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58 Cards in this Set

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Describe average values for total body water in body men and wome. Explain the difference in total body water.
- Women: 50-60% H2O by weight
- Men: 60-70% H2O by weight
- men have more muscle, less adipose tissue
- adipose tissue has less H2O
- men also have denser bone
Identify the two major fluid compartments of the body. what proportion of total body water is found in the above compartments?
-Intracellular fluid (ECF) - 67% of body fluid, .4 x total body weight - the fluid here
- extracellular fluid - 33% of fluid; subdivisions (plasma - 20% of ECF; interstitial fluid = 80% of ECF)
Identify the subdivisions of the extracellular fluid campartment (ECF). What proportion of teh ECF is found in each of the compartments?
- extracellular fluid - 33% of fluid; subdivisions (plasma - 20% of ECF; interstitial fluid = 80% of ECF)
What barrier separates the ECF and the ICF? What barrier separates the plasma and interstitial fluid?
- cellular membrane
- the blood vessel walls
Compare and contrast the electrolyte profile of the ECF and ICF.
ECF - high conc (Na, Cl, HCO3-), low conc (K, HPO4, SO4)
Major cation - na+, major anion - cl-
ICF - high conc (K, HPO4, SO4, Mg, proteins) low conc (Na, Cl, HCO3)
major cation - K+, major anion - HPO4 2- and proteins

all are electrically neural, proteins and nonelectrolyte molecules also present in significan #s in all body fluids
What is the primary difference in solute composition between the plasma and the interstitial fluid?
- plasma proteins aren't generally in the interstitial fluid - a problem if they are
Identify and describe the two forces responsible for fluid movement from one fluid compartment to another.
- osmotic pressure
- hydrostatic pressure - created by BP
What is the major force influencing movement of fluids between the ICF and the interstitial fluid?
- osmotic pressure
- whether the other solution is isotonic, hypertonic or hypotonic
What is the major force promoting filtration in the capillaries and lymph formation?
- hydrostatic pressure
What is the normal solute concentration of the plasma (expressed in mOsm/L)?
275-299 milli-osmoles per kilogram
... according to wikipedia
Describe a hypertonic solution and tell how it influences fluid in an adjacent compartment.
- if you add hypertonic NaCL to the ECF, then the osmolarity of the ECF will increase, so the volume of the ECF will increase as the ICF decreases
Describe a hypotonic solution and tell how it influences fluid in an adjacent compartment.
- if you add a hypotonic solution of NaCl to the ECF, the osmolarity of the ECF would decrease
- initially the volune of teh ECF would increase because you added fluid to it, but then it would drop down lower than normal, as the water shifted into the ICF and into the cells
Explain the expected changes in volune and osmolarity of the ECF and ICF in response to the following: addition of isotonic saline to the ECF, addition of hypotonic saline to the ECF, addition of hypertonic saline to the ECF.
- isotonic - no shift; expaind the blood volume, but no swelling of tissues
hypotonic - - if you add a hypotonic solution of NaCl to the ECF, the osmolarity of the ECF would decrease
- initially the volune of teh ECF would increase because you added fluid to it, but then it would drop down lower than normal, as the water shifted into the ICF and into the cells
- hypertonic - - if you add hypertonic NaCL to the ECF, then the osmolarity of the ECF will increase, so the volume of the ECF will increase as the ICF decreases
What is the normal daily water intake? What are the sources of this water?
- 2.5 L/day
- beverages, foods, metabolism
Describe the thirst mechanism.
- coordinated by the thirst center in hypothalamus
- Stimuli: slight inc in plasma osmolarity, dec in plasma volume or blood volume
- causes activation of thirst center = inc. perceptino of thirst - motivation to get a drink = restoration of normal plasma volume and/or osmolarity
- water moistens throat and stretches stomach
What triggers the thirst mechanism? What slows the thirst mechanism?
- Triggers: inc in plasma osmolarity 1-2%; dec in plasma or blood volume
- water moistening mouth and stretching stomach
- sensation of thirst can be relieved by a few sips; not triggered early enough to prevent dehydration
Explain the avenues of water loss from the body.
- sweat (8%)
- insensible water loss via skin and lungs (28%)
- urine (60%)
In the body, what electrolyte is most closely tied to water balance?
- sodium
- Na+
ADH is the major endocrine regulator of water balance. Explain the role of ADH in maintaining water balance (i.e. role of osmoreceptors, stimuli for secretion, target cells, hormone effect, etc.)
