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59 Cards in this Set

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Label A-E

Label A-E

A- styloid process


C- Radial tuberosity

D-Neck of radius

E- Articular surface, head

Label F-K

Label F-K


G- troclear notch

H- coronoid process

I-Radial Notch


K-Interosseus membrane

Label L-N

Label L-N

L-Head of ulna

M- Styloid process

N-Distal Radialulnar joint


Injury and inflammation at the musculotendinous unit that attaches to the humerus epicondyles. Occurs due to strain and overuse,

~Lateral epicondylitis- "tennis elbow"- common extensor tendon

~Medial epicondylitis-"golfer elbow" common flexor tendon

Anterior compartment of the forearm

8 muscles,

Arise via a common tendonous attachment at the medial epicondyle.

Mostly innervated by the median nerve

Flexors and pronators

Posterior compartment of the forearm

6 muscles

Arise from a common tendon at the medial epicondyle

All innervated by the radial nerve

Extensors and supinators

Pronator teres

Proximal attachment- medial epicondyle

Distal Attachment lateral surface of radius

Innervation- median nerve

Action- pronates forearm

Pronator teres

Flexor carpi radialis

Proximal attachment- medial epicondyle

Distal attachment-Base of metatarsals 2 and 3

Innervation-median nerve

Action- Flexes and abducts the wrist

Flexor carpi radialis

Palmeris Longus

Proximal attachment- medial epicondyle

Distal attachment- Palmar aponeuresis

Innervation-median nerve

Action-flexes and adducts the wrist

Palmeris longus

Flexor carpi ulnaris

Proximal attachment-medial epicondyle and ulna

Distal attachment -pisiform bone

Innervation- Ulnar nerve

Action- flexes and adducts the wrist

4 muscles of the superficial anterior forearm

(Pass, Fail, Pass, Fail)

Pronator teres

Flexor carpi radialis

Palmaris longus

Flexer carpi ulnaris

Flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS)

Proximal attachment- humoroulnar head, and radial head

Distal attachment- base of middle phalanges on digits 2-5

Innervation- medial nerve

Action- flexes the PIP and MCP digits. Flexes wrist. (bye-bye wave)

Forms 4 tendons that pass through carpal tunnel

Flexor Digitorum Profundus

Flexor digitorum profundus (FDP)

Proximal attachment- anterior and medial ulna, interosseous membrane

Distal attachment- bases of the distal phalanx of 2-5

Innervation- medial half is ulnar nerve, lateral half is median nerve

Action-flexes DIP, PIP, MCP and wrist

tendons pass through carpal tunnel deep to FDS

Muscle of the intermediate anterior forearm

Flexor digitorum superficailis

What muscles flex DIP joints?

Flexor digitorum profudus is the only muscle that can flex DIP joints of 2nd to 5th digits.

Flexor pollices longus (FPL)

Proximal attachment-Anterior surface of radius and interosseous membrane

Distal attachment- base of distal phalanx of thumb

Innervation-median nerve

Action flexes the thumb.

Tendon passes through tte cape tunnel lateral to FDS and FDP tendons.

Flexor Pollicis Longus

Pronator Quadratus

Proximal attachment- distal anterior ulna

Distal attachment-distal anterior radius

Innervation-median nerve

Action- pronation

Pronator quadratus

What muscles in the anterior forearm are innervated by the ulnar nerve?

Flexor carpi ulnaris and medial half of flexor digitorum profundus

3 muscles of the deep anterior forarm

Flexor digitorum profundus

Flexor pollicis longus

Pronator quadratus

Pronator syndrome

The median nerve could become entrapped, severed, or compressed near the elbow where it enters the forearm between the heads of pronator teres muscle.

Deficits- 2nd and3rd finders can't be fully flexed. "hand of benediction" when attempting to make a fist.

Ulnar nerve injury

If the injury occurs at the elbow then the power of hand adduction will be impaired- hand is deviated to the lateral side when attempting to flex the wrist. There will be impaired sensation to medial hand and digits. "Claw hand"

Radial Artery

Branches off of the Brachial artery in the cubital fossa. Deep to the brachioradialis. The superficial branch of the radial nerve lies beside it. Can be palpated for pulse. Main supply to the palmer arch of the hand

Ulnar Artery

Branches of the brachial artery in the cubital fossa.As it exits the cubital fossa it gives rise to the anterior and posterior interosseous arteries.Transverses forearm between FDP and flexor carpi ulnaris muscles. Main supply to the superficial palm of the hand.

