (foreign) nouns ending in -isse, -itis, -ive: Hornisse, Initiative (hornet, initiative)
usually feminine (der/eine)
Most nouns ending in -ich, -ling, -ist: Rettich, Sittich, Schädling, Frühling, Pazifist
usually masculine (der/ein)
Most nouns ending in -tum or -um: Christentum, Königtum
usually neuter (das/ein)

except: der Irrtum, der Reichtum
Names of colors used as nouns: das Blau, das Rot (blue, red)
always neuter (das/ein)
Cardinal numbers: eine Eins, eine Drei (a one, a three)
usually feminine (der/eine)
Most nouns starting with Ge-: Genick, Gerät, Geschirr, Geschlecht, Gesetz, Gespräch
usually neuter (das/ein)

some excepts: der Gebrauch, der Gedanke, die Gefahr, der Gefallen, der Genuss
Most borrowed (foreign) nouns ending in -ment: Ressentiment, Supplement
usually neuter (das/ein)

except: der Zement
Most rivers outside of Europe: Amazonas, Kongo, Mississippi
usually masculine (der/ein)
Most nouns ending in -nis: Versäumnis
usually neuter (das/ein)

except: die Erlaubnis, die Erkenntnis, die Finsternis