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98 Cards in this Set

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the hip joint is also called?
what helps the hip joint move so well in motions?
its wide range of motion
all the torque in the body is generated from what?
the hips/pelvic girdle
the right and left pelvic bones are joined by what?
the sacrum posteriorly
what are the three pelvic bones?
pubis, ilium, and the ischium
what is the longest bone in the body?
the femur
the sacrum consists of how many fused vertebrae?
what extends inferiorly from the sacrum?
the upper two fifths of the pelvis is what?
the ilium
the posterior and lower 2 fifths of the pelvis is what?
the anterior and lower one fifth of the pelvis is what?
the pubis
hamstrings equal?
ischial tuberosity
the anterior pelvis is the origin for what?
the hip flexors
what are the hip flexors?
the Tensor fasciae latae, sartorius, and the rectus femoris
the TFL originates on the?
anterior iliac crest
the sartorius originates on the?
the rectus femoris originates on the?
the origin for hip abductors is the?
lateral pelvis
just inferior to the iliac crest what originates there?
glute medius and glute minimus
the origin for the hip adductors is what?
medially pelvis
the pubis and its inferior ramus are the origin for what muscles?
adductor magnus/longus/brevis, pectineus, and gracilis
the adductor muscles originate where?
the hip extensors originate where?
the posterior iliac crest, and posterior sacrum and coccyz are an origin for what?
glute max
hamstrings do what?
hip extension
the hamstrings originate where?
ischial tuberosity
the greater trochanter is an origin for what muscles?
glutes, and the deep six external rotators
the lesser trochanter is an oriigin for what?
the anterior femur is the origin for what musccles?
the 3 vasti muscles
the line aspera is for what type of muscles?
the adductors
all 4 quad muscles insert on the patella. T/F?
the sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus are referred to as what?
the pes anserine
the pes anserine is located where?
upper anteromedial tibial surface on the medial condyle
what is the pes anserine?
site of attachment for many different muscles with many different motions
remainding hip muscles insert where?
anterolaterally on Gerdy's tubercle of the tibia
the anterior joints are what?
two pelvic bones and a fibrocartilaginous joint to form the symphysis pubis
the posterior joint is what?
the sacrum lying between the thwo pelvic bones forming the sacroiliac joint
behind the axis is referred to as?
in front of the axis is referred to as?
inside the axis is ?
outside the axis is?
the greater trochanter is what?
lateral to the axis of rotation
abductors and extensors can crossover with motion and synergy. T/F?
the iliofemoral or Y-ligament is located where?
what does the Y-ligament do?
prevents hyperextension
what movements occur in the sagittal plane, frontal axis?
anterior pelvic rotation, posterior pelvic rotation, anterior tilt, posterior tilit
ant. and post. tilt is motion related to what part of the pelvis?
the upper pelvis
what movement occurs in the frontal plane, sagittal axis?
L and R lateral pelvic rotation or L and R lateral tilt
what movements occur in the transverse plane, longitudinal axis?
left transverse pelvic rotation (counterclockwise) and right transverse pelvic rotation (clockwise)
posterior tilt is good. T/F?
with lateral tilt, it is which ever side goes?
with post. tilt, you have what motion of the hip?
with ant. tilt, you have what motion of the hip?
with anterior rotation of the pelvis, you have what motions of the R and L hip?
R hip-flexion
L hip- flexion
with posterior rotation of the pelvis, you have what motions of the R and L hip bones?
with right lateral rotation of the pelvis, you have what motions of the R and L hip?
R hip- abduction
L hip-adduction
with left lateral rotation of the pelvis, you have what motions of the hip bones?
R hip-adducts
L hip- abducts
with right transverse rotation of the pelvis, you have what motions of the hip bones?
R hip-internal rotation
L hip- external rotation
with left transverse rotation, what is the motion of the hip bones?