- osmoreceptors in hypothalamus trigger the secretion of ADH, which makes the distal tubule permeable to H2O for reabsorption
- aldosterone is also secreted and increases Na absorption in distal part of renal tubule
- ADH activates the aquaporin 2
Describe what happens in fluid compartments (ie volume and solute) changes in dehydration. Explain the physiologic responses made to help compensate for dehydration.
- loss happens from ECF first, then other compartments
- results in a decrease in blood volume also
- vasoconstriction from the SNS
- secrete ADH and aldosterone so that we have less urine and reabsorbe more water
- vasoconstriction on the surface, so you loose less liquid from the surface
What is circulatory shock?
- any condition where blood vessels are inadequately filled and blood can't circulate normally
Initial stage: dec CO, impaired tissue perfusion, hypoxia, metabolism switches to anaerobic
- non-progressive/compensatory stage - activation of cardiovascular and respiratory centers in brain stem, activation of hypothalamus leads to activ. or SNS; usu can maintain normal PO2 of tissues
- Progressive stage - tissue hypoperfusion, cardiovascular and met. impallances worsen (acidosis, dec blood pH etc), efforts of fight or flight still can't keep press high enough
- irreversible/refractory stage - cells and tissues damaged and dying
Identify and give a general description of the four different types of circulatory shock.
- hypobolemic - most common; from blood loss b/c of hemorrhage, vomiting, diarrhea, or burns; compensations geared towards maintining mornal MAP and tissue perfusion; blood to essential organs, dec GFR, higher CO, thirst rxn, more breathing; vasoconstriction etc
- vascular shock - blood volume normal, but vascular bed vasodilated - dec BP and poor perfusion; types (anaphylactic - allergic b/c of hystamine; neurogenic - ANS regulation failure; septic - from bacterial toxins; most common cause of death in crit. care units in USA)
- Cardiogenic shock - pumping function is so impaired that it can't circulate blood; usu. caused by MI
- Obstructive shock - when obstruction of blood flow in circulation; cause = pulmonary embolism
Describe the physiological compensations that are made to maintain blood pressure and tissue perfusion during shock.
- fight or flight
- activation of vasomoto centers in medula - vasoconstriction
- cardiovascular centers - higher stroke volume and HR = higher CO
- shunt blood away from non-essential organs
- kidneys = dec GFR
- RAAS system activated - inc H2O reabsorption, vasoconstriction
- osmoreceptors trigger hypothalamus secretes ADH for thirst reaction
- central and peripheral chemoreceptors activated by dec pH = inc depth and rate of breathing
- overall SNS activation
Describe what happens in fluid compartments (ie volume and solute changes) in hypotonic hydration. Explain the physiological responses made to help compensate for hypotonic hydration.
- water intoxication
- from ingesting lots of water quickly
- results in ECF becoming hypotonic with respect to the ICF
- result: swelling of brain tissue
- dilution of solutes in ECF
- cramping, nausia, vomiting
- lots of peeing
- treated by saline injection to pull water out of the cells so that the neurons of the brain aren't damaged
What is an electrolyte?
- dissociates in solution
- can ionize and conduct a current
- ex. some proteins, inorganic salts, acids, bases (inorganic and organic)
- Na, K, Ca and Mg are most significant in the body
Explain the effects of aldosterone in teh regulation of Na and K balance.
- K balance maintained by altering rate of tubular secretion;
- in response to high K+ levels, principle cells inc rate of K secretion, intercalated cells can alter rate of K secretion and reabsorption, but this is to preserve acid-base balance, not K balance
aldosterone affects the principle cells to increase K secretion - in DCT forces enhanced secretion coupled to H+ reabsorption,to maintain acid/base ballance.
- increases reabsorption of Na
Name and describe the effects of the antagonistic hormones which regulate blood Ca2+ (ie. PTH and calcitonin).
PTH - most important; triggered by low plasma Ca levels
- Effects:
-- inc. bone resorption and release of calcium and phosphate into blood
-- inc Ca absorption from GI tract
-- inc Ca reabsorption in the kidneys w/simultaneous dec. in phosphate reabsorption (gets rid of excess from bone resorption)
Calcitonin - triggered when blood Ca is high
-- dec blood Ca - by stimulating osteoblasts and inhibiting osteoclasts
-- increased Ca storage in bone matrix
What electrolyte concentration is measured using the pH scale?
H+ ions
What is teh normal range of arterial blood pH? What is the average arterial pH?
range - 7.35-7.45
average - 7.35
Why is it important to maintain acid-base ballance?
