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166 Cards in this Set

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-a vector quantity describing a change in velocity over the elapsed time for which that change occurs, expressed as change in velocity/ change in time
-a vector quantity describing the straight-line distance between an initial and a final position of some particle or object
-a quantity that has only a magnitude but no direction
-a scalar quantity describing the distance traveled over the time required to travel that distance
-a quantity that has both magnitude and direction
-a vector quantity describing an object's displacment over the elapsed time, expressed as change in displacement over the time
-the acceleration of an object traveling in a circle with a constant speed, equal in magnitude to the velocity squared divided by the radius of the circle traversed
-the direction of the acceleration always points toward the center of the circle
Centripetal Acceleration
-a vector quantity describing the push or pull on an object
-the SI unit is Newton (N)
-an antagonistic force that points parallel and opposite in direction to the movement (or attempted movement) of an object
Friction Force
-a ubiquitous attractive force existing between any two objects, whose magnitude is directly proportional to the product of the two masses observed and inversely proportional to the square of their distance from each other
-a scalar quantity used as a measure of an object's inertia
-law that states if a body has either zero or constant speed, it will remain that way unless a net force acts upon it
Newton's First Law
-when a net force acts on a body it will have a net acceleration pointing in the direction of the net force that is proportional to the body's mass in the following relationship:
F(net) = ma(net)
Newton's Second Law
-if body A exerts a force F(A) on body B, then body B exerts a force that is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to F(A), called -F(A)
-the law of "action and reaction"
Newton's Third Law
-perpendicular component of the force caused when two surfaces push against each other, denoted by F(N)
Normal Force
-state where the sum of the torques acting on a body is zero, giving it no net angular acceleration
Rotational Equilibrium
-the magnitude of a force acting on a body times the perpendicular distance between the acting force and the axis of rotation
-SI units N m
-state where the sum of the forces acting on an object is zero, giving it no net acceleration
Translational Equilibrium
-a force that measures the gravitational pull on an object, given by the object's mass times its gravitational acceleration (mg, where g is 9.8 m/s^2 as measured on Earth)
-the point on some object or body at which the entire force of gravity is considered to act on the object
Center of Gravity
-the point on some object or body at which all of its mass is considered to be concentrated
Center of Mass
-type of collision in which both momentum and kinetic energies right before the collision equals the sum of the kinetic energies just after the collision
Completely Elastic Collision
-type of collision in which the two bodies stick together after colliding, resulting in one final mass and velocity
-momentum is conserved but kinetic energy is not
Completely Inelastic Collision
-when only conservative forces act on an object and work is done, energy is conserved and described by the equation:
deltaE = deltaK E + deltaP = 0
Conservation of Mechanical Energy
-the momentum of system remains constant when there are no net external forces acting on it
Conservation of Momentum
-a force, such as gravity, that performs work over a distance that is independent of the path taken
Conservative Force
-often denoted by j, it is the change in momentum, given by delta p
-the energy of an object in motion, calculated by the equation KE = 1/2 mv^2 and given in the SI unit of Joules (J)
Kinetic Energy
-often denoted by p, it is a vector quantity given by an object's mass times its velocity
a force, such as friction, that performs work over a distance that is dependent on the path taken between the initial and final position
Nonconservative Force
-the energy of an object due to its height off ground level, calculated by the equation: mgh
Potential Energy
-the rate at which work is done, given by the equation: work per time (sec.)
