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8 Cards in this Set

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describe why food is analysed

-maintain food quality

-ensure food industries safe foods and nutritional composition data

describe official methods used as standards and how and why standards are used in each method

mandatory standards- Food Regulations – specify type and amount of certain food

voluntary standards- Manufacturers choose to do this as superior grade products can be sold for a higher price

nutritional labelling- states the nutrition composition

explain the criteria involved in selecting the right technique to analyse food composition

1.food inspection


3.food safety

4.quality control

5. composition

6. structure

steps involved in food analysis in order to obtain accurate results

1.select sample

2.prepare sample

3.perform the assay

4.interpret the results

5.choice and validity of results

common methods and instruments used to analyse food composition

chemical-infrered/raman/Mass spectrometry/NMR/proximate

physical-penetrometer/warner-Bratzler/shortometer/line spread/viscometer/polarimeter

biological-enzyme/microbial sensors

Chemical testing

Raman-polarisability of functional groups

Mass S- measure changed fragments (anti O)

NMR-moisture of oil

Benedicts/fehlings test- presence of a reducing sugar

electrophoresis-specific proteins according to molecular weight

fuchsin test- detects aldehydes in fats and oils

chromatography- detects presence and concentration of different compunds

Physical testing

pentrometer- stimulates teeth biting= tenderness

viscometer- measures the viscosity

polarimeter (refractometer)- measure conc of various compounds

biological testing

enzyme and microbrial sensors

-detects contaminants or food components