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25 Cards in this Set

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Define "Greek"
The science that pursues an understanding of planet earth.
Examines the materials composing Earth and seeks to understand the many processes that operate beneath and upon its surface.
Physical Geology
To understand the origin of the earth and its developjent through time.
Historical Geology
The currently accepted age of Earth is _____years.
4.6 billion
According to the nebular hypothesis, all of the bodies in our solar system evolved fro a rotating cloud of gases and dust about 5 billion years ago.
T or F
A(n) _____ system is one in which energy moves freely in and out, but no matter enters or leaves the system.
About 4.5 billion years ago, the newly-formed Earth was very hot and soft, causing heavier elements like iron to sink towards the center while lighter elements floated towards the surface to create th interior layering. This overall process is called chemical differentiation.
T or F
A scientific theory is a tentative or untested explanation that is proposed to explain scientific observations.
T or F
What is the correct order, fro the surface inward, of Earth's internal layers?
Crust, Mantle, outer core, inner core
Which of the following statements about the Earth's internal layers is False?
A.The mantle is composed of solid iron
B. The asthenosphere contains a few percent partial melt and is a wak layer directly below the lithosphere
C. the lithosphere is the rigid upper layer that constitutes the plates on Earth's surface
D. The outer core consists primarily of liquid iron and is the source of Earth's magnetic field.
What is the fundamental principal of James Hutton
What is uniformitarianism
The physical, chemical, and biological laws that operate today have also operated in the geologic past.
The principle of uniformitarianism is commonly expressed by saying:
"The present id the key to the past"
Who published "The theory of the Earth"
James Hutton
The scottish physician and gentleman farmer that published "The Theory of the Earth"
James Hutton
Estimates indicate that the North American continet is being lowere at a rate of about ___ per ____yrs.
3cm per 1000 years
What year was radioactivity discovered?
What year was radioactivity first used for dating?
Dinosaurs became extinct about ____ ago
65 million years
Today the age of Earth is put at _______rs.
4.5 billion years
-means that events are placed in their proper sequence or order without knowing their age in years.
Relative dating (before radiometric dating)
-states that in layers of sedimentary rocks or lava flows, the youngest layer is on top and the oldest is on the bottom.
law of superposition
_________establisehs the sequence of rock layers
law of superposition
What does the principle of fossil succession state
fossil organisms succeed one another in a definite and determinable order, and therfore any time period can be recognized by its fossil content.