-the quantity measured when a constant force acts on a body to move it a distance d, calucated by the equation: Fdcose(angle)
-cos(angle) indicates that only the component of the force parallel to the direction of motion is considered
-a theorem stating that net work performed on an object is related to the change in kinetic energy of that body, given by the equation: delta KE
Work-Energy Theorem
-unit of heat (C) that equals 10^3 calories (c) or 4,184 Joules
-form of heat transfer where heat energy is directly transferred between molecules through molecular collisions or direct contact
-form of heat transfer applying only to fluid (liquids and gases) where heated material transfers energy by bulk flow and physical motion
-the change in internal energy of a system (delta U) is equual to the heat (Q)transferred into the system minus the energy lost by the system when it performs work (W)
delta U = Q - W
First Law of Thermodynamics
-the heat of transformation corresponding to a phase change from either solid to liquid or liquid to solid
Heat of Fusion
-the amount of heat required to change the phase of a substance, calculated by the equation q = mL, where q is heat, m is the mass of the substance, and L is the heat of transformation for that substance
Heat of Transformation
-the heat of transformation corresponding to a phase change from liquid to gas or from gas to liquid
Heat of Vaporization
-the most commonly used temperature scale (SI units) that ranges up from the absolute zero:
T(celsius) + 273
-the force per unit area:
-form of heat transfer accomplished by electromagnetic waves, which can travel through a vacuum
-when a thermodynamic process moves a system from one state of quilibrium to another, the entropy (S) of that system combined with that of its surroundings with either increase or remain unchanged; for irreversible processes, entropy will increase, and reversible processes, entropy will not change
Second Law of Thermodynamics
-a measure of the heat content that a body possess, measured on the Kelvin, Celsius, or Fahrenheit scale
-the expansion of a solid as a result of increasing temperatures, calculated by the equation delta L = alpha L times delta T, where L is the length, alpha is the coefficient of linear expansion, and T is the temperature
Thermal Expansion
-the study of heat transfer and its effects
-the expansion in volume of a liquid as a result of increasing temperatures, calculated by the equation delta V = beta volume times delta V, where V is volume and beta is the coefficient of volume expansion
Volume of Expansion
-the pressure below the surface of a liquid that depends on gravity and surface pressure, calculated by P = P(0) + pgz, where z is depth, p is density, and P(0) is the surface pressure
Absolute Pressure
-a type of attractive force that molecules of a liquid feel toward molecules of another substance, such as in the adhesion of water droplets to a glass surface
-a body that is fully or partially immersed in a liquid will be buoyed up by a force that is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the body
-buoyant force = density of the liquid x gravity x volume of the liquid = density of the object x gravity x volume of the object
Archimedes Principle
-equation describing the conservation of energy in fluid flow, given by P(1) + (1/2) x density x Volume(1)^2 = P(2) + (1/2) x density x volume(2)^2 + density x gravity x y(2)
Bernoulli's Equation
-a term that describes a fluid's resistance to compression under pressure, denoted by B and measured by the ratio of stress (pressure change) to strain: deltaP/(deltaV/V)
Bulk Modulus
-a type of attractive force felt by liquid molecules toward each other
-responsible for surface tension
-the equation following the law that the mass flow rate of fluid must remain constant from one cross-section of a tube to another, given by A(1)V(1) = A(2)V(2)
Continuity Equation
-a scalar quantity defined as the mass per unit volume
-the pressure above the atmospheric pressure, given only density x gravity x height
Gauge Pressure
-the simplest type of liquid flow through a tube where thin layers of liquid slide over one another, occurring as long as the flow rate remains below a critical velocity
Laminar Flow
-principle stating that when a pressure is applied to one point of an enclosed fluid, that pressure is transmitted in equal magnitude to all points within that fluid and to the walls of its container
-this principle forms the basis of the hydraulic lift
Pascal's Principle
-a term describing a solid's resistance to shear stress, denoted by S and measured by the ratio of shear stress (F/A) to strain (x/h)
-results when a force is applied parallel to the surface area
Shear Modulus
-a dimensionless quantity given by the density of a substance divided by the density of water, where density of water = 1 g/ mL
Specific Gravity
-lines that trace the path of a water particles as they flow in a tube without ever crossing each other
-type of liquid flow that occurs when the flow rate in a tube exceeds volume(C)
-the motion of the fluid that is not adjacent to the container walls is highly irregular, forming vortices and a high flow resistant
Turbulent Flow
-the measure of internal friction in a fluid
