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106 Cards in this Set

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Which 2 ascarid worms may be transmissible between pigs and humans?
Ascaris suum
Ascaris lumbricoides
Of the ascarids infective for dogs and/or cats, which are zoonotic?
Toxocara canis
Toxocara cati
What are 2 ascarid species that have bioterrorism potential?
Ascaris suum
baylisascaris procyonis
True/False Worms of strongyloidae species infect through the skin or may be ingested and infect through GI mucosa
False. If intested, invade through epithelium of oral cavity.
Which 2 nematodes of the phabditidae species are accidental parasites?
micronema deletrix
Culprits of parasitic gastritis with green, watery diarrhea
Ostertagia ostertagi
Telodorsagia circumcincta
Trichostrongylus sp
Culprits of parasitic gastritis with anemia and hypoproteinemia
Trichostrongylus (high load)
Haemonchus contortus
Hypstrongylus rubidus
Ostertagia ostertagi
Telodorsagia circumcincta
Define refugia
Parasites not accessed by dewormers and thus provide a potential source of sensitive parasites
Haemonchus contortus
20% of animals produce 80% of eggs.
One big difference between the large and small equine strongyles
Large strongyles suck blood
Small strongyles feed on mucosal surface
What hookworms infect dogs?
Ancylostoma caninum
Ancylostoma braziliense
Uncinaria stephanocephalus
Which hookworm is of concern for human health?
Ancylostoma braziliense- cutaneous larval migrans in humans
Which type of worms are associated with the fungus Pilobolus?
Lungworms (dictyocaulus)
Which 3 nematode species both have eggs with an operculum at each end?
Capillaria sp.
Syngamus trachea
What are the 2 fox lungworms?
capillaria aerophilia
crenosoma vulpis
What are 2 species of nematode whose eggs are excreted in urine?
Stephanurus dentatus
Dioctophyme renale
True/False. Demodexx mange lives in follicles but can be found in blood, lymphatics and other organs.
True, but these are dead. The mange cannot surivive anywhere but the skin.
Rhipicephalus sanguineus
Brown Dog Tick
Ehrlichia canis
Babesia canis
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Bovine Anaplasmosis
Equine Stomach Bot
Oestrus Ovis
Nasal Bot
False Gid
Which ascarid of the dog and cat does not undergo tracheal migration?
Toxascaris leonina
Which species is a GI worm of marine mammals?
Nematodes with earthworm intermediate host.
Heterakis gallinarum
Ascaridia galli
Metastrongylus (swine lungworm)
Syngamus trachea
Stephanurus dentatus (swine kidney worm)
Capillaria contorta, caduinflata, obsignata
Worm responsible for "summer colds" in young foals, perhaps accompanied by foul-smelling diarrhea.
Parascaris equorum
Worm normally found in decaying organic matter that can invade the skin and cause dermatitis.
Pelodera spp.
Worms that are normally free living in soil and decaying organic matter.
Miconema deletrix
Which worm is responsible for the killing of South Pacific?
Micronema deletrix
In what species of nematode is the adult female the infectious form?
Nematodes that invade by penetrating the skin.
Strongiloidiae spp.
Stephanurus dentatus
(Parafilaria- through conjunctiva of eye)
Which 2 strongyloididae species can be transmitted by milk/colostrum?
S. papillosus
S. westeri
Which worms are responsible for parasitic gastritis?
Ostertagia ostertagi
Telodoragia cicumcincta
Hyostrongylus rubidus
Haemonchus contortus
(Physaloptera, habronema?)
What nematodes are responsible for moroccan leather surface of the abomasum?
Ostertagia ostertagi
Telodorsagia circumcincta
Red Stomach Worm
Hyostrongylus rubidus
Which stomach worms form nodules and disrupt acid secretion when they erupt?
Hyostrongylus rubidus
What are the lungworms?
Crenosoma vulpis- dogs
Aelurostrongylus abstrusus-cats
Metastrongylus- swine
Dictyocaulus- horse, ruminant
Capillaria aerophilia- fox
Which nematodes are responsible for parasitic gastroenteritis in ruminants?
Charbertia ovina
Which worm in the GI of many large animals produces calcified nodules of the small intestine?
Oesophagostomum spp.
Large Mouth Bowel Worm
Chabertia ovina
Which ruminant strongyle produces bloody (not green) diarrhea?
Chabertia ovina
Thread-necked strongyle
Which equine strongyle migrates to the cranial mesenteric artery and cause thrombus or infarction?
Strongylus vulgaris
Which hookworm species causes larval migrans in humans?
Ancyclostoma braziliense
What are 3 hookworm species found in dogs?
