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133 Cards in this Set

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While Egypt and Mesopotamia thrived, along the Aegean emerged two distinct cultures whose rich artistic heritage provided for the foundation of _____ ____________
Greek civilization
The Greeks themselves developed an unsurpassed standard of beauty based on the _________ _____ ____
idealized human form
By the 18th century BC, the Romans influenced the ___ and ____________ of the societies that the empire had conquered
art and architecture
Much of Western culture has its roots in _____ and _____ art
Greek and Roman
The Greeks strobes for _______ and _____ and placed human beings at the center of their culture
harmony and unity
The Greeks found human form the ultimate expression of ______ and _______
beauty and harmony
In the 700s BC, the Romans created an empire which even today stands as a ________ __ ______ ___ _____
pinnacle of power and might
Influenced by the Greeks, the Romans made some of their greatest contributions on ____________
______ and ____ provided the foundation upon which much of the art and architecture of the Western world is built. With every new generation, artists look back to see what lessons they can learn from the ancients
Greece and Rome
The rich ______ and _________ cultures along the Aegean were forerunners of Ancient Greek civilization
Minoan and Mycenaean
For a long time both civilizations were considered ____________
In the late 19th century these cities and their art were unearthed by ______________
The _______ were by far the richest of the Aegean civilizations
Located on the island of Crete, the Cretans created _________ ___ __ ____
luxurious way of life
They had several "______" centers developed
The most important center was the huge complex as _______, called the ______ __ _____. It contained many rooms, running water, a sewage system, theater, storerooms, terraces, and elaborately decorated interior of the palace
Knossos; Palace of Minos
Many _______ (plaster wall paintings) decorated the interior of the palace and provided a good idea of how these people lived
The __________ were warriors instead of traders. They built citadels (fortress) rather than pleasure palaces
Their hilltop fortresses were surrounded by _____ and _____ ______. The blocks were so large that later Greeks thought they were the work of the ________, a mythical race of one-eyed giants
walls and stone blocks; Cyclopes
The Minoans and the Mycenaeans appear to have lived very _________ __________ and there is no specific historic reference that ties the two together
different lifestyles
Both brought a remarkable ________ and _____________ _____ __ ______ to their art
vibrancy and extraordinary sense of beauty
Characteristics of Minoan Frescos:
- Lightness
- Freely shaped forms with a rhythmic quality inspired by the sea
- Vigor and spontaneity
_______ and __________ were equally important in Minoan life
Comfort and decoration
The facades of buildings appear to have been brightly colored and the plaster walls inside were ___, ______, or ____
red, yellow, or blue
In the more important rooms there were __________ _________ and occasionally _____ _______
figurative paintings; stucco reliefs
Minoan culture and art was greatly influenced by the ___
Their _________ was small, and like the frescos, probably decorated the living quarters of merchant rulers
Minoan pottery was often decorated with designs of _____ and ______ ____
plant and animal life
The outer gateway of the citadel at Mycenae is called ____ ____
Lion Gate
____ ____ is topped by a huge, triangular-shaped, carved stone slab
Lion Gate
The Lion Gate uses ___ ________ __________
old building technology
Depicted on the stone are two majestic standing _____ flanking a Minoan-type column
The ______ ____ were found in a grave located in Laconia. They are some of the most famous gold pieces found at Mycenae
Vaphio Cups
They illustrate several ways the Mycenaeans captured ____ _____
wild bulls
It abruptly jeered about 1100 BC when _______ invaded from the north
Human beings were central to the Greek culture. The Greek ideal was to create the _______ __________
perfect individual
The Greeks considered the human body _________, _________ ________, and __________
beautiful, perfectly balanced, and harmonious
The human body was the focal point of most of their paintings and sculptures concepts of __________, _______, and _____ were the driving force of many of the Greeks' achievements in ____________, ___________, _______, __________, and ______
proportion, balance, and unity; architecture, mathematics, science, philosophy, and poetry
Greek artists worked in a ________ ___________ that encouraged art of all types
cultural environment
The development of Greek art is easily seen in ________
Contrapposto (counterpose) is used to describe the _______ ___'s position where the engaged leg is in the forward position