-a term used in characterizing the elasticity of a solid, denoted by Y and measured by the ratio of the stress (F/A) to strain (deltaL/L)
-results when force is applied perpendicular to the surface area
Young's Modulus
-the SI unit of electric charge, denoted by C
-the law describing the electrostatic force that exists between two charges, q(1) and q(2), given by the equation F(coul.) = [kq(1)k(2)]/r^2
Coulomb's Law
-a vector quantity resulting from electron dipole, equal to the product of the charge magnitude q and the distance separating the two charges d, often denoted by p
Dipole Moment
-the result of having two charges of opposite sign and equal magnitude separated by a short distance d
Electric Dipole
-the electrostatic force that a source charge q(s) would exert on a positive test charge q(0) within its proximity divided by that test charge:
E = F(coul.)/q(0)
Electric Field
-imaginary lines that show the direction in which a positive test charge is accelerated by the couloumbic force due to the electric field of a source charge
Electric Field Lines
-the amount of electric potential energy per unit charge; the work required to bring a positive test charge q(0) from infinity to within an electric field of another positive source charge, Q, divided by that test charge, calculated by the equation V = kQ/r
Electric Potential
-the amount of work required to bring a test charge q(0) from infinity to a point within the electric field of some source charge Q, given by the equation = q(0)V
Electric Potential Energy
-the study of electric charges at rest or in motion and the forces between them
-concentric circles emanating from a source charge that cross its electric field lines perpendicularly
-no work is required for a test charge to travel along the circumference, since the potential at every point along that line is the same
Equipotential Lines
-the smallest measured electric charge, which belongs to an electron; -1.6 x 10^-19
Fundamental Unit of Charge
-the difference in electric potential between two points in an electric field
Potential Difference, Voltage (deltaV)
-the flow of charge as it moves across a potential difference (voltage), denoted I and measured by the amount of charge passing through a conductor over a unit of time:
change in q/ change in time
-a material whose atoms have no net magnetic field; the mateial is therefore repelled from the pole of a magnet
-a material whose atoms have net magnetic field and, below a critical temperature, are strongly attracted to a magnet pole
-the magnetic field produced at the center of a circular loop of current-carrying wire with radius of r, calculated by the equation:
B = [micro(0) x i]/2r
Loop-Wire Magnetic Field
-field vectors created by moving charges and permanent magnets that in turn exert a magnetic force on moving charges and current-carrying wires
Magnetic Field
-a force exerted on a charged particle moving through a magnetic field, calculated using the equation F(B) = q x v x Bsin(angle) denotes that only charges moving perpendicular to the magnetic field experience a force
Magnetic Force
-equation used to measure the force exerted on a current-carrying wire due to a magnetic field, given by F = I L B sin(angle), where I is the current, L is the length of the wire, B is the magnitude of the magnetic field, and the angle at whicht eh wire intersects the B-field vectors
Magnetic Force on Current-Carrying Wire
-a material whose atoms have a net magnetic field; under conditions that allow the alignment of the individual magnetic fields, the material exhibits an attraction toward the pole of a magnet
Paramagnetic Field
-equal to 2(pi) x 10^-7 Tesla meter/ampere
-used in the equation measuring the magnetic field produced by a current-carrying wire:
B = [micro(0) I]/2(pi)r
Permeability of Free Space
-a common method used to determine the direction of the magnetic force vector
-the thumb points in the direction of the charge's velocity, the fingers point in the direction on the magnetic (B) field, and teh palm points in the direction of the acting force
Right Hand Rule
-the magnetic field produced at a perpendicular distance r from a straight current-carrying wire, calculated by the equation:
B = [micro(0) I]/ 2(pi)r
Straight-Wire Magnetic Field
-current that flows through a conductor in two directions that are periodically altered
Alternating Current
-a measure (expressed in SI units of farads) of a capacitor's ability to store charge, calculated by the ratio of the magnitude of charge on one plate to the voltage across the two plates
-an electric device used in circuits that is composed of two conducting plates separated by a short distance and works to store electric charge
-a material in which electrons can move with relative ease
-an insulating material placed between the two plates of a capacitor
-if the circuit is plugged into a current source, more charge will be stored in the capacitor
-if the circuit is not plugged into a current source, the voltage of the capacitor will decrease
-a dimensionless number that indicates the factor by which capacitance is increased when a dielectric is placed in between the plates of a capacitor, given C' = KC, where C' is the new capacitance
Dielectric Constant
-current that flows through a conductor in one direction only
Direct Current
