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34 Cards in this Set

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Family Systems Theory History

Based on GST

von Bertalanffy (1968) prior to WWII

cybernetics (Weiner 1948) used to calc. anti-aircraft artilleray

post war principles of cybernetics & GST applied to social sciences

GST - 3 assumptions

1. unifies science - isomorphism

2. holism - nonsummativity

3. self-reflexivity

Emergents belong to what theory, what assumptio?



Behaviors that derive as a function of the system that wouldn't happen when each part in isolation

morphogensis...what theory, what proposition


proposition of change in the family


major propositions 3

1. family viewed systemically

2. what is relationship of fam. system to other systems

3. How do families change

Change belongs in what theory...what section

GST specifically FST

One of 3 propositions

Change primary concept

change in one member leads to change in the whole system

Define first order change

Minor structural changes in the system, such as behavior modification by an individual without completion of a positive feedback loop leads to 1st order.

1st order, system is left the same and vulnerable to relapse

Define 2nd order change

through second order change, a more major change, a system itself can be altered. When this happens the entire system is reorganized into new transactional patterns.

How does change occur

5 ways

1. systemic awareness of the circularity of conflict

2. intro of the idea that ppl share responsibility to establish change

3. improved mutual acceptance that interrupts conflict cycle, allowing new adaptive behaviors

4. refinement of communication and prob. solving skills

5. normalizing couple conflict via psyched.

3 approaches to 2nd order change

1. rule change

2. reframe

3. recalibrate

Give examples of the 3 approaches to 2nd order change

1. Confine arguments to 10 minutes, changing manner in which couple argue, etc.

2. Reframing arguing as a means to better understand each other, the needs of the other

3. recalibration is a systemic shift....changing the cycle of conflict at a pivotal point. Ex. both left argument frustrated in past. Now both stay and decide on a time to discuss calmly.

Name 6 major concepts of GST


2. boundaries

3. equifinality

4. feedback and control

5. negative feedback loop

6. positive feedback loop

hierarchy is

arrangement of system into layers or echelons

hierarchy is related to power

a parental subsytem is higher than an offspring subsystem thereby exercising power

boundaries are

what is included in the system and what is not

can delineate b/t system, subsystem, supra system

in order to understand system, take into account sociocultural, historical, political, and economic supra systems in which family is located

permeability of systems is important...assessed by internal cohesion and emotional connectedness of the family

equifinality is

ability of family to achieve same goals by different means.

READ P. 334

feedback and control

a loop where information in the system is passed from one member to another and back to the point of origin

negative feedback loop

restores system to the status quo or homeostasis.

READ P. 335

positive feedback loop

turns away from the status quo to something different that causes change in the system and a new norm or homeostatic position.

what else can you explain about positive and neg feedback loops

Systemsdominated by negative feedback are said to be more stable and homeostatic,while those with positive feedback can be unstable if unchecked as the positivefeedback loops continue to introduce variation in the system. Times of changeare inherently stressful, so continuous positive feedback could be unsettling.It is best if the morphogenetic force of positive feedback is countered by thehomeostatic force of negative feedback. Health is in the balance.

Who are the major players

Von Bertalanffy


Tell me Von Bertanlanffy's bio

a biologist

defined system’s theory as a theoretical system relevant to multiple disciplines.

His approach was to look over general phenomena that could be found in varied disciplines:homeostasis, boundaries, growth, and evolution.

given credit as the founder of modern humanistic systems theory; however, systems theory ideas are said to go back as far as Greek philosophers. Philosophers such asAristotle, Marx were a few to inspire Von Bertalanffy.

And how did Bateson play a role in GST


seminal work

7 bullet points

1.TheBateson Project, comprised of Weakland, Haley, Jackson, and Fry worked on over70 articles and book chapters in the decade they worked together.

2.Toward a Theory of Schizophrenia (1956) is the classic work describing Bateson’s work with patients and their families in Palo Alto, California.

3.Saw the family as a total system within which there is “a dance of interacting parts”.

4.The therapeutic work was with the “sick family” not the “sick individual”.

5.It was hypothesized that the schizophrenic family is a special kind of system where the individual is placed in a double bind situation. 6.This closed –system family was viewed as unresponsive to unexpected change.