Kritios Boy
Showing a _____ _______ ____ was a very important discovery
truly relaxed body
The sculpted predecessors of the Kritios Boy were limited to _____ ________ figures of young men and women
rigid standing
______ was a life size nude young which represented either Apollo or an ideal athlete
The figures were ________ and did NOT represent ____ ______
stylized; real people
Over the course of the next 75 years, this stylization changed to a more _______ and _________ representation of the human figure
natural and realistic
The _______ _____ (named after the period) is very characteristic of figures sculpted at this time
Archaic smile
The ____ figures were painted, as most were Greek sculptures, to appear more natural
Characteristics of an Archaic Kouros:
- Archaic smile
- Left foot forward
- Clenched fists
- Wooden, stiff posture
- Idealized form
- Unclad (naked)
The archaic period came to a close in ___ __
480 BC
The _______ ___ dates back from this time and, as we have seen, it marks a change in how we the Greeks depict the human form
Kritios Boy
The _________ ______ began after 480 BC, when the Greeks defeated the Persian fleet at Salamis
Classical period
In the early part of the classical period, the Greeks experienced a period of _____ in which the arts flourished
Individualism of _____, ________, and ________ ______________ was honored
ideas, thoughts, and artistic representation
The __________ __ ______ shows the changes that took place
Charioteer of Delphi
The figure is cast is ______ and is the earliest of the few remaining Greek bronzes
The Archaic smile is replaced by a look of ____ and ____ _______, which symbolizes a classic balance of _______, ___________, and ________ _______
calm and self control; emotion, personality, and physical ability
The ___ __ ___ ________ was the climax of the Classical period in Greek sculpture and architecture
Age of the Pericles
______ was safe and the arts were admired and loved as never before and seldom since
The Athenians decorated the most prominent building in their city, the _________, in their most ambitious sculptural undertaking
The _________ had many statues in the east and west ends of the building
A continuous ______ (or sculpted band) ran for 525 feet around the top of the wall of the cella in the Parthenon
Greek architecture developed from a _____ and _________ __________ in the Archaic period to a _____ and ____ ____ in the Classical period
heavy and ponderous appearance; light and airy feel
Most architecture was focused around _______
The public was not usually allowed into the temples, so architects designed __________ ________
impressive exteriors
The Greeks saw public buildings as organic units that must be organized into _______ ____________ __ _____
orderly arrangements of parts
This led to definite systems of construction that were called "___ ______"
the orders
developed in mainland areas
Doric order
revolved in the islands and cost of Asia Minor
Ionic order
used in Hellenistic times and later in roman civilization
Corinthian order
The orders consisted of detailed rules for construction, based on ___________ and an ___________ of the parts of the building
proportions; integration
The Archaic Doric _______ (rounded molding below and abacus) is a broad and flattened
The ______ (the flat slab on top of a capital, supporting the architecture) is very wide
The Ionic order is much _______ and more ________ that the Doric
lighter; delicate
The columns are set on a base and are more _______
The __________ _____ is characterized by slender fluted columns and elaborate capitols decorated with leaves and scrolls
Corinthian order
The Greeks were also interested in _____ and _____
drama and music
Theaters were open-air, rounded structures that were placed into _______ _____ __ _____
sloping sides of hills
Greek theaters had carefully ______ _____ _____ and ________
tiered stone seats and walkways
Example of a Greek Theater:
The Theater at Epidaurus
Greek Periods:
- Archaic
- Classical
- Hellenistic
The Greeks were proud of the large and colorful _________ decorating their walls, but not even one exists today
Early _____ from the Archaic period are of red clay and have black _______ and decorations painted on them
vases; figures
The _______, a large storage jar with two handles, was singed by Exekias
He considered the amphora one of his finest works
The sophistication of later Greek painting is revealed in ___ ______ __ _____
The Battle of Issus
It's a mosaics copy of a ___________ ____ ________ of about 315 BC
Hellenistic wall painting
Only four colors are used:
red, yellow, white, and black
The Roman city state had its first beginnings in the _____ _______ __
eight century BC
The Romans expanded their control in every direction and eventually dominated the _______ _____
Western world