-a conducting pathway that contains one or more voltage sources that drives an electric current along that pathways and through connected passive circuit elements (such as resistors)
Electric Circuit
-the energy gained by an electron when it is accelerated though a potential difference of 1 volt, given by qV where q is 1.6 x 10^-19 C and V is 1 volt
Electromotive Forces
-the voltage created by a potential difference between the two terminals of a cell when no current is flowing
Electron Volt
-a material in which electrons cannot move freely
a) in accordance withe conservation of electric charge, the sum of currents directed into a ode or junction point in a circuit equals the sum of the currents directed away from that point
b) the sum of the voltage sources in a circuit loop is equal to the sum of voltage drops along that loop
Kirchoff's Laws
-law stating that the voltage drop across a resistor is proportional to the current flowing through it, given by the equation V = I R
Ohm's Law
-used in the calculation of capacitance
-given by the equation C = (epsilon 0) A/d, where A is the area of one plate and d is the distance between the plates
Permittivity of Free Space
-the rate at which the energy of flowing charges through a resistor is dissipated, given by the equation P = I V
Power Dissipated by Resistor
-the natural tendency of a conductor to block current flow to a certain extent resulting in loss of energy or potential
-equal to the ratio of the voltage applied to the resulting current
-intrinsic property of a conductor used to measure its resistance in the equation R = (resistivity) L/A, where L is the length of the conductor and A is its cross-sectional area
-a quantity used to calculate the average power dissipated in an AC circuit, given by I(max)/(square root 2)
-this equation must be used because the average current, when calculated by conventional means, equals zero as a result of the periodic nature of that current
RMS Current
V(max)/(square root 2)
-the average voltage in an AC circuit, where the voltage alternates in a sinusoidal pattern
RMS Voltage
-the point of maximum displacement from the equilibrium position
square root of (k/m)
Angular Frequency
-the point of maximum displacement in a standing wave
-a periodic frequency resulting from the superposition of two waves that have slightly different frequences, given by f1 - f2
-when two overlapping waves are in phase, their amplitudes add together
Constructive Interference
-when two overlapping waves are out of phase, they subtract and can cancel each other out if they have the same amplitude and are 180 degrees out of phase
Destructive Interference
-when a source emitting a sound and a detector receiving the sound move relative to each other, the virtual frequency fv' detected is less than or greater than the actual frequency emitted f, depending on whether the source and detector move toward or away from each other:
f' = f(V+or- V(detector))/(V+or-V(source))
Doppler Effect
-number of cycles per second measured in SI units of Hz, where 1 Hz = 1 cycle/second
-the lowest frequency that a standing wave can support, given by the equation f = nv/2L for strings fixed at both ends and pipes open at both ends and f = nv/4L for pipes closed at one end, where n = 1; first harmonic
Fundamental Frequency
-all the possible frequencies that a standing wave can support
Harmonic Series
-the equation describing the restoring force of a mass-spring system, given by F = -kx, where x is the displacement from the equilibrium
Hook's Law
-the power transmitted per unit area, given by the equation: P/A; where P is power and A is area
-type of wave, such as sound, whose oscillation is along the direction of its motion
Longitudinal Wave
-the point of zero displacement in a standing wave
-number of seconds it takes to complete one cycle, denoted by T; the inverse value of frequency
-the angle by which the sine curve of one wave leads or lags the sine curve of another wave
Phase Difference
-if a standing wave undergoes a forced oscillation due to an external periodic force that has a frequency equal to the natural frequency of the oscillating system, the amplitude will reach a maximum
-the motion of an object oscillating back and forth about some equilibrium point when it is subject to an elastic linear restoring force
Simple Harmonic Motion
-a quantity measured in decibels (dB) and denoted by beta, given by the equation:
beta = 10 log I/I(0), where I(0) is a reference intensity of 10^-12 W/m^2
Sound Level
-a measure of spring's stiffness, denoted by k
Spring Constant
-type of wave, such as light, whose oscillation is perpendicular to its direction of motion
Transverse Wave
-a quantity equal to the distance between any two equivalent consecutive points along a wave, such as two consecutive crest peaks, expressed as lamda
-the speed of a wave, which is related to the frequency and wavelength by the equation v = f x wavelength
Wave Speed
-a lens with a thick center that converges light rays at a point where this image is formed
Converging Lens
-a concave mirror with a positive focal length
Converging Mirror
-the spreading-out effect of light when it passes through a small slit opening