R hip-external rotation
L hip- internal rotation
what 7 two joint muscles have one action at the hip, and another at the knee?
rectus femoris, sartorius, biceps femoris, semimembranosis, semitendinosus, gracilis, and the TFL
what are the medial hamstring muscles?
semimembranosus, semitendinosus
what are the actions of the iliopsoas?
flexion of the hip, ant. pelvic rotation, external rotation of the femur, and flexion of the lumbar spine
what are the actions of the rectus femoris muscle?
flexion of the hip, knee extension, ant. pelvic rotation
what are the actions of the sartorius muscle?
flexion of the hip or knee, hip abduction, external rotation of the thigh as it flexes the hip an knee, internal rotation of the tibia, ant. pelvic rotation
what are the actions of the pectineus muscle?
hip flexion, hip adduction, external rotation of the hip
the adductor brevis muscle does what actions?
hip adduction, external rotation as it adducts the hip, assists in hip flexion
what are the actions of the adductor longus muscle?
hip adduction, and assists in hip flexion as well as external rotation
what are the actions of the adductor magnus muscle?
hip adduction, external rotation as the hip adducts, and hip extension
what are the actions of the gracilis?
hip adduction, internal rotation of the hip, assists with hip flexion, and weak knee flexion
the semitendinosus muscle does what actions?
knee flexion, hip extension, IR of hip, IR of flexed knee, post. pelvic rotation
what are the actions of the semimembranosus?
knee flexion, hip extension, IR of hip, IR of flexed knee, post pelvic rotation
what are the actions of the biceps femoris?
knee flexion, hip extension, external hip rotation, external rotation of the flexed knee, post pelvic rotation
what are the actions of the glute max?
hip extension, external rotation of the hip....
what are the actions of the glute max upper fibers?
assistance in abduction
what are the actions of the glute max middle fibers?
assistance in adduction
what are the actions of the glute max lower fibers?
post. pelvic rotation
what are the actions of the glute medius?
hip abduction, and main stabilizer of the hip on a single leg stance
what are the actions of the anterior fibers of the glute medius?
internal rotation and flexion
what are the actions of the posterior fibers of the glute medius?
external rotation and extension
what are the actions of the glute minimus muscle?
hip abduction, hip flexion, IR as the femur abducts
what are the actions of the TFL?
abduction of the hip, flexion of the hip, internal rotation of the hip as it flexes, and ant. pelvic rotation
what are the deep six external rotator muscles?
piriformis, gemellus superior, gemellus inferior, obturator externus, obturator internus, and the quadratus femoris
what hip joint and pelvic girdle muscles that lay anteriorly, primarily cause hip flexion?
iliopsoas, pectineus, rectus femoris, sartorius
what muscles primarily cause hip adduction?
adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, gracilis
what muscles primarily cause hip extension?
glute maximus, the hamstring muscles, and the exteranl rotators
what are the muscles that primarily cause hip abduction?
blute med, glute min, external rotators, and the TFL
what muscles are the agonists for hip extension?
glute max, biceps femoris (long head), semimembranosus, semitendinosus
what are the agonists for hip abduction?
glute med, TFL, GLute max, glute min
what are the agonists of hip adduction?
adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, gracilis
what are the agonists for hip internal rotation?
glute min, glute med, TFL
what are the agonists for hip external rotation?
glute max, six deep external rotators
what are the agonists for hip flexion?
psoas, iliopsoas (iliacus), rectus femoris, rectineus, sartorius, TFL
what is the iliac region?
pelvic muscles that flex the hip
what are the 3 iliac region muscles?
iliacus, psoas major, psoas minor
the thigh is divided into what 3 regions?
the ant. compartment, the medial compartment, and the post. compartment
what muscles are in the ant. compartment?
the quads, and the sartorius
what muscles are in the post. compartment?
the hamstrings
what muscles are in the medial compartment?
the adductor brevis, the adductor longus, the adductor magnus, pectineus, and gracilis