- enables the body's various enzyme systems to function optimally
- Identify the three general mechanisms involved in regulating the pH of body fluids.
- chemical acid-base buffer system - using protein buffers, bicarbonate buffer system and phosphate buffer system
- the respiratory system - removes CO2
- renal mechanisms - alter rate of H+ secretion in urine
Indicate the relative speeds with which each of the 3 mechanisms involved in regulating pH acts to help regulate pH
- chemical acid-base buffer system - act almost immediately to minimize changes in pH by converting strong acids/bases to weak ones
- respiratory system - takes about 1-3 minutes to start having an effect; more powerful than all of the chemical buffers combined (1-2x their capacity)
- renal mechanisms - takes 1-3 days to effect a change in pH
What is a buffer?
- chemicals which function to prevent large and abrupt changes in pH of a solution
- act almost immediatly to minimize pH changes
- convert strong acids/bases to weak ones
How do buffers help maintain acid base balance?
- minimize pH changes by almost immediatly converting strong acids/bases to weak ones
What characteristics of strong acids and strong bases make them more likely to cause changes in pH?
- strong acids dissociate more in water, releasing free H+ ions
Identify the three chemical buffering systems important in regulating the pH of body fluids. Tell where each is likely to be important.
- Protein buffers - most abundant buffers in ICF and plasma; amino acids
- Bicarbonate buffer system - CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 = H+ + HCO3-; impt in ICF and in ECF where it's the only main one; problem, cant protect ECF from changes due to very high/low pCO2, limited by the size of the HCO3-/CO2 ratio; kidneys generate new bicarb in acidosis state
- phosphate buffer system - most important in ICF and in regulating pH of renal filtrate and urine; renal tubule is the main site of the action, stabilizing pH of urine
What is the difference between a volatile acid and a fixed acid?
volatile - can leave solution (CO2), can get rid of it via respiratory system
fixed acids - don't leave solution once they're produced; lactic acid, ketones, critric, phosphoric, sulfuric; can only get rid of them via renal mechanism
How does the body normally dispose of volatile acids (CO2)? fixed acids?
- CO2 disposed of via respiratory system
- fixed acids disposed of via renal mechanism
Explain how the respiratory system is affected by changes in pH of arterial blood (ie. discuss the role of central chemoreceptors, medullary respiratory center, and changes in pulmonary ventilation).
- arterial pCO2 changes, monitored by receptors
- hypercapnia indirectly activated medullary chemoreceptors via acidosis of CSF, causes hyperventilation - gets rid of CO2 and increases blood pH
- remember: CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 = H+ + HCO3-
when blood pH rises (alkalosis) respiratory centers are depressed
Explain how changes in pulmonary ventilation (rate and depth of breathing) influence the pH of body fluids.
- remember: CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 = H+ + HCO3-
when blood pH rises
- so by getting rid of CO2 you indirectly get rid of H+, which increases the pH when you breath faster/deeper
visa versa
In what way can the kidneys help to compensate for changes in pH?
- varies the rate of H+ secretion
- altering the rate of HCO3 reabsorption
- generating new HCO3-
What are normal values for arterial pH [HCO3-] and pCO2?
- pH - 7.35-7.45; 7.4
- HCO3- - 22-26 mEq/L; 24
- pCO2 - 35-45 mmHg; 44
Describe the characteristics and primary causes of each of the four main types of acid-base disturbance.
- respiratory acidosis - most common; characterized by abnormally high pCO2 and reduced pH; causes: (depression of resp brain stem by alcohol, drugs, accident; inability to exchange gas in lungs b/c of COPD, systic fibrosis; impaired ventilation)
- Respiratory alkalosis - characterized by abnormally low pCO2 and elevated pH; cause(hyperventillation b/c of abnormal response in resp centers - drugs, injury, fear, anxiety, high altitudes)
- metabolic acidosis - second most common; characterized by low arterial HCO3- and reduced pH; causes (diahrea, kidney disease, diabetes, alcohol, lactic acid, failure to excrete H+ ions
- metabolic alkalosis - fairly uncommon; characterized by high arterial HCO3- and high pH; causes (intake of alkaline substances like tums, prolonged constipation, output of acid through vomiting, gastric suctioning, diuretics)
How does the body compensate for each of the four acid-base imballances?
