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115 Cards in this Set

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In objective evaluations
c. laboratory instruments instead of humans are used to measure the characteristics of foods quantitatively
2. Which of the following statements does not describe a characteristic of bound water? Bound water is
a. the largest amount of water present in foods p 33
3. Which of the following bacteria is destroyed by heat yet grows at refrigerator temperatures?
a. Yersinia enterocolitica p 68
4. _____ is/are often added to foods to improve their protein profile, especially foods based on grains and
beans that are low in lysine.
d. Whey protein isolates p 212
5. Some problems that can occur when preparing hard meringues include
e. none of the above answers is correct p 261
6. The cell walls in vegetables gain their structural support from the cell wall fibers that are indigestible by humans and include all of the following EXCEPT
7. Food gums are often added to processed foods such as ice cream, candies, and salad dressings to
c. increase their viscosity p 271
8. Although the color of banana skin comes from a mixture of pigments, the one that predominates is
9. Which of the following food items is an example of a suspension?
c. cornstarch mixed in water p 36
10. Which of the following cheeses is not classified as a “fresh” cheese?
a. Brie p 233
11. In addition to yeast and flour, the basic ingredients in a yeast bread include all of the following EXCEPT
a. fat and/or eggs. p 418
12. The _____ is rich in fat and incomplete protein, and is an excellent source of B vitamins and vitamin
b. germ p 347
13. Quick breads are typically leavened
c. during baking with carbon dioxide. p 407
14. Organic acids contribute
c. tart flavor components in fruits. p 299
15. The sequence of steps in the muffin method of mixing are
b. to sift the dry ingredients together, mix the wet together, and then mix until just moist. p 408
16. The most common solid starch hydrolysates used now are
d dry maltodextrins and corn syrup solids p 393
17. Reduced-fat tortillas may have
c. a tough dough and chewy texture. p 410
18. Which of the following flours yields a baked product that has a light and airy texture?
f. wheat p 368
19. The varying shapes of ready-to-eat cereal available to consumers depend on how they have
been processed. For example, breakfast cereal may be
e. all of the above answers are correct p 347
20. The ability of a baked product to rise is directly related to its _____ content.
c. protein p 368
22. The purpose of kneading is to
d. develop the gluten to its maximum potential. p 368-369
23. Whole-grain products are a good source of
e. all of the above answers are correct p 349
24. Which of the following statements is incorrect about recently marketed flour products?
d. Some research indicates that organic wheat may be slightly better for bread making than conventionally-cultivated wheat. p 418-419
25. Oxidized starches
d. are ideal for dusting foods such as marshmallows because of their powder-like consistency. p 397
26. Hard wheat has a higher _____ than soft wheat.
protein content
27. What are the typical steps in making a gravy, in order?
d. degreasing, deglazing, reduction, straining, and seasoning p 402
28. Why are some raisins brown-colored and some raisins golden-colored?
c. Light-colored raisins are often treated with sulfur dioxide, which prevents enzymatic browning. p 315
29. Crepes are thin pancakes and are different from regular pancakes due to the amount of
b. leavener p 409
30. Which of the following explains why cereal grains expand upon cooking?
e. The starch molecules gelatinize when heated in water, thus swelling the grain. p 356
31. The process of pasteurizing juice
a. inactivates enzymes and destroys microorganisms that can cause foodborne illness. p 314
32. Which of the following sauces is made with creamed butter, powered sugar, and vanilla or other flavoring?
33. The dry texture of a quick bread can be due to
d. an oven that is either too hot or too cool. p 411
34. Which fruit classification contains drupes and pomes?
a. simple p 298
35. Imitation ice cream is a frozen product that
a. has milk fat replaced with vegetable fat. p 536
36. The baking industry relies on _____ to enhance crust color, texture, and crumb, and to temper the sweetness of sucrose.
a. glucose p 438
37. Which of the following can reform a temporary emulsion that has separated?
a. agitation p 456
38. Pound cakes can be made lighter and smoother by
d. grinding the sugar. p 479
39. A _____ is a decorative ice cream, in two or more different flavors, layered in a mold.
a. bombe p 535
40. _____ appears to be the closest equivalent to sucrose in solubility and functionality.