Ancylostoma caninum
ancylostoma braziliense
Ucinaria stephanocephalus
Common name for nematodes that may be helped to transmit by a spewing fungus?
Lungworm (Dictyocaulus)
Which lungworm forms subpleural nodules?
Aelurostrongylus abstrussus (cat lungworm)
What is a common intermediate of the lungworms?
What are the 2 tracheal worms?
Osleus osleri
Syngamus trachea
Syngamus trachea
Swine kidney worm
Stephanurus dentatus
Nematodes whose eggs are doubly operculated
Syngamus trachea
Which kidney worm undergoes hepatic migration and causes milk-spot lesions?
Stephanurus dentatus
Deer meningeal worm
Paralephostrongylus tenuis
True/False. Paralephostrongylus tenuis causes CNS signs in whitetail deer.
False. Only in aberrant hosts
What is the infective form of dirofilaria immitis?
What does the heartworm antigen test detect?
Adult female worms
What does the heartworm antibody test detect?
L4, L5, adults
Dracunculus insignis
Guinea Worm
Red Serpent of the Nile
Which filarial worm results in summer bleeding and affects hide quality? What is the route of transmission
Mucoid flies deposit L3 into eye
Onchocerca reticulata
Which nematode is responsible for river blindness in humans?
Onchocerca volvulus
arterial worm of deer
Elaeophora scnheideri
Which microfilarial worm migrates to maxillary and carotid arteries and can cause ischemia of face in deer and elk?
Elaeophora schneideri
suis- swine
trichiura- human
Large Thorny-headed worm
macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus
Which worm has an egg with 4 layers of shell?
large thorny-headed worm
True/False. The acanthocephalans suck blood from the small intestine they invade.
False. The burrow, then absorb nutrients from the tegument.
True/False. Elaeophora schneideri is transmitted by ingestion of a dung beetle.
False. Bite of the horsefly.
Clear-eyed blindness
lumpy jaw
Elaeophora schneideri
How is Onchocerca reticulatus transmitted?
Inoculation of L3 into skin
Secondary infection by actinomyces bovis and brucella abortus
True/False. Chabertia ovina mature in cecal mucosa, emerge and lay eggs.
False. Mature in mucosa of small intestine, emerge and migrate to colon/cecum.
Which worms of the small intestine do not suck blood?
Which nematode infects through the skin, find the lungs, coughed and swallowed, mature in small intestine and feed on blood?
Which tracheal worm is infective in L1 form?
Oslerus osleri
Which worms can autoinfect the host?
S. Stercoralis
Oslerus osleri
True/False. Stephanurus dentatus can be infect by dermal penetration of L3.
In ascarids, which form is infective?
The L2 containing eggs
Which larval form is both infective and the encysted form in Trichinella spiralis?
What is the transmission of whipworm?
Ingestion of eggs w/ L2 larvae
What species does the large thorny-headed worm infect?
Bed Bugs
Cattle bots
гостИница (ы) f.
Which ectoparasite causes creeping subcutaneous myiasis in humans?
Cattle bots (Hypoderma)
Which mosquito species is the only one known to transmit human malaria?
Nasal Bot Fly
Oestrus ovis
Equine Stomach bot
Which ectoparasite might cause loosened teeth in horses and ocular or cutaneous myiasis in humans?
Gasterophilus/Equine Stomach bot
Which species do(es) cuterebrae infect?
Anything warm-blooded
Which ectoparasite is responsible for causing feline ischemic encephalopathy?
Dermanyssus gallinae
Red mite (bird mite)
Burrowing mite (bird mite)
Which bird mite genus causes tassel foot, depluming itch, and/or crusty deformed beak?
Ornithonyssus sylvarium
Northern fowl mite
Echidnophaga gallinacea
Sticktight flea
Which hard tick genuses parasitize large animals'/
theileria, erhlichia, rickettsia (mediterranean spotted fever)
cowdriosis, heartwater disease
What is unique about the life cycle of the boophilus hard ticks?
Spend entire life on single host
What is the most common flea species among dogs and cats?
Ctenocephalides felis
Chrysoma bezziana
Cochliomyia hominivorax
Ear Mite
Otodectes cynotis
Signs of tick paralysis?
fixed stare
enlarged pupils
difficulty breathing
Sheep keds
melophagus ovinus
Which filarial worm of the dog has a hooked tail?
Acanthocheilonema reconditum
Which ectoparasite may cause blindness and paralysis in people?
Hypoderma (cattle bot)
Which hypoderma species gathers around the spinal cord?
H. bovis
The Cosmopolitan Bed Bug
Cimex lectularis