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29 Cards in this Set

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types of entomology


• Pestinfestations inbuildingsorgardens,parks• Basisofitigation betweenprivateparty,andserviceproviderssuchaslandlordsorexterminators

Urban Forensic Entomology

types of entomology


• Infestation orcontamination ofcommerciallydistributedfoodsbyinsects.e.g.grains,cockroachesinyourpackofchips!

Stored-product forensic entomology

types of entomology


- poaching

- mysterious wildlife deaths

Wildlife forensics

types of entomology


animal or human abuse

insect larvae feeding on necrotic or living tissue


human _________ sometimes can be recovered from the _________of the insect

blood, digestive tract

other uses of insects

medical- utilitarian




medico-legal/medico criminal entomology



maggot debriment therapy

important book on forensic entomology

published in _____

'entomology and death'


insects existed for ______

highly diverse

250 million years

a ecological concept present in death cycle

ecological succession

developmental ____ depends on _______ at the

_________ level

developmental time depends on temperature at the micro-habitat level

ecological succession

_______community undergoes more of less a ____and ______changes following ______

or initial ________of a new habitat

The ecological community undergoes more or less an orderly and predictable change following a disturbance or initial colonization of a new habitat.

ecological succession of corpse

a corpse will be invaded by a series of different ___________ over time

each species or groups changes the _________ through its activities which makes it _______

to new waves of _______

-species / insect groups



forensics insect

first insects to arrive at body

____ flies

which are ____ &____

pioneer flies -

blow flies

house flies

stages of decomposition

1. no decay -

0-3 days ______

_____flies move in within ___hrs eggs hatched

intial decay

-pioneer flies

-24 hrs

2. _________

4-10 days

body- __________________

_____flies, _____flies, ______, _____

- ______feasts on maggots

-joined by _____wasps


-bloating, marbling, gas produced, smell

blowflies, fleshflies, beetles, mites,

predators feast on maggots

parasitoid wasps

3. ______ _______

10-20 days

_____walls broken

_____bury into ground to become ___--

______maggots, beetles and _____ wasps common

black putrefaction

abdominal walls

maggots - pupa

predatory ,


4.b_______ f___________

remaining ____ eroded

by _______flies

body now suitable for the _____ parts of ______

butyric fermentation

flesh, cheese flies

chewing mouth parts, beetles

5. d__ d_____

50-365 days

______, _______,______

dry decay,

moths, bacteria, mites

rate of decomp depends on

Access by _____, _______

____body is on,


body ___&_____

weather - Te____- ra_______, Hu____

prior _______

body condition - T______


insects, carnivores



size & weight

temp, rainfall, humidity




Collection of samples


dead insects

live insects

soil samples

temperature data

dead insects

____jar - vial of _______ for preservative

larve - representative sample of __-__ larvae

if more than 1 area of colonization than each site treated _________-

properly labelled

l______, d_____&h____, ____ number, _____ on body, name of _______

killing jar

75% ethyl alcohol



location, date and hour, case number , location on body, name of collector

Live insects

put in cups with ________lid

along with moist ________ and food ____

________poked on lid

- place cups in ______ with ______soil

or V________ in bottom to _______ liquids


paper towelette, food substrate

tiny air holes

larger containers, 1/2 inch soil

vermiculite, absorb liquids

soil samples

collect____ litter and d____

- collect s_______ first __-___inches of _____

of ___-___ inch square

under _____,_____ &_______

leaf litter and debris


first 2-3 inches of top soil

4-6 inch square

head, torso, extremities

temperature data

_____air temp

_____mass temp

______surface temp

_______temp between _____& _______-

temp of _____directly underneath _____


ambient air temp

maggot mass temp

ground surface temp

interface temp between body and ground

temp of soil directly underneath body

weather data

estimating the time when infestation of insect begins,

not time of death

postmortem index (PMI)

PMI is restricted to the ____ that the body has been exposed to the environment which allows ________


insect activity

steps for PMI

1. determine ____ at _______

2. rear maggots collected from scene and record ______

identify fly ____ from _____

3.using knowledge of ______ count back from ____ specimens found at scene

temp, scene


species, adult characteristics

instars, collected dead specimens

current modern techniques

Scan____ e_____ m______- for eggs and maggots

P_____ P_______ s_______ for eggs

scanning election microscopy,

potassium permangenate staining


_____ insects and fauna of ______

unknown insects and fauna of region