- respiratory acidosis - via renal mechanisms after exhausting buffers; inc. excretion of H+ so that intercalated cells in DT will make new bicarb; inc reabsorption of bicarb; will inc. pH, but pCO2 will still be high unless you fix the resp. problem
- respiratory alkalosis - via renal mech; slow H+ excretion and bicarb reabsorption; won't reabsorb bicarb, bicarb won't be made from glutamate, so we'll excrete less amonium; drop in pH, but pCO2 will still be low, drop in bicarb
- metabolic acidosis - resp. centers inc ventillation to dec pCO2, also renal compensation if it isn't the cause; the anion gap may be increased during compensation ( a calculated value that is normally positive, but can vary w/acid base balance; bigger than normal gap indicates a loss of bicarb w/o a concurrent increase in Cl
- metabolic alkalosis - via respiratory system; buffered in ECF and ICF; buffering maxed our, resp centers depressed to inc. CO2; kidneys reabsorb H+, remove as much HCO3- as possible, pH drops, pCO2 inc but HCO3- is still too high
What are the steps for diagnosing acid-base imbalances? How can you tell if compensation is partial or complete?
- compete compensation has pH in normal range
- look and see what value is out of the range
- high pCO2 = resp acid
- low pCO2 - resp alka
- low bicarb = metab acid
- high bicarb = metab alka
- high potassium in the body
fluid overload
too much fluid in the body
water intoxication
also known as hypotonic hydration
taking in too much water...
abnormal accumulation of fluid in interstitial space causing tissue swelling
- inc cap hydrostatic pressure - like from a blocked vessel
- inc capillary permeability - like from inflammation
- disturbances in colloid osmotic pressure - like from hypoprotenimia (starvation, etc)
obligatory water loss
appx 500 mL/day
- ensures removal of toxins and other unnecessary materials from the body
- also known as facultative water loss
facultative water loss
appx 500 mL/day
- ensures removal of toxins and other unnecessary materials from the body
- also known as obligatory water loss
milliequivalent (mEq)
- the amount of a substance that will displace or combine with one mole of H+
- for Na+ 1 mEq = 1 mOsm; but for Ca2+ 1 mEq = .5 mOsm
How is aldosterone secretion regulated?
- triggered by low sodium or high potassium in plasma
- RAAS mechanism stimulates adrenal cortex
- aldosterone released, targets kidney tubules to reabsorb more Na + secrete more K+
- levels ballance, negative feedback
Explain the effects of ANP in regulating blood pressure and blood volume.
- reduces BP and blood volume by inhibiting nearly all events that promote vasoconstrictiona + Na/H2O reabsoprtion
- diuretic and natriuretic effects
- inhibits ability of collecting dubts to reabsorb Na and supresses release of ADH, renen and aldosterone
- relaxes vascular smooth muscle by inhitibint renin induced generation of angiotensin II - vasodilation
How is ANP secretion regulated?
- stretch of atria of heat by inc BP triggers certain cells to secrete ANP until the stretch diminishes
- negative feedback
How does the presence of carbonic anhyrase inside the tubule cells explain the kidney's ability to help maintain pH homeostasis in body fluids?
- carbonic anhydrase catalyzes the same rxn that it does in rbcs; H2O + CO2 = H2CO3 = H+ + HCO3-
- PCO2 in blood inc, diffuses into kidney cell
- inc. H2CO3 results, and inc H+ and HCO3- also
- the H+ diffuses into the filtrate via active transport
- HCO3- goes back into the blood, and some CO as well
- also useful to reabsorb some of the filtered bicarb for buffering (it can't diffuse across the surface, but through the rxn occuring in the filtrate, it turns into CO2, which CAN diffuse back into the cell)
- see pic p. 1012
- occurs in intercalated cells
Explain the process through which the kidneys generate "new" bicarbonate ions. Explain the importance of this mechanism in maintaining acid/base ballance.
Two mechanisms: excretion of buffered H+ and NH4+ excretion
- H+: CO2 combines with water in cell to form H2CO3, which is split into H and bicarb
- H is secreted into filtrate by an ATPase pump, and for each one secreted, an antiporter on the other side of cell carries the bicarb from the split into the peritubular cap. in exchange for a sodium
- secreted H combines with HPO42- in filtrate and forms H2PO4-, which is excreted in the urine
NH4: - glutamine diffuses into PCT cells, which metabolize it to NH4+ and bicarb
- NH4+, a weak acid is secreted into the filtrate, with Na coming in; it's a NH4/Na antiporter
- the bicarb from the glutamate split enters capillary via a symporter along with a Na+
- NH4 secreted in urine
In what ways can the kidneys help to compensate for changes in pH
- they can make new bicarb, reabsorb bicarb - this is for the buffering system
- they can excrete buffered H+, and NH4+ in the urine