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32 Cards in this Set

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Comparing sample mean to population mean:
H_0: X ̅= μ (null hypothesis)

H_1: X ̅≠ μ (non-directional research hypothesis)
H_1: X ̅< μ (directional research hypothesis)
H_1: X ̅> μ (directional research hypothesis)
Comparing two means (independent samples)
H_0: μ_1= μ_2

H_1: X ̅_1≠ X ̅_2

H_1: X ̅_1< X ̅_2

H_1: X ̅_1> X ̅_2
Comparing two means (dependent samples)
H_0: μ_(post-test)= μ_(pre-test)

H_1: X ̅_(post-test)≠ X ̅_(pre-test)

H_1: X ̅_(post-test)< X ̅_(pre-test)

H_1: X ̅_(post-test)> X ̅_(pre-test)
Comparing more than two means (ANOVA)
H_0: μ_1= μ_2= μ_3

H_1: X ̅_1≠ X ̅_2≠ X ̅_3
Chi-square test for goodness-of-fit (one sample)
H_0: P_1= P_2= P_3

H_1: P_1≠ P_2≠ P_3
Chi-square test for independence (two sample)
H_0: Variable A and variable B are independent

H_1: Variable A and variable B are not independent
Mean of a sample
X ̅= (∑Xbar)/n
Standard Deviation
s= √((∑〖(X-Xbar)〗^2 )/(n-1))
Variance of a sample
s^2=(∑〖(X-X ̅)〗^2 )/(n-1)
Standard error of the mean (for Z test)
SEM= σ/√n

σ = standard deviation of the population
Short-cut for Chi-square for 2x2 contingency table:
Yes No Total
Yes a b a+b
No c d c+d
Total a+c b+d n

χ^2= 〖n(ad-bc)〗^2/((a+c)(b+d)(a+b)(c+d))
Creating a histogram
Find the range
create class intervals
create frequency table
Leptokurtic is pointy
Platykurtic is flat
What is under the curve
o 1 SD from the mean is 34.13%
o Between 1 and 2 SD is 13.59%
o Between 2 and 3 is 2.15%
o After 3 SD is .13%
z-score is the number of standard deviations from the mean

z= (X-Xbar)/s
Z test
examines the difference between one sample and a population

Z= (Xbar-μ)/SEM

ranges between -1 and 1

rxy= the correlation coefficient between x and y
n= size of the sample
x= individuals score on the x variable
y = individuals score on the y variable
Geographic Distribution
Mean center
Median Center
Central Feature
Mean center
the average x and y coordinate for all features in the study area
Median center
location having the shortest total distance to all features in the study area
central feature
feature having the shortest distance from all other features
Linear regression formula
y' = bx+a
multivariate regression
for every independent variable:
- separate coefficient
- separate p-value
- separate standard error
Global clustering
determines weather a pattern is clustered
produces a single statistic with confidence intervals
- NNI, Moran's I
Local Clustering
determines where clusters are located
produces a map of clusters (hotspots)
Kernal density, local Moran's I
Nearest Neighbor Index
- compares the mean distance to the CSR hypothesis
- NNI is determined as the ratio between observed mean distance and expected mean distance for CSR
NNI expected mean distane

n= number of features
A= study area
NNI standard error
SE = o.26136/√((n^2)-A)
Global clustering for aggregated data
Moran's I
Moran's I
Are differences between neighboring features smaller, greater of the same as the differences between the features and the mean
Local Moran's I
HH - cluster of high values
LL - cluster of low values
Gi* Interpretation
Local clustering of aggregated data
Positive z score >1.96 = clustering of high values
Negative z score <-1.96 = clustering of low values