41. The purpose of hydrogenation of plant oils is to
a. make them more solid, and increase smoke point and shelf life. p 464
42. The degree to which a sugar dissolves in water varies from sugar to sugar. Which of the following
answers ranks the sugars from most soluble to least soluble?
b. sucrose, glucose, maltose, and lactose p 446
43. Winterized oils are
b. oils from which the certain fatty acids have been removed to prevent cloudiness. p 464
44. Of the following, the most fluid of cookie batters are those for
e. brownies. p 490
45. Which of the following cakes does not rely on foam formation for its structure?
c. pound p 479-480
46. How is the doneness test determining the “hard crack” stage for candy syrup temperatures described?
b. syrup separates into threads that are hard and brittle, but do not stick to fingers p 521
47. Leavening for puff pastry is
b. moisture and air. p 500
48. Extremely slow cooling or long storage times form the most stable _____ crystals, which have an
opaque look yet produce a sandy, brittle texture.
b. beta () p 456
49. The reason why some emulsifiers are able to mix in both lipid- and water-based ingredients
is because
e. all of the above answers are correct p 456
50. Which of the following is made with flour, water, and a small amount of oil?
c. phyllo p 500
51. Meat from herbivores serves as an important source of _____ in the American diet.
b. complete proteins p 140
52. Beef from cattle is classified according to
b. age and gender. p 140
53. Veal is meat from
a. beef calves between the ages of three weeks and three months. p 141
54. The primary difference between lamb and mutton is that
c. lamb is from sheep under 14 months and mutton is from sheep over 14 months. p 141
55. Pork is generally defined as
d. young swine of either gender between 5 ½ and 7 months of age. p 141
56. Connective tissue in the animal and ultimately in the meat is
d. tendons, ligaments, and the “glue” that holds muscle cells together. p 142
58. Cuts of meat high in connective tissue
c. are more flavorful than the tender cuts. p 142
59. The fat in an older animal is influenced by presence of _____ pigments in the feed.
d. carotenoid p 143
60. Which of the following statements about searing meat is true?
d. Trying to move the meat too early in the searing process will destroy the crust formation. p 161
61. Poultry is
b. domesticated birds raised for their meat. p 172
62. Which of the following are best used in soups and stews?
d. older chickens p 173
61. The grading of poultry
d. uses criteria such as conformation and fleshing. p 174
62. Wild ducks have darker breast meat than domesticated chickens and turkeys because
d. they exercise more by flying. p 173
63. Chicken nuggets
e. all of the above answers are correct p 175
64. A good “rule of thumb” when deciding how much ready-to-eat poultry to purchase is
b. one-half pound per serving. p 176
65. A well-cooked bird, having already reached the proper internal temperature, may also
exhibit some other characteristics including
e. all of the above answers are correct p 178
66. When roasting birds
d. some cooks salt and sugar the skin intentionally so that it dries out and additional browning occurs. p 179
67. Turkeys may be trussed before they are cooked to
d. prevent the legs and wings from overcooking before the breast is done. p 180
68. The classic aroma of roasting chicken comes from
d. volatile compounds such as carbonyls and hydrogen sulfide. p 179
69. Braising, also called fricasseeing,
b. is a moist-heat preparation method of particular value with older, tougher birds. p 182
