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74 Cards in this Set

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blood like fluid


red blood cells, carry O2 from lungs to body tissues

white blood cells, defend against invading organisms, eliminate dead and dying cells


oval vesicles that take part in blood clotting


amber colored liquid that leaves when blood clots


colorless fluid of blood, in which cells are suspended


lack of red blood cells, lack of hemoglobin, results in weakness


stopping of the flow of blood


clotting of blood


tissue of single layer of cells that lines organs and cavities


innermost layer of pericardium, outer surface of heart, connective tissue


muscular tissue of heart


innermost layer, thin membrane that lines the chambers of the heart


membrane enclosing the heart

intercalated discs

joining between two cells in cardiac muscle


period of contraction and emptying of heart


period of relaxation and filling of the heart between contractions

open circulatory system

fluid is not always in vessels

closed circulatory system

fluid in confined to vessels


red blood cell, contains hemoglobins(proteins that transport O2 in blood)


leukocyte, enters damaged tissue from bloodstream through endothelial wall of blood vessel


phagocytic leukocyte, attaches to blood vessel walls in massive numbers when attracted to infection sire by chemokines


leukocyte, induced to sectrete histamine by allergens


leukocyte, carried out most activities in tissues and organs of lymophatic system, plays major roles in immune responses


leukocyte, targets extracellular parasites too large for phagocytosis in inflammatory response

general composition of plasma

water, sugars, plasma proteins, ion, lipids, hormones, signal molecules, metabolic wastes

plasma proteins

transport lipids, hormones, etc in circulatory system, and regulation of acellular activity

difference between coagulation and hemostasis

hemostasis is stopping of blood

coagulation is clotting of blood

steps in coagulation
tissue injury
prothrombin activated
becomes thrombin(enzyme that activates production of fibrinogen)


hormone that stimulates in bone marrow to produce more red blood cells

what is the basis for blood typing

A: B antibody, accept A and O, give to A and AB

B: A antibody, accept B and O, give to B and AB

AB:no antibody, accept any kind, give to AB

O:AB antibody, accept only O, give to anyone

pulmonary semilunar valve

lies between right ventricle and pulmonary artery

mitral valve
valve between left atrium and left ventricle of heart

tricuspid valve

prevents reflux of blood from right ventricle to the right atrium

aortic valve

seperates aorta from left ventricle that prevents blood from flowing back into left ventricle

pulmonary circulation

carries deoxygenated blood from the heart and brings back oxygenated blood

systemic circulation

carries oxygenated blood from the heart and brings back deoxygenated blood

cardiac cycle


to what are the heart sounds due?

first heart sound: Atrioventricular valves: mitral and tricuspid

second heart sound: Semilunar valves: pulmonary and aortic

conduction system of the heart

specialized cardiac muscle cells in the walls of the heart that send signals to heart causing it to contract

SA node, AV node,

wall of a blood vessel, layers and what is in each

Tunica Intima: innermost layer, endothelium, simple squamous epithelium

Tunica Media: middle layer, Arteries:elastic, smooth muscle Veins:not elastic, smooth muscle, valves to prevent backflow of blood

Tunica Adventitia: outermost layer, connective tissue, elastic(allows for us to feel heartbeat)

types of blood vessels, function of each

Arteries: carry blood away from heart, towards tissues and organs

Arterioles:small branch of artery leading to capillary

capillaries: find branching blood vessels that form network between arterioles and venules

venules: very small vein, collects blood from capillaries

veins: tube forming part of blood circulation, carries oxygenated blood to heart

concept of blood pressure

what affects it? what are their effects?

Exercise: regular exercise can lower BP

Nutrition: dieting increases BP

Stress:raises BP

Sleep: lowers blood pressure

Alcohol: raise blood pressure

deep breathing: lowers BP

what is the pulse? to what is it due?

throbbing of the arteries as blood is pumped through them

lymph? functions?

colorless fluid of white blood cells, bathes tissues and drains through lymphatic system into blood stream

structures of lymphatic system? functions?

fluid: lymph

vessel: moves lymph

organ:node that filters lymph

lymphatic vessels


two lymphatic ducts? what area does each drain?
thoracic duct:
right lymphatic duct: right upper limb and right side of head ands neck


lymphatic vessels of small intestine that abosrb digested fats


left side of stomach, filters blood, made of lymphatic tissue and red pulp


behind nasal cavity, trap bacteria and viruses that come in through the nose, glandular tissue


behind sternum, between lungs, helps protect against autoimmunity when the immune system turns on itself, glandular tissue


rear of the throat, helps fight infections, tissue similar to lymph

functions of spleen

filter for blood, helps fight bacteria that causes pneumonia and meningitis


movement from higher concentration to lower concentration




delivering blood to capillaries


windpipe, tube of cartilage "c" rings between the larynx and bronchial tubes


counterflowing because water flows one way while blood flows the other


sac like organ that air flows in to


sensory cell or organ responsive to chemical stimuli

respiratory mechanisms of other animals
air sacs

path of air as it flows into lungs



major air passages of the lungs that diverge from the windpipe


any minute branches into which a bronchus divides


any tiny air sac in lungs where exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place

anatomy of the lungs


respiratory membrane

alveolar and capillary walls, gas on one side and blood flowing past on the others

describe process of breathing ventilation

normal reflex breathing be altered? when and why


external respiration

oxygen diffuses into the blood

carbon dioxide diffuses into alveolar air

internal respiration

oxygen diffuses out of blood

carbon dioxide diffuses out of cells

how are O2 and CO2 transported in the blood

blood serves to transport both gases

what affects hemoglobin saturation

temperature, blood pH, and partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide

funtion of bicarbonate in the blood

chemical that keeps the pH of blood from becoming too acidic or too basic