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50 Cards in this Set

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In a heat-sanitizing dish washing machine, what is the minimum temperature for the final rinse?
180 degrees
A foodhandler must be excluded from the operation for which symptom?
How can the risk of phyiscal contamination be reduced?
Using shields on fluorescent lightbulbs where food is stored.
What is the temperature range of the temperature danger zone?
41 degrees F to 135 degrees F
What is a form some bacteria take to keep from dying when they don't have enough food?
Most regulations for foodservice operations are written at what level?
What should be used to dry hands after washing them?
A single use paper towel
Which foodborne illness has been linked to ready to eat food and shellfish contaminated by sewage?
Hepatitis A
If a food-contact surface has been soiled, what three actions must be performed before it can be used again?
Cleaned, rinsed, sanitized
What information must labels on containers of ready-to-eat TCS food that was prepped on-site include?
date that the food should be sold
If a food-contact surface is in constant use, how often must it be cleaned and sanitized?
Every 4 Hours
What is one factor that affect the growth of microorganisms in food?
What is the correct procedure for washing hands?
Wet hands and arms with water at least 100 degrees F. Apply soap. Vigorously scrub hands and arms for 10 to 15 seconds. Rinse hands and arms. Dry hands and arms.
How should food handlers keep their fingernails
short and unpolished
What is the key to limiting bacterial growth?
Controlling time and temperature
Food should be cooled from 135 degrees F to 70 degrees F within ______ hours, and then from 70 degrees F to 41 degrees F within _______ hours.
Food should be cooled from 135 degrees F to 70 degrees F within __2____ hours, and then from 70 degrees F to 41 degrees F within ___4____ hours.
Peanuts and soy products are dangerous for people with what condition?
Food allergies
What should new learners be given the opportunity to do in order to learn a new skill?
Practice the skill
What is the only jewelry that may be worn on the hands or arms while handling food?
Plain-band ring
Who should apply pesticides in an operation?
Pest Control Operator
When using a bottom-to top shelving order, what determines the placement of food in a cooler?
Minimum internal cooking temperature of food
A customer having an allergic reaction may show which of the following symptoms?
Which of the following does not affect the effectiveness of chemical sanitizers?
a. temperature
b. contact time
c. concentration
d. color
D. Color
After forming raw ground beef patties on the prep line, a food handler kept on the same gloves while slicing hamburger buns. What did the food handler do wrong?
The dude failed to wash hands and change cloges after handling the raw meat.
A food-handler who has just bused tables must do what before handling food?
Wash hands
Where should pesticides be stored?
In a secure storage area away from food
Food in storage should be rotated using which method?
First in, First out FIFO
Several people became ill with Bacillus cereus gastroenteritis after eating time-temperature abused rice. This result is an example of what?
Foodborne illness
Why are young children at a higher risk for foodborne illness?
Their immune systems are not yet fully developed.
How should food be stored in a dry-storage area?
At least six inches off the floor
What is the definition of sanitizing?
Reducing the number of pathogens on a surface to safe levels
Which of the following is one of three potential hazards to food?
a. acetylene
b. toxic air
c. pH values
d. Physical
D. Physical
When should employees receive food safety training?
When hired, and then periodically after that
TCS food must be reheated to what temperature for 15 seconds within 2 hours?
165 degrees
What must a foodhandler with a hand wound do in order to work with food?
bandage the wound and wear a single use glove
How can managers play a key role in promoting good personal hygiene?
Modeling proper behavior at all times
What is one way that food should never be thawed?
At room temperature
What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for poultry?
165 degrees
Which type of pathogen is Hepatitis A
Where is teh only place a food borne virus can reproduce?
A person's intestines
What should be done with hot TCS food that has been held below 135 degrees F for over 4 hours?
It should be thrown out immediately
What action should a manager take when a foodhandler reports being diagnosed with shigellosis?
Send the food handler home, and then call the local regulatory authority.
What happens when the water temperature in a high-temperature dish washing machine is too high?
The water vaporizes before items can be sanitized
How can you make sure that the chemical sanitizer being used on a food-prep surface is at the correct strength?
Use a test kit to check the sanitizer's concentration when mixing it.
Cold TCS food must be received at what internal temperature?
41 degrees F or lower
What is the purpose of Material Safety Data Sheets? MSDS
To inform employees of the safe use and hazards associated with chemicals used in the operation
What is the FDA food code?
The federal government's recommendations for food service sanitation regulations
What should you do if a package of flour is delivered with signs of dampness on the bag?
The delivery should be rejected and returned to the supplier.
A food handler put labeled, ready-to-eat food under raw hamburger patties in the cooler. What was done wrong?
The dude did not store ready-to-eat food above raw food.
When a thermometer is calibrated using ice-point method, it should be adjusted to what temperature after the stem or probe has been placed in the ice water?
32 Degrees F