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33 Cards in this Set

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Enron Schemes

#1- Abuse of Mark-to-market accounting via mariner energy
#2- Abuse of SPEs
Special Purpose Entity #1- Jedi
Special Purpose entity #2- Chewco
Special Purpose Entity #3: LJM1
Special Purpose Entity #4: LJM2 and the raptors
Special Purpose Entity #5 and #6: Whitewing and Osprey
#3 Prepay Transactions

Enron Signals (7)
Signals of Enron’s Fictitious reporting schemes of using SPE’s to understate debt and overstate earnings

1. Assets and liabilities of unconsolidated affiliates or SPE’s increasing significantly
2. Vague References to unconsolidated affiliates in notes to the financial statements
3. Unconsolidated affiliates used to generate significant profits
4. Related party transactions note to the financial statements referring to transactions with unconsolidated SPEs
5. Securitization of current assets
6. Retaining partial ownership in assets sold
7. A company guaranteeing the debt of its SPEs

General signals of Enron’s assorted financial problems (7)

1. Account Receivable increasing as a percentage of revenue
2. CFFO lagging behind operating income
3. Late publication of financial statement
4. High interest expense in relation to income
5. Substantial growth of debt
6. Use of “Death-Spiral” financing
7. Straying from Core Business

LIVENT: mainly an example of improper expense recognition via failure to record expenses and via improper deferral of expenses

1. Understatement of expenses via removing invoices from the records
2. Improper deferral of expenses
3. Improper capitalization of expenses
4. Additional misc schemes- misstated revenues (improperly timed revenue or false revenue)

Signals of Livent Scheme #1: Understating expenses (3)

1. Decrease in expense as a percentage of sales
2. Decrease in current liabilities as a percentage of current assets or of sales
3. Regular vendor not on accounts payable list

Signals of Livent Scheme #2: Understating expenses via deferral of expenses (4)

1. Increase in deferred costs or prepaid expenses as a percentage of total assets
2. Decrease of expenses as a percentage of sales
3. Unusually long period for depreciation of assets
4. Increase in ratio of deferred assets to sales

Signals of Livent Scheme #3- understating expenses via capitalization of expenses (4)

1. Lower asset-turnover ratio
2. Change in policy for capitalization of costs
3. Write off of costs previously capitalized
4. Unusual capitalization policy

RITE AID- example of overstating ending inventory values to reduces COGS

1. Overstating ending inventory values to reduce COGS
2. Adjusting gross profit entries to reduce COGS
3. Improper recognition of vendor rebates to reduce COGS
4. Other manipulations- failed to write off capitalized costs, reverse the a/p from prescription medication, into profit and failed to accrue an expense each quarter with respect to stock appreciation rights (sars)

Signals of Rite Aid's fictitious reporting schemes of reducing COGS (4)

1. Increase in inventory as a percentage of COGS
2. Unexpected and unusually large increases in gross margin as a percentage of sales
3. Reduction in inventory reserve as a percentage of inventory
4. CFFO dropping below operating income

ALLEGHENY (AHERF)- an example of understating reserves for bad debts

1. Understating Bad debt
2. Transferred millions of reserves to avoid recognizing the expense in its income statement
Allegheny Signals (4)

1. Unusually large net accounts receivable
2. Decrease in reserve for bad debt as a percentage of accounts receivable
3. Increase in accounts receivable as a percentage of total current assets
4. CFFO lagging behind operating income

LOCKHEED- an example of failing to record impairments of assets

1. Failing to account for asset impairments

Lockheed Signals (5)

1. Significant intangible assets accompanied by operating or production problems
2. Company with large intangible assets incurring a loss
3. Decrease in a company’s asset-turnover ratio
4. Accounting policy indicating slow asset write-off
5. Unusual restructuring charges

EDISON Schools- an example of inadequate disclosures in its MD&A

• Signals- no specific signals, however it is important to be aware of different reporting methods and to question why one method was chosen rather than another

ALDELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION- presented mainly as an example of
1) failure to disclose related-party transactions and improper use of related-party transaction
2) improper use of NON-GAAP financial measures

Reporting Schemes
1. improper use and misleading disclosure of related-party transaction
2. Improper use of Non-GAAP financial measures