Innervation of the posterior compartment of the forearm.

Radial Nerve


Proximal attachment-lateral ridge of humerus

Distal attachment- lateral distal radius

Innervation-radial nerve

Action-flex at elbow

posterior forearm muscles that extend the wrist

Extensor carpi radialis longus

Extensor carpi radialis brevis

Extensor carpi ulnaris

Posterior forearm muscles that extend the medial four digits

Extensor digitorum

Extensor indicis

Extenser digiti minimi

Posterior forearm muscles that extend and abduct the thumb

Abductor pollicis longus

Extensor pollicis brevis

Extensor pollicis longus

Extensor retinaculum

Covers extensor tendons at the wrist and prevents bowing during hyperextension.

Radial nerve

Before it divides into the superficial and deep branches it innervates the brachioradialis and the carpi radialis longus. Most muscles are innervated by the deep branch which becomes the interosseous nerve after the supinator muscle. The superficial branch is sensory.

Type of fracture?

Type of fracture?

Colles fracture- A distal radius fracture that is displaces dorsally. Commonly occurs when one catches ones self in a fall. There is said to be a "dinner fork deformity".

Carpal bones

(Some Lovers Try Positions That They Can't Handle)

Deep transverse metacarpal ligaments

There are three ligaments that link the metacarpals. (none span index finger to thumb)

Synovial joints between carpals

Share a common articular cavity and are reinforced by a multitude of ligaments

Carpometacarpal joint

Found in the thumb gives the greatest range of mobility

Metacarpalpharyngeal joints (MCP)

Condyler joints- permit flexion, extension,abduction, adduction, and circumduction. (knuckles)

Interphalangeal joints (DIPS and PIPs)

Hinge joints that permit flexion and extension

Carpal Tunnel

tendons and the median nerve transverse it, formed by carpals and transverse carpal ligamnet Tensons from FDS,FDP and flexor pollicis longus.

What condition is this? How is it treated?

What condition is this? How is it treated?

Carpal tunnel syndrome. Tapping over the flexor reticulum will increase or reproduce the symptoms (Tinels sign). Treated with splints, activity modification, stretching, vitamin B6, antiinflammatory drugs, or surgical decompression.

Flexor tendon pulley system.

Tendon sheaths contain FDS and FDP. Deep ulnar artery passes through gunyons canal (btween hook of hamate and pisiform)

Extensor expansion hoods.

Allows for extension from lumbercles at PIP and DIP simultaneously, with the flexion of the MCP joints.

Venicula longus and breves

Mesotendons for blood suppl of the figers.

Dupuytren's contracture

Thickening of the fibrous bands of the palm. Often it is bilateral and more commonly occurs in men over fifty. It is associated with myoblast proliferation and type III collagen. Surgical extensionof fascia frees the fingers.

Anatomical snuff box

Medial border- extensor pollicis longus.

Lateral border- abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis.

Contents- radial artery- allows scaphoid palpation.

Thenar muscles

Abductor Pollicics brevis

FLexor pollicis brevis

Opponens Pollices

Actions- Flex, abduct and oppose the thumb.

Innervation- recurrant branch of medial nerve.

Thenar muscle group- abductor pollicis brevis

Adductor pollicis

Proximal attachment- metacarpal of middle finger

Distal Attachment- medial side of 1st metatatarsal

Innervation-ulnar nerve

Action- Adducts thumb

Dorsal interossi

Proximal attachment- Base of metacarpals

Distal attachment-dorsal hood base of proximal phalanx

Action- finger abduction

Adductor pollicis

Dorsal interossei

Palmer interossei

Palmer interossei

Proximal attachment- base of metacarpals

Distal attachment- dorsal hood

Action- finger adduction.


Proximal attachment- FDP tendons

Distal attachment -extensor hood.

Innervation- 1st and second get median, 3rd and 4th ulnar

Action-flex MCP, extend IPs.

~Pass dorsally around the lateral side of the finger.