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58 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following are the 3 braod subdivisions of the ocean floor?
continental margins
deep ocean basins
oceanic ridges
Materials deposited by turbidity currents contribute to the formation of
deep-sea fans
Which is the thinnest of Earth's different layers?
which one of the following is NOT a principal division of the solid Earth?
what are the 3 basic classes of rocks described in the rock cycle?
Earth's gaseous envelope is the _____.
when an oceanic plate and a continental plate converge, a ____ is formed along a subduction zone
transform fault
at divergent plate boundaries
new lith. is forming
new oceanic crust is created at divergent boundaries at a rate of about:
5 cm per year
the region where oceanic lith descends into the asthenosphere is called___.
a subduction zone
as plats move apart, the gap between them is filled with molten rock called
whenever a slab of oceanic lith. converges with a slab of continental lithosphere____.
...the oceanic lithosphere descends into the asthenosphere
most volcanic island arcs are located in the
western Pacific
at divergent plate boundaries, two plates____.
move apart
earth's rigid outer layer overlies a zone of weaker and hotter material known as the:
what layer of Earth allows the plates to move?
what is the main factor that triggers the formation of magma when a cold slab of oceanic lithosphere is subducted?
...the subducting slab supplies water to a wedge of hot mantle rock thereby lowering its melting temperature
which os these water bodies was once a rift valley?
Red Sea
The Andes and Cascades exemplify which of these features?
Continental volcano arc
according to the theory of plate tectonics, plates interact mainly____.
along plate boundaries
most volcanic island arcs are located near_____.
a deep-oceanic trench
which of theseplates is the largest?
at convergent plate boundaries, two plates_____.
move together
which one of these mountain belts was NOT formed by a continental collision?
convergent plate margins occur where two plates are moving toward one another and the movement is accommodated by:
one plate descending beneath the other
the mechanism that has generated the floors of the world's oceans is called
seafloor spreading
at convergent plate boundaries
new lithosphere is forming
old lithosphere is being destroyed
volcanoes associated with continental volcanic arcs generally______.
erupt explosively
all feromagnesian minerals contain one or both of these elements:
iron, magnesium
which one of the following is NOT included in the definition of a mineral?
unordered internal structure
which one of the following is NOT a property used to identify minerals?
which of these silicate minerals exhibits a sheet structure?
the most common group of rock forming minerals is the _____.
which of these mineral properties may be of minimal value in id-ing the mineral quartz?
which of these rocks is composed almost entirely of ferromagnesian minerals?
igneous rocks rich in dark silicate minerals with about 50% silica are said to have ____ composition.
rocks that contain voids left by gases that escape as lava solidifies are said to exhibit
which one of the following is NOT a possible product of bolcanic eruption?
in a rock with porphyritic texture. the smaller crystals are referred to as_____.
which one of the following greatly affects both the size and arrangement of mineral crystals in an igeous rock?
rate of cooling of the magma or lava
igneous rock originates when hot, molten material called _____ cools and crystallizes
in a rock with a porphyritic texture, the large crystals are referred to as___.
an igneous rock with less than 15% dark minerals would have a _____composition
granitic (felsic)
this type of magma, with a silica content of about 70%, has the greatest tendency to form pyroclastics
what type of volcano has the steepest slope?
cinder cone
what type of volcano may produce a nuee ardente or a lahar?
composite cone
what type of volcano is composed mostly of pyroclastic material?
cinder cone
_____ cones, such as Sunset Crater, AZ, tend to have very steep slopes
magmas that produce____ rock contain about 50% cilica and tend to be quite ________.
basalitic; fluid
what type of volcano produces the most violent eruptions?
compostite cone
a volcano that takes the shape of a broad, domed structure is called a ______ volcano.
what type of volcano is typically the smallest?
cinder cone
what type of volcano is the largest?
which of the following is NOT a primary factor of magma that directly determines the nature of a volcanic eruption?
what type of volcano is composed mostly of basaltic lava flow?
this type of magma, with about a 60% silica content, tends to form composite cones
exemplified by the Hawaiian Islands, this type of volcano tends to be the largest on Earth
this type of volcano is composed of interbedded lavas and pyroclastic deposits
composite cone