Aldelphia Signals (2)

1. Notes in the f/s indicating that the company is involved in business transactions with related parties
2. Mixing a company’s assets or liabilities with those of other parties

BELLSOUTH- presented as an example of improper accounting for foreign payments in violation of the Foreign corrupt parties act (FCPA)

1. Use of fabricated invoices at telcel
2. Use of inappropriate payments and the failure to keep accurate records at telefonia
3. Improper accounting in violation of the FCPA

KRISPY KREME- an example of inappropriate accounting for round-trip transactions

Fraud Schemes-
1. Inappropriate accounting for round-trip transactions
2. Recording of early shipments of equipment sales to franchisees
3. Failing to accrue the full amount of incentive compensation expense in accordance with the company’s incentive plan

Krispy Kreme SIGNALS of operational problem of opening too many franchises (2)

1. Rise in franchise acquisition rights
2. Growth of existing store sales less than growth in company sales

Signals of Krispy Kreme’s fictions reporting scheme of misusing round-trip transactions (2)

1. Account receivable increasing as a percentage of sales
2. CFFO lagging operating income

MORTGAGE- Countrywide Signals of underestimation of allowance for loan losses (3)

1. Allowance for loan losses not growing in proportion to the increase in riskier loans
2. Allowance for loan losses not growing in proportion to the increase in troubles loans
3. Allowance for loan losses not increasing significantly as house prices fall

Countrywide Fraud Schemes

1) Misleading Description of Loans in SEC Filings 2) Underestimating of Allowance for Loan Losses


Pool together large quantitiesof loan and sell interests in these loans to investors in the form ofsecurities

Mortgage-backed Security

Financial instrumentthat gives the owner an interest in a mortgage loan or a partial interest in apool of mortgage loans


Process of carving up or separating apool of mortgages into different classes, tranches, of securities which absorbdifferent default loses

Credit Default Swaps

One can invest in a copperderivative security that requires that the holder must be paid an amount determinedby reference to the level of a copper price index on a specific date. Insurancecompanies such as AIG and some investment banks began to write instruments thatgave the holder of the instrument the right to be paid if the borrowers of theunderlying mortgages backing the MBSs and CDOs defaulted.

Management fees and Chewco

Recognized present value of entire 5 year period’smanagement fees of 25.7 million in its income statement. Mangement fees arepaid to Enron employees for running these SPE’s

Contrived Put Options and LJM1

Enron used LJM1 to create afalse put option hedge for its investments in Rhythm Netconnections. The stockpricewent up but Enron was not allowed to trade its Rhytms stock before the endof 1999. Andy Fastow wanted to recognize the profit in Enron’s booksimmediately. Since it was not guaranteed that Enron would make that minimumprofit from selling the stocks to LJM1, enron could use mark-to-marketaccounting to revalue the Rhythm stocks and it could book at least that amountof profit.

Related party sales and LJM1

Enron was involved in buildinga power plant in Brazil, things went south and environmentalists were opposingit. They wanted to sell it but couldn’t find a buyer so Andy Fasto created LJM1to buy a 13% stake in Cuiaba. Pretty much Enron sold part of its own share ofthe Brazilian company back to itself, like a dog chasing its tail.

Mark to market accounting and LJM1

Enron figured if the 13%share that it sold was work 11.3 million, then using mark-to-market accounting,the remainder of its share must be worth an extra $34 million in the incomestatement. He also used mark-to-market accounting from time to time to revaluethe remaining unsold part of the poorly performing assets.

What Qualifies Under Riskier Loans?

1) High LTV Loans

2) Pay-Option ARM Loans

3) 80/20 Loans

4) Undocumented Loans

5) Nonconforming Loans

6) Subprime Loans

What Qualified Under Troubled Loans?

1) Loan Delinquencies

2) Nonperforming Loans

3) Loans with interest that is no longer being accrued

4) Loans with negative amortization

5) Troubled debt restructuring

Steps Leading to the Mortgage Crisis

1) The Housing Bubble

2) Easy Credit: Securitization

3) Easy Profit: Tranching

4) Easy Banking: Regulations Repealed

5) Easy Investing: Credit Default Swaps