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27 Cards in this Set

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19th Century
Political Instability, for the first time the monarchy and the church were not the center of people's lives, Mal du Siecle
Mal du Siecle
A general feeling of unease/depression after the failure of the revolution and the return to a weak monarchy.
Alfred de Musset
19th Century, people don't know what they want, young people grow up in a time where the past won't die, the future is unknown, and the present is a strange in-between. Et quand on parlait du trône et de l’autel, ils répondaient : ce sont quatre ais de bois; nous les avons cloués et décloués
First wave of romantics, including Musset and Chateaubriand, longed for the olden days, nostalgia, etc. The second wave was a revolt against capitalism. Hugo was a part of both. Impossibility of living in the present, nature as a refuge, impossible love
details add up to create the whole picture, mosaic, confrontation of romanticism with reality, wants to examine the present, Flaubert
Scientific approach, looks at alcoholism, violence, prostitution, blood, nerves,
Ideal world, turn language into a magic formula, synesthesia, transcend the real world
Victor Hugo
Romanticism, parents didn't get along, wanted to be Chateaubriand, rivals with his brother Eugene, Hermani, didn't follow the rules of tragedy, daughter died in a boating accident, French Accademy, Demain des l'Aube
Demain des l'Aube
Hugo, romantic, inaccessible love, daughter who died, nature references, can't live in the present, lines switch from ending in masculine and feminine
Notre Dame de Paris
Hugo, romantic, gothic was the best era, before the rennaissance it was pretty but all the same, loved Napoleon
Gustave Flaubert
Realism, son of a surgeon, father and sister died, surgeon of literature, Madame Bovary based on a true story, it was very offensive.
Madame Bovary
Realist details undermine the romanticism: awarding a prize for manure while the love scene goes on. A woman is given a prize for her life's service, but it doesn't change anything, just as crowning a pig doesn't change that it's still a pig.
Arthur Rimbaud
Symbolist, won lots of literary prizes, homosexual relationship, hallucinations with drugs and alcohol, died young, stopped writing at age 21. Le dormeur du val, Voyelles
Le Dormeur du Val
The soldier is sleeping, but really he's dead. Realist, Rimbaud, sonnet,
Synesthesia, Rimbaud, doesn't really mean anything, creates a magic poetic language,
20th Century
Organized around war. Before the first war: La Belle Epoque: fairly prosperous, free from war, Dreyfus Affair (jew falsely imprisoned for treason) political divisions and anti-semitism. WWI: Dadaism, L'entre deux guerres: Surrealism, annees folles, negritude. WWII: Existentialism. 1950s-60s: Theater of the Absurd, Le Nouveau Roman
WWII, Sartre, Camus, focuses on the present, hope is destructive, no God, claim your own destiny, Sisyphus can be happy.
La Negritude
Aime Cesaire, Leon Gontran Damas, Senghor, Black identity and culture, permits them to better know themselves and their race
Damas, Negritude, disgust at colonials and himself for being a sell-out, from appearance to deeper things,
Femme Noir
Senghor, Africa is the woman, light and dark, Phoenix: Africa can be reborn from her ashes, criticizes the French in french.
Gabrielle Roy
La Detresse de L'enchantement, born in Manitoba, teacher, wanted to do theater, received literary prizes,
La Detresse de L'enchantement
Gabrielle Roy, autobiography of childhood in Manitoba, foreigner in her own country, demand to speak French or speak English, flight from the store under an umbrella, even after her English is perfect, she still doesn't feel like she fits in
Jean Anouilh
started writing theater pieces at age 12, didn't have much success until Le Voyager sans bagage, Antigone was his work with the most political theme, got the idea for Antigone from the red posters
Anouilh, no one applauded the first time it was performed, performed during WWII
Petain and de Gaulle
Petain called for an armistice, explains the differences between the WWI and the present situation. de Gaulle spoke on the radio the next day and encouraged the French people to continue resisting
Order of isms
1. Romanticism
2. Realism
3. Naturalism
4. Symbolism
5. Dadaism
6. Surrealism
7. Negritude
8. Existentialism
9. Theater of the Absurd
10. Le Nouveau Roman
5th Republic
De Gaulle 1958