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52 Cards in this Set

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The Piaget's stage of cognitive development that describes individuals from birth - 2
Stage 1 - Sensorimotor stage
Stage 1
The Piaget's stage of cognitive development that describes behavior betweenthe age of 2-7.
Stage 2 - Preoperational Stage
Stage 2
What are the characteristics that describe the preoperational stage?
Egocentrism, Regidity oth thought, semi-logical reasoning, and limited social cognition characterize the state.

Focus on what they cannot do instead of can.
T he Piaget's stage of cognitive development that describe the tinking of children between the ages of 7-11?
Stage 3 - Concrete Operational Stage
Stage 3
The Piaget's stage of cognitive development that opens the door for high-level critical thinking.
Stage 4 - Formal Operations Stage
Stage 4
What are the characteristics that describe the Concrete Operational Stage?
Learners beigin to consider viewpoints other than their own. They can perform transformations, meaning that they can understand reversibility, inversion, reciprocity, and conservation. Key works : Inference, inductive reasoning, increase quantitative skills, manipulate symbols
Stage 3
What are the characteristics that describe the Formal Operations Stage
Adult thinking - engage in logical, abstract, and hypothetical thought.

They can uses the scientific method...meaning they can formulate hypotheses, isolate influences, and identify cause and effect relationships. They can plan and anticipate verbal cures.
The earth is estimated to be approximately __ billion years old?
What were the earliest know humans called
What time period and where did the Hominids live
Africa 3-4 million years ago
All MORDERN humans decended from this species of hominids?
Homo sapiens (Along w/Neanderthals, who became extinct)
What are the three periods Historians divide prehistory?
1. Paleolithic (Old stone age)(2.5M years ago to 10k BCE)
2. Mesolithic (Middle stone age)(10k-7kBCE)
3. Neolithic (New Stone Age)
Identifiers of the Paleolithic Period?
- make tools and weapons from stone and bones.
- painted and drew on the walls of caves
- fire
Identifiers of the Mesolithic period?
Beginnings of planting and harvesting.
Identifiers of the Neolithic periods?
Systematic agriculture and began domesticating animals. Lived in farming villages, towns....Lived in much larger communities.
Development of crafts, and a rise in trade.

The existence of written records represent the end of the prehistoric period.
Where did the first civilization emerge?
Mesopotamia and Egypt.
what is the significance of the dates 6000BCE and 3000BCE
Appearance of Civilization and Related Cultural and technological Developments
What is the divisor between PreHistoric times and Historic times?
The invention of writing in 3500BCE in Mesopotamia.
The Sumerians constructed dikes and reservoirs and established a loose confederation of city-states during which period of time
4k-2k BCE
The writing invented w/wedge-shaped letters by the Sumerians is called
When were the people of mesopotamia absorbed into other empires and dynasties?
When were the pyramids built?
2613-2494 BCE
When were the pyramids built?
during the 4th dynasty. (ca 2613-2494 bce)
The Hebrews fled Egypt under Moses around what time?
1200 BCE
Who established Jerusalem as a capital?
King David
When did the Persians conquer Babylon and allowed the Jews to return to Palestine?
539 BCE
In the archaic period, the greeks organized arount the _______ or city-state?
Who controlled most of the polis until near the end of the sixth centure
Individuals holding absolute power are known as
The fifth century BCE was the high point of Greek civilization and was known as this age?
The Classical Age
When were the Persian Wars?
560-479 BCE
Sophists emphasized what?
the indivuidual and the attainmentof excellence through rhetoric, grammar, music, and mathematics.
Socrates criticized the Sophists emphasis on what?
Rhetoric. he emphasized a process of questioning or dialogues, with his students.
Plato (428-348 BCE) emphasized
Aristotle was a student of whom?
Aristotle argued plato about
the ideas or forms did not exist outside of things. He contended that it was necessary to examine four factors in treating any object.
What are the four factors Aristotle feels is needed to treat any object
1.) matter
2.) form
3.) cause of origin
4.) its end or purpose
In the early republic of Rome power was held in the hands of....
Particians - or wealthy land owners
Julius Ceasar emerged as the most powerful man in Rome during which period?
60 BCE to 47 BCE
Who assasinated Julius Ceasar?
Brutus and Cassius
What day is the ides of March?
March 14, 44 BCE
Who succeeded Julius Caesar?
Octavian, Julius Caesars adopted son.
Octavian (Augustus) added what contributions?
New tax collection, fire and police protection and land for settlers in the provinces.
The decentralized political system of personal ties and obligations that bound vassals to their lords.
Buddhist religion
Another name for Charles the Great
an economic system in which large estates, granted by the king to nobles, strove for self-sufficiency is
peasants who were bound to the land. They worked on the demesne, or lords property, three or four days a week in return for the right to work their own land
Magna Carta Libertatum
established the principle of a limited English monarchy....acknowledging their "ancient" privileges.
An effort to reconcile reason and faith and to instruct Christians on how to make sense of the pagan tradition. The most influential proponent of this effort was Thomas Aquinas
What was the nickname of the disease that killed 25-40% of the european population in 1350.
The Black Death (Plague)
Who nailed a 95 theses, or statements, about indulgences to the door of the Wittenberg church and later became excommunicated for his teachings?
Martin Luther (1483-1546)