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60 Cards in this Set

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Anemia resulting from an autoimmune disorder occurs when:

red blood cells are destroyed by the body's own antibodie

An unlicensed care provider administered Benadryl to an elderly resident who has been suffering from seasonal pollen allergies. Which of the following assessment findings should prompt the provider at the facility to suspect that the resident is experiencing anticholinergic effects of this drug?

Blurry vision

A patient is instructed on the administration of inhaled corticosteroid agents to treat asthma. How do inhaled corticosteroid agents assist in the treatment of asthma?

Inhaled corticosteroid agents will reduce airway inflammation.

A patient is scheduled to receive one unit of packed red blood cells. The patient states that she has had an allergic reaction to a transfusion in the past. What class of medication will assist in preventing a reaction to the packed red blood cell transfusion?


Wheezing is resolved with medications that

relax the smooth muscle of the bronchioles

A patient with chronic renal failure is prescribed filgrastim (Neupogen). What is the major effect of filgrastim (Neupogen)?

Decreases neutropenia related to chemotherapy

A patient with a diagnosis of renal failure is being treated with epoetin alfa (Epogen). Frequent assessment of which of the following laboratory values should be prioritized before and during treatment?


Which of the following might be beneficial to reduce the frequency of painful crises in a patient with sickle cell disease?


A second-generation H1 receptor antagonist antihistamine formulated as a nasal spray for topical use is

azelastine (Astelin).

A patient with a long-standing history of asthma has failed to achieve adequate symptom control with first-line drugs. As a result, her MD has prescribed theophylline. The provider is aware of the narrow therapeutic range of this drug and has taught the patient to recognize the signs and symptoms of toxicity. These include which of the following?

Agitation and dysrhythmias

A patient has been diagnosed with chronic renal failure. Which of the following agents will assist in raising the patient's hemoglobin levels?

Epoetin alfa (Epogen, Procrit)

An older adult resident of a long-term care facility has been prescribed calcium citrate to address her decreasing bone density. The provider should review the resident's medication administration record knowing that what medication may decrease the effects of calcium?


A patient is experiencing an acute asthma attack. Which of the following medications is contraindicated for the treatment of acute bronchospasm?

Cromolyn (Intal)

When a patient has an increased serum level of ionized calcium, which hormone will be released?


A patient is having an allergic reaction to mold. The patient describes chest tightness and difficulty breathing. Which of the following body effects is occurring?

Contraction of smooth muscle in the bronchi

During the second stage of disseminated intravascular coagulopathy:

decreased clotting factors cause uncontrolled hemorrhage.

A patient's current medical condition is suggestive of impaired erythropoiesis. Which of the following laboratory studies would be most clinically relevant in diagnosing this health problem?

RBC, hemoglobin, and hematocrit

An adult patient has questioned whether fexofenadine (Allegra) would be preferable to the first-generation H1 receptor antagonists that he has long taken in the treatment of his environmental allergies. When describing the benefits of second-generation drugs such as Allegra, the provider should cite what advantage?

decreased sedation

Your patient is a 55 year old female who has been diagnosed with post-menopausal osteoporosis. She has a past medical history of ethanol abuse, alcoholic liver disease, erosive esophagitis, & hypothyroidism. Which of the following would be the primary reason oral bisphosphonates should be used with caution in this patient?

Erosive esophagitis

What type of medication dries secretions in the airway and prevents the cilia from removing them effectively?


In which of the following situations would a transfusion reaction MOST likely occur?

A person with type O blood receives type AB blood

Use of a spacer device in conjunction with a metered-dose inhaler:

collects medication as it is released from the canister, allowing more to be delivered to the lungs and less to be lost to the environment.

An adult patient has developed renal failure secondary to an overdose of a nephrotoxic drug. Which of the following assessment findings would the nurse recognize as being most suggestive of impaired erythropoiesis?

Fatigue and increased heart rate

For which of the following conditions is diphenhydramine contraindicated?

Narrow-angle glaucoma

An adult patient with a diagnosis of asthma has been prescribed montelukast (Singulair). The provider should teach the patient that this drug will help relieve symptoms by

preventing the bronchoconstriction and inflammation that is caused by leukotrienes

An older adult patient has been on oral corticosteroids to decrease the symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. What is the patient at risk for developing?


An 80-year-old woman has experienced recent declines in bone density and has consequently been deemed a candidate for treatment with alendronate (Fosamax). During health education, what teaching point should the provider emphasize?

“It's important that you not lie down for half an hour after taking your Fosamax.”

A patient has a severe ear infection that is associated with significant vertigo. Which of the following might be helpful?


The provider is providing health education to an 80-year-old woman who has just been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Which of the following represents an accurate statement when teaching her about this diagnosis?

“Osteoporosis causes a risk for fractures.”

A patient is started on albuterol (Proventil). Of what adverse reaction should the patient be warned?


An adult patient has complained to the nurse that she has been experiencing a dry mouth and urinary retention after several nights of taking an OTC sleep aid. The provider should suspect that this medication contains what antihistamine?

Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)

A patient is admitted to the emergency room with inspiratory stridor and air hunger after a bee sting. Which of the following medications will the provider prepare for administration?


A patient is receiving epoetin alfa (Epogen) for anemia. Which of the following adjunctive therapies is imperative with epoetin alfa?

Iron supplement

A patient is admitted to the intensive care unit with status asthmaticus. The patient is administered high doses of nebulized albuterol (Proventil). What electrolyte imbalance should the provider assess for this patient?


A 79-year-old woman has been diagnosed with osteoporosis, and the provider is reviewing the risks and benefits of Fosamax, which her care provider has prescribed. The patient should be instructed to seek prompt medical attention if she develops which of the following?

Esophageal bleeding

A patient is stung by a bee. What is the chemical mediator released in immune and inflammatory response to the bee sting?


A 66-year-old man with chronic bronchitis presents with severe respiratory distress. The patient's wife tells you that he takes medications for high blood pressure and bronchitis, is on home oxygen therapy, and has recently been taking an over-the-counter antitussive. She further tells you that he has not been compliant with his oxygen therapy. Auscultation of his lungs reveals diffuse rhonchi. What is the MOST likely cause of this patient's respiratory distress?

Recent antitussive use

The patient with megaloblastic anemia asks the provider what causes this disorder. The provider’s best response is:

“Megaloblastic anemia results from vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency, or both.”

An elderly adult woman has been diagnosed with postmenopausal osteoporosis and has been prescribed calcitonin. The provider should anticipate administration by what route?


You are transporting a 55-year-old woman to the hospital. The patient has lymphoma and complains of generalized, severe pain. She is receiving supplemental oxygen and has an IV line of normal saline established. Her blood pressure is 110/64 mm Hg, pulse rate is 104 beats/min and regular, and respirations are 22 breaths/min and adequate. You should:

administer narcotic analgesia as needed while closely monitoring her blood pressure

The primary site for cell production in the human body is the:

bone marrow

The provider caring for a patient with vitamin B12 deficiency secondary to impaired B12 absorption anticipates the patient will receive:

intramuscular cyanocobalamin

The hematocrit is the:

overall proportion of red blood cells in the blood.

The patient who has megaloblastic anemia will usually have red blood cells that are


A patient has been suffering from repeated sinus infections and is diagnosed with allergic rhinitis. The patient is prescribed a first-generation H1 receptor antagonist. What is one of the effects of this medication?

It decreases capillary permeability.

A patient is instructed to take diphenhydramine (Benadryl) after an allergic reaction. Which of the following statements by the patient indicates successful teaching concerning the safe and effective use of diphenhydramine?

“I should not drive my car after taking this medication.”

A 72-year-old woman has been diagnosed with osteoporosis and has begun taking alendronate (Fosamax). The provider should be aware that this drug can increase the woman's bone density by which of the following means?

Suppressing the function of osteoclasts

A patient is experiencing allergy symptoms after being exposed to environmental dust. This reaction involves the action of histamine, which is released by what cells?


A patient is using oxymetazoline (Afrin) to relieve nasal congestion. Which of the following conditions would contraindicate the use of this drug?


A patient who is undergoing chemotherapy for the treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma will soon begin treatment with epoetin alfa (Epogen). The providershould be aware that this drug may be administered by which of the following routes? Select all that apply.

Subcutaneous and Intravenous

A patient has a low erythrocyte count. How may a colony-stimulating factor affect the patient's erythrocyte count?

It stimulates growth of red blood cells.

Which of the following medications is a parasympathetic bronchodilator?


When administering a nebulized bronchodilator, the oxygen flow rate should be set to at least ____ liters per minute.


Which of the following histamine receptor antagonists is known to enter the CNS readily & is known to be sedative?


Which of the following represents a correct adult dose of diphenhydramine?


You are transferring a 60-year-old man with COPD from a community hospital to a metropolitan hospital. The patient is mildly dyspneic, but is otherwise stable. He is receiving oxygen via nasal cannula, has an IV line of normal saline in place, and has an ECG applied. When reading his chart, you note that he has polycythemia, a history of a prior stroke, and hypertension. The patient tells you that he feels a fluttering sensation in his chest. You glance at the cardiac monitor and see a narrow complex tachycardia at a rate of 160 beats/min. The patient's blood pressure is 116/70 mm Hg and he remains conscious and alert. You should:

ensure adequate oxygenation and ventilation, administer 6 mg of adenosine, and reassess his cardiac rhythm.

Abdominal pain that is associated with polycythemia is usually associated with:

an enlarged spleen

A child is prescribed an inhaled corticosteroid agent to decrease respiratory inflammation. The child's parent administers high doses of the drug after 2 days of administration. What is the patient at risk for?

Adrenal insufficiency

A patient with thrombocytopenia:

has a decreased platelet count

A patient has been prescribed alendronate (Fosamax). Which of the following instructions should the patient be given regarding the administration of this medication?

Take the medication on an empty stomach