The Romans greatly admired _____ _________ and brought back many pieces to decorate their villas. Whatever their did not import, they had copied by either the Greek artists or their own Roman artists
Greek sculpture
They made their greatest contributions to art in ____________- the area in which their influence is most strongly seen
The _________ is one of the grandest of all Roman structures
_____ emperors were involved in its construction
It was originally designed for the _______ __ ______ __________, most particularly for battles between animals and gladiators
staging of lavish spectacles
The Colosseum held __,___ ______ in the marble seated interior
50,000 Romans
Concrete ______, _____, and ______, covered with marble or decorative plaster, made up several kilometers of passageways
arches, walls, and vaults
The ____ and _____ were essential parts of monumental Roman architecture
arch and vault
The ____ is a curved architectural element used to span an opening
The _____ is an arched roof or covering made of brick, stone, or concrete
The outer wall of the Colosseum is as high as a ______ __ _____ ________
modern 16 story building
The wall went completely around the structure and supported pose from which an awning could be stretched to protect spectators from the sun or rain. ____ ___ were needed to raise and lower the awning
1000 men
The exterior wall is divided into ____ __________ _____, with large arched openings piercing the lower three
four horizontal bands
The arches are framed in the standard Roman sequence for multistoried buildings: _____-_____-__________, from the ground up Statues filled the arched niches around the outside and a heavy wooden floor covered layers of cells below in chick gladiators and animals were held
The Colosseum ranks as one of the most astonishing achievements of _________
Later, the Colosseum was damaged by ________ and __________ who used it as a instant quarry for marble when constructing other buildings
citizens and architects
Roman Art Periods:
- Etruscan
- Republic
- Imperial
Much of central Italy was dominated by the _________
Told by Roman writers that Etruscans were ______ ____________ _________ and town planners and the Romans must have learned a great deal from them
master architectural engineers
The use of ______ in Etruscan sculpture and other decorative items was admired, even by the Greeks
The Romans learned many lessons from the _________ and, as we have seen in the example of the Colosseum, the Romans advanced architecture to unrivaled heights
The Romans erected the first sculptures in history with ____ ________ ______
vast interior spaces
One of the most outstanding examples of the ________, which was built to honor all the gods
A huge dome rests on a _______ ____, creating an interior space that is overwhelming to experience
mammoth drum
The dome of the Pantheon is _______, or decorated, with a series of ________ ___________ ______
coffered; recessed rectangular panels
The only source of light is a single round, eye-like opening at the top. This opening is 30 feet in diameter and any rain that falls through it is carried away by an _________ ___________ ________ ______
elaborate underground drainage system
Roman ________ differed slightly from those of the Greeks
They partially cut the round Greek orchestra and constructed a ______ _____ behind it
raised state
The seating was a __________ rather than in the two-thirds circle of the Greeks
Theaters were often ____________ rather than placed in a concave hillside like the Greeks
The _______ __ _______ _______ was built on the side of the Acropolis in Athens and is still used today
Theater of Herodes Atticus
Although the Romans borrowed heavily from Greek sculpture, they used ________ ________ ________ to honor their emperors
original portrait sculpture
The Roman interest in portrait sculpture, especially the ____ (head and upper torso) is an important contribution to world art
______ _________ were used to record important events in the lives of Roman emperors
Relief sculptures
The ______ __ ______ is a splendid marble cylinder that rises to a height of over 130 feet
Column of Trajan
The column is ______ and originally contained an urn with the _____ __ ___ _______
hollow; ashes of the emperor
Both the _________ and the ______ made paintings which the early Romans copied
Etruscans; Greeks
The Romans used paintings to decorate and color the _________ __ ______
interiors of houses
Romans created:
- still life
- portrait
- landscape
- mythological paintings
All Roman wall paintings were done in ______, a method of painting wet plaster with pigment
Entire plaster-covered walls were frescoed to look like ______ and ____ ________, or were decorated with _______ and _____, almost like wallpaper
marble and wood paneling; flowers and vines
Although Greeks had used _______ ______ to create mosaics, the Romans excelled in this
colored stones
Small bits of ______ were cut, polished and fitted together to make an image