7.Satir believed that to understand themeaning of a symptom, it is necessary to see how it fits into the family and that every behavior in a family is logical to that system. This approach eschewed the traditional focus on individual psychology and historical factors – that involve so-called linear causation and content – and emphasized instead feedback and homeostatic mechanisms and “rules” in here-and-nowinteractions – so-called circular causation and process – that were thought to maintain or exacerbate problems, whatever the original cause(s).

Discuss a major researcher

intro to seminal work and 4 bullet points

Minuchin,Rosman, and Baker’s seminal work led to a systemic approach becoming the common treatment for eating disorders. The key features of a “psychosomatic” family were outlined in the work.

According to their model, four family systemcharacteristics were typical of the anorectic, psychosomatic families.

1. enmeshment definedas the hyper-involvement of family members resulting from weak familyboundaries: characterized by excessive togetherness, lack of privacy, tendencyof members to speak for one another, and so on.

It was suggested that the perception of oneself as distinguished from the other family members was poorly differentiated and family loyalty was considered of primary importance. 2. The second characteristic was overprotectiveness with each family member being involved in protective responses and excessive nurturing.

3. The third characteristic is rigidity of interactional patterns, with the family being committed to maintaining thestatus quo—a lack of adaptability when a situation changes. This puts thefamily at risk.

4. the fourth characteristic is avoidance of conflict where family members do not tolerateovert conflicts and so any discussion involving differences of opinion isinvalid. Family therapy would be aimed at modifying the relational patterns.

Summarize FST as a distinct discipline

6 ideas

1.The practice of family therapy (FT) is based on the idea that individuals and their problems are best understood and treated within a relational context.

2.FT’s consider individual symptoms as adaptations to relational constraints within family and larger systems (e.g. peers, school, neighborhood, culture, society).

3.FT’s work with individuals, couples, or famiilies to change interaction patterns so that underlying problems or symptoms may be resolved, which is referred to as systemic practice (Framo, 1972, Haley, 1971, Jackson 1965,Minuchin, 1974, Sprenkle, 2002).

4.Systemic practice informing theprocess of therapy may involve work with an individual or with multipleindividuals, and may result in either first and/or second order change.

5. Conceptually, then, practice and change are distinct. FTs are trained to create therapeutic milieu where the therapist becomes the catalyst, and influences and develops strategies that are designed to effect change in the interactional sequences that precipitate and maintain symptoms (Jackson, 1957).

6.The underlying theoretical framework of FT is derived from GST and cybernetics.(fromDavey, Davey, Tubbs, Salva, Anderson, 2012).

Current research - Priest

date and title

A Bowen Family Systems Model of GAD and Romantic Relationship Distress (2015)


This theory based research was conducted in order to find more effective treatments for GAD, specifically links between GAD and romantic relationship distress.

The roles of family abuse/violence and differentiation in GAD and romantic relationship distress were examined using data from a national survey.

More about Priest and CBT

Chambless and others conducted meta-analysis exploring treatment outcomes for CBT and relaxation treatment for GAD. The results left room for improvement suggesting to the researchers that a more systemic model of treatment may be helpful or worth exploration.

Because romantic distress is strongly correlated with GAD, that was a natural avenue of research.


Starting with 9000 interviews and getting down to a subset of 2300


The results showed that GAD and romantic rel distress are significantly correlated.

These findings supported Bowen's assertions that symptoms of chronic anxiety and relationship distress stem from poor differentitiation.

This is just an example of new research in family systems work because interpersonal/individual therapies do not reap optimal outcomes.

Current Research: Fiscella

The Time for Primary Care Teams Has Arrived (2015)

This study discusses the effectiveness and impact of systems. This shows that systems thinking has not been fully understood, explored, or embraced in a myriad of disciplines, but that is changing and research is supporting the impact of systems on efficacy and effectiveness.

Current Research: LaMarre

Title and year

Mothers' Use of Blogs While Engaged in Family-Based Treatment for a Child's Eating Disorder



Family-based treatment entails parents taking control over their child's eating and guiding them through treatment with the support of a trained family therapist. This study looked at how blogs were utilized as a therapeutic strategy during treatment.


Blogs become part of the system...Authors noted the small sample size and generalizability. This is classic systems work utilizing 21st century methods.