70. When you brined your bird for Thanksgiving this year the results were really disappointing.
The flesh was too mushy when it came out of the brining solution. What could have gone
d. The bird was left too long in the brining solution. p 178
71. Marine vertebrates are sea creatures that
a. get their oxygen from above the water surface or through gills. p 188-189
72. The two major categories of shellfish are
d. invertebrate crustaceans and mollusks. p 189
73. The majority of the fish consumed in the United States come from
c. salty waters. p 189
74. Meat from fish, in general, is
c. lower in fat than other meats. p 189
75. One of the reasons why fish is tender is because
c. there is little hydroxyproline in the connective tissue. p 190
76. Regarding muscle structure,
b. heat softens the collagen in the myocommata and contributes to the characteristic flaking of prepared fish. p 190
77. The grading of finfish is
e. voluntary but only conducted on inspected finfish. p 192
78. The pink/orange hue seen in some salmon, trout, and crustaceans comes from
79. Consumers can be assured of the wholesomeness of shellfish by buying shellfish that have
been handled by
a. shippers on the Department of Commerce’s Interstate Certified Shellfish Shippers List. p 192
80. A dressed fish is best identified as a whole fish that has
c. its entrails, head, tail, fins, and scales removed. p 192
81. Regarding rigor mortis in fish:
c. cooking fish prior to rigor mortis results in a tough-textured flesh. p 193
82. Phosphate treatment of fresh finfish
c. increases water-binding capacity of the flesh. p 193
83. When compared to the shellfish it is intended to resemble, surimi is
a. lower in cholesterol. p 197
84. Freezing fish
d. all of the above answers are correct p 205
85. The characteristic smell of fish odor is primarily from
d. trimethylamine p 203
86. All of the following food items are highly perishable except
e. none of the above answers is correct p 574
87. Most of the food preservation methods involving microorganisms ultimately depend upon
the method’s ability to
b. destroy them or inhibit their growth. p 575
88. In which of the following foods is fermentation least likely to occur?
b. parmesan cheese p 575
89. Which of the following animals has the most active proteases?
90. Molds
b. produce a bloom on foods that indicates that spoilage has begun. p 575
91. Which of the following responses is not a purpose of edible coatings on foods?
e. to eliminate all pathogenic microorganisms p 578
92. In order to prevent growth of Clostridium botulinum, meats, poultry, fish, and vegetables
with a pH higher than _____ must be canned under pressure.
d. 4.6 p 579
93. The process of pasteurization destroys
c. nonspore-forming pathogenic microorganisms. p 581
94. Proponents of irradiation state that irradiation
d. all of the above answers are correct p 583
95. Canned foods are susceptible to which of the following nutrient losses?
b. thiamin p 585
The degree of doneness can be determined by pressing lightly on the lean tissue to determine whether the meat is rare, medium, or well done.
When broiling thick steaks or those to be well done, the door of an electric oven should be left open while a gas broiler door should be left closed.
The degree of doneness can be determined by pressing lightly on the lean tissue to determine whether the meat is rare, medium, or well done.
The factor that has the greatest impact on the tenderness of meat is the location of the muscle on the animal.
. Quality grades are the amount of lean meat on the carcass in proportion to fat, bone, and other edible parts.
The inspection of an animal carcass that is going to be sold commercially is mandatory.
7. About one-fourth of all chickens in the United States carry Salmonella and about half carry Campylobacter jejuni.
Stuffing a bird prior to roasting is not recommended by the USDA
Except when cooking a whole bird on a spit over hot coals, only cut-up poultry is used for broiling and grilling.
10. Whole poultry that has been frozen should be thawed under running water.
One reason fish is tender when it is cooked is that the collagen breaks down only at very high temperatures.
Compared with those in mammals and birds, muscle fibers in fish are shorter.
Steaming clams or mussels just until the shells open makes sure that all the pathogenic microorganisms are killed.
When purchasing mollusks, it is okay if the shells are slightly open as long as when tapped, they snap shut.
Food contamination is obvious and detectable while food spoilage is not.
About one-half of the foods consumed in the United States are refrigerated or frozen compared to about one third that are canned.
Raising the glass transition temperature extends the shelf life of frozen products by limiting water movement. 17
. Pascalization is a type of food preservation process which use the visible spectrum of radiation and is currently undergoing approval by the FDA.
The higher a food’s fat content, the longer its shelf life in the freezer, because fat will not become rancid, even when frozen.
Pulsed light disrupts the cell membranes of the bacterial cells and also kills fungi, spores, viruses, protozoa, and cysts.