-the phenomenon observed when white light is incident on the face of a prism and emerges on the opposite side with all its wavelength split apart
-this occurs because wavelength is related to the index of refraction by the expression n = c/f x wavelength
-therefore, a small wavelength has a large n and, in turn, a small angle of refraction
-a lens with a thin center that diverges light after refraction and always forms a virtual image
Diverging Lens
-a convex mirror with a negative focal length
-diverging mirrors always produce virtual images
Diverging Mirror
-the full range of frequencies and wavelengths for electromagnetic waves broken down into the following regions (in descending order of wavelength): radio, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma ray
Electromagnetic Spectrum
-when a magnetic field is changing, it causes a change in an electric field and vice versa, resulting in the propagation of a transverse wave containing a magnetic and an electric field that are perpendicular to each other
Electromagnetic Waves
-the distance between the focal point and the mirror or lens
-for spherical mirrors, the focal length is equal to one-half the radius of curvature
Focal Length
Ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light through a medium, given by n = c/v
-factor by which the c is reduced as light travels from a vacuum into another medium
Index of Refraction
-when superimposed light waves are in phase, their amplitudes add (constructive interference) and the appearance is brighter
-when superimposed light waves are out of phase, their amplitudes subtract (destructive interference) and the appearance is darker
-law stating that when light waves strike a medium, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection
Law of Reflection
-a dimensionless value given by the equation: m = -i/o, where i is image height and o is object height
-a negative value denotes an inverted image, whereas a positive value denotes an upright image
-a mirror in which incident light rays remain parallel after reflection, always producing a virtual image that appears to be the same distance behind the mirror as the object is in front of the mirror
Plane Mirror
-light that has been passed through a polarizing filter, allowing only the transmission of waves containing electric field vectors parallel to the lines of the filter
Plane-Polarized Light
-an image produced at a point where the light rays actually converge or pass through
-for mirrors, this would be on the side of the object; for lenses, it would be on the opposite side of the object
Real Image
-equation describing the angle of refraction for a light ray passing from one medium to another, given by n1sin(angle1) = n2sin(angle2), where n is the index of the refraction
Snell's Law
-the speed of electromagnetic waves traveling through a vacuum, given by the equation c = frequency x wavelength
-a constant equals 3.0 x 10^8
Speed of Light
-a curved mirror that is essentially a small, cut-out portion of a sphere mirror, having a center of curvature C and radius of curvature r
Spherical Mirror
-the condition in which the angle1 of light traveling from a medium with a high n to a medium with a low n is greater than the critical angle c resulting in all of the light being reflected and none of it being refracted
Total Internal Reflection
-an image produced at a point where light does not actually pass or converge
-for mirrors, this would be on the opposite side of the object; for lenses, it would on the same side as the object
Virtual Image
-the phenomenon observed when an atom is excited by UV light and electrons return to the ground state in two or more steps, emitting photons of lower frequency (often in the visible light spectrum) at each step
-the phenomenon observed when light of a certain frequency is incident on a sheet of metal and causes it to emit an electron
Photoelectric Effect
-the minimum amount of photon energy required to emit an electron from a certain metal
-the quantity, denoted by W, is used to calculate the residual kinetic energy of an electron emitted by a metal, given by KE = hf - W, where hf is the energy of a photon
Work Function
-nuclear reaction in which an alpha-particle (He) is emitted
Alpha Decay
-nuclear reaction in which a beta-particle (e-) is emitted
Beta Decay
-the energy that holds the protons and neutrons together in the nucleus, defined by the equation E = mc^2, where m is the mass defect and c is the speed of light in a vacuum
Binding Energy
-a radioactive process in which a nucleus captures an inner-shell electron that combines with a proton to form a neutron
-as a result, the atomic number decreases by 1, but the atomic mass remains the same
Electron Capture
-a decrease in the amount of substance N, given by the equation: N = N(0) x e^(wavelength x time)
Exponential Decay
-the nuclear reaction in which a large nucleus splits up into smaller nuclei
-the nuclear reaction in which two or more small nuclei combine to form a larger nucleus
-the atomic emission of high energy photons, also known as gamma-particles
Gamma Decay
-the amount of time it takes for one-half of a radioactive sample to decay constant
-the difference between an atom's atomic mass and the sum of its protons and neutrons
Mass Defect
-an anti-electron, denoted beta + or e+, emitted in a nuclear reaction