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71 Cards in this Set

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Which of the pulmonary fungi are true pathogens?
Histoplasmosis capsulatum
Blastomyces dermatitidis
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis
Coccidioides immitis
Which of the pulmonary fungi are opportunists?
Pneumocystis jiroveci
Aspergillus spp
What polymer gives fungi their shape?
Can fungi be encapsulated?
What sterol compound is found in fungi?
Typical fungal infections are _______________?
What environmental changes affect fungal growth?
pH, temperature, CO2
What form do infectious fungi take inside the human body?
Yeast form
Fungi produce toxins?
What causes the damage to the host from a fungal infection?
Immune system damage
Which two cells are needed for mediating infection?
Neutrophils and T-Cells
The yeast form of histoplasmosis shows what on its structure?
Tuberculate - small finger projections
Is histoplasmosis encapsulated?
What type of soil does histoplasmosis like?
Acidic from droppings
How is histoplasmosis transmitted?
Via inhalation of microconidia
What is the most endemic mycosis in the USA?
How does histoplasmosis survive in the macrophage?
Modulation of pH
How many weeks until the histoplasmosis stops?
2 weeks before CMI is activated and T-cells kill off the macrophage + fungi
How does asymptomatic histoplasmosis present?
Fever, cough, rash
Histoplasmosis is self limiting?
Where does disseminated histoplasmosis head to?
Heads to the lymph nodes.
Can histoplasmosis show up looking like TB?
It shows up as streaky infilitrate because of calcifcations.
The rash of histoplasmosis is seen where?
On the knees
The yeast form of blastomyces dermatiditis appears ____________ than histoplasmosis?
Where does dermatiditis replicate?
How is dermatiditis transmit?
How does dermatiditis adhere to target cells?
Glucans and glycoprotein BAD1
What symptom is indicative of disseminated dermatiditis?
Skin lesion
Coccidioides immitis has what unique form that looks like a microconidia?
What is contained in spherule?
Daughter cells
How do you get coccidioides immitis?
Inhalation of athroconidia
Where do athrospores form?
On the hyphae of the fungi.
Where is coccidiodies found in the country?
The south west
What disease is caused by coccidioides?
San Jauquin Valley Fever
The majority of coccidioides infections are hemantagenous?
No. 60% are asymptomatic while 40% are respiratory but self limiting. 1% affect skin and give a spotty rash.
Disseminated coccidioides goes after what two prime sites?
CNS and bones
Diagnosis of coccidioides is found where?
In tissue sample as spherule and as a type 4 hypersensitivity.
Paracoccidioides shows up as what interesting visual difference in the yeast form?
Budding yeast that release daughter particles into the body
Where is paracoccidioides found?
South America
What is paracoccidioides frequently referred to as?
South American blastomycosis.
What gender does paracoccidioides go after?
Mostly men
(Probably because of hormone panel)
Secondary paracoccidioides appears as what?
Damage to nose and mouth in form of ulcers
How does primary paracoccidioides appear?
Like histoplasmosis
Pneuocystis jiroveci is found in what population?
Severely immunocompromised. Opportunisitic
What was pneumocystis thought to be early on?
A protozoan
What compound is missing from pneumocystis?
Can pneumocystis be cultured?
What shape does pneumocystis take?
Any really because of the low chitin.
Pneumocystis is highly virulent?
Pneumocystis relies on what to infect cells?
MSG (major surface glycoprotein)
Why doesn't our immunity against pneumocystis stick around?
Quick mutation rate to the antigenic bit called MSG
Pneumocystis is transmitted how?
By inspiration
Is pneumocystis rare?
No, it is ubiquitious but infection is rare
What type of exudate shows up in people with a pnemocystis infection?
Foamy exudate from what is left of the immune system mounting a response
How does pneumocystis present?
At 3-4 weeks, there is a non-productive cough and dyspnea leading to hypoxia and cyanosis.
Why is cyanosis present in people with pneumocystis?
Foamy exudate blocks the air transit.
What format does the aspergillus take?
Mold form exclusively
What temperature does the hyphae of aspergillus come out at?
45 degrees
What are the two main forms of aspergillus?
Flavus and fumigatus
What enzyme does aspergillus have to allow its continued growth?
Enzymatic proteases that are are extracellular
Where do you find aspergillus?
In the soil and decomposing soil
Invasive asperillus goes where?
Brain, GI and other organs
Localized non-invasive asperillus goes where?
To a single lung site and makes aspergilloma.
What patients are susceptible to infection?
Neutropenia and leukopenia
There are three main species of zygomycosis?
What form does zygomycosis take?
What is indicative of about the hyphae on zygomycosis?
At 90 degree angles
Does zygomycosis show conidia in tissue?
Where is zygomycosis found?
In rotting vegetation and fruits
Inhalation of conidia
What are risk factors of zygomycosis?
Burns, diabetes, cancer, leukemia, corticosteriods
Rhinocerebral zygomycosis is quite common?
No, you must have multiple risk factors for it.