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121 Cards in this Set

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The dramatic growth of the newly hatched blastocyst is due largely to the extraembryonic membranes. Which membrane hydraulically protects the embryo from mechanical perturbations? This membrane also serves as an anti-adhesion material to prevent tissues from adhering together.


Which of the following most correctly describes the role of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) in the mare?

It is produced by the endometrial cups of the placenta, acts like LH, and stimulates more corpora lutea to be formed

Contractions of the ______________ discharge fluids and tissue debris from the uterus, compress the uterine vasculature and minimize the possibility of hemorrhage, and reduce size of overall uterus.


In the mare, the conceptus does what?

Translocates and does not elongate

What hormone must be maintained at high levels throughout the duration of the pregnancy?


What is the pregnancy recognition factor producted by the trophoblast cells of the embryo in cattle and sheep?

Interferon Tau

What term is used to describe the presence of male and female pronuclei within the cytoplasm of the oocyte?


Across non-human animal species, when does maternal recognition of pregnancy occur relative to ovulation?

day 12-16

Which of the following IS NOT produced by the placenta?


What is produced by the placenta

progesterone, chorionic gonadotropin, relaxin, lactogen

Which Species have diffuse placentas?

Sow, Mare

The eptheliochorial placenta:

Is found in ruminant species and does not allow transfer to immunoglobins from the dam to the fetus in utero

True or False? Mammary gland development in the female begins at puberty.


Contraction of myoepithelial cells surrounding mammary gland alveoli is stimulated by:


True or False? Mares and sows can typically become pregnant sooner after parturition than cattle.


How many days postpartum are required for resumption of ovarian activity in the sow?

7 days

Milk ejection or "milk letdown" :

can be initiated by visual, auditory, and (or) tactile stimuli such as the young bawling or crying or physical stimulation of the teat.

True or False? A typical beef cow requires at least 4 months between parturition and resumption of ovarian activity so she can become pregnant again. True

False 30 days?

True or False? The myometrium is very "quiet" and has limited contractions in the days following parturition so as to facilitate uterine involution.


What is the term used to describe the fluid discharge from the vulva typically within days after parturition that contains endometrial and fetal placenta tissue and blood? [term]



are peptides found in milk


Fusion of the male and female pronuclei after witch the zygote becomes an embryo.


is defined as a potential offspring that is still within the uterus but is generally recognizable as its a given species.


is defined as the product of conception. This includes 1. the embryo in early embryonic stage, 2. the embryo and extraembryonic membranes during the preimplantation stage, and, 3. the fetus and placenta during the post attachment phase.

Four Steps before embryo attachment to the uterus.

1. development within the confines of the zona pellucida

2. hatching of the blastocyst from the zona peelucida

3. maternal recognition of pregnancy

4. formation of the extraembryonic membranes


When male and female pronuclei can be observed, enormous cytoplasm volume relative to nuclear volume.

The single cell embryo after fusion


The zygote undergoes a series of mitotic divisions called?

cleavage divisions

The first cleavage of the zygote results in a two celled embryo the cells of which are called?


Each blastomere undergoes subsquent divisions resulting in?

4, 8, and the 16 daughter cells.

Order with steps

And description refer to page 274

2-4-8-16 celled embryos are totipotent. which means?

They have the ability of a single blastomere to give rise to a complete, fully formed indevidual

Cleavage divisions occur?

with in the zona pellicuda and between the 1 cell and blastocyst stages


When a solid ball of cells is formed and indivdual blastomeres can no longer be counted.

Gap Junctions:

are formed between the cells in the inner portion of the morula

they allow for intercellular communication and may enable cells to remain in a defined cluster

The outer cells develope cell to cell adhesions believed to alter the permeability of the outer cells called?

Tight junctions

after tight junctions fluid begins to form inside the embryo brought about by and active sodium pump. This fluid filled cavity is called


Hatching of the Blastocyst is governed by 3 things

1. growth and fluid accumulation with in the blastocyst

2. production of enzymes by the tropho blastic cells

3. Contraction of the Blastocyst

When a distinct cavity is reconizable the embryo is called a?


The cell then becomes partitioned due to the junction differences forming two distinct cellular populations known as the?

inner cell mass and the trophoblast

The extraembryonic membranes of the preattachment embryo consist of 4 parts

-yolk sac




Cow, pig and sheep are characterized as having what kind of blastocyst


Mares are characterized as having what type of blastocyst?


Development of Extraembryonic membranes

reference page 278

primitive gut begins to form this sack is known as the?


When the allantois reaches a certain volume it will press against the chorion and fuse the two membranes are then called?

the allantochorion that will provide attachments to the endometrium

In most specie the ?what? must provide a timely biochemical signal or the pregnancy will be terminated


embryo enter the uterus within how many days after ovulation?


Maternal recognition of pregnancy must occur before?


In a ewe and cow, the blastocyst secretes interferons that block the synthesis of uterin

?what? receptors.


In a sow ?what? reroutes PGF2a secreted by the endometrium.


Equine conceptus must make significant contact with the endometrial surface to initiate what


hCG does what in humans

helps with MRoP

Maintenance of high levels of ?what? is required for a successful pregnancy


Advantages of Embryo transfer

-circumvention of season reproduction

-enhanced generation of offspring in monotocous species

-assisted repro for infertility in humans

-enhanced repro potential of endangered species

-enhanced genetic diversity across a wide geographical region

Successful embryo transfer involves?

- synchronization of cycles

-super ovulation of donor

-AI of the donor

-embryo recovery from the donor

-maintenance of embtyos in vitro

-transfer to recipients

Super ovulation is achieved with


Recovery of oocytes

-surgical and aspiration

-non surgical and aspiration ultrasonagraphy

-aspirating follicle post mortem in and abattior

Final prepartum steps of reproduction are?

-formation of placenta

-acquisition of endocrine function

-initiation of parturition

Diffuse placenta


Zonary placenta

dog cat

discoid placenta

rodents primates



Epitheliochorial =

6 layers ruminants


5 layers cats dogs

Hemochorial= 3 layers

3 layers primates rodents

The placenta can secrete hormones that

- stimulate ovarian function

-Maintain pregnancy

-influence fetal growth

-stimulate mammary function

-assist in parturition

Space limitation initiates

ACTH production for biochemical reactions to occur to cause parturition

three stages of parturition

1. initiation of myometrial contractions progesterone block gone

2. expulsion of fetus

3. expulsion of fetal membranes

Puerperium four major events

-myometrial contractions and expulsion of lochia

-endometrial repair

-resumption of ovarion follicle

-elimination of bacterial contamination for repro tract

lochia discharge occurs in dairy cows how many days after parturition


14-18 gone


Developing bunches of alveoli

2. If day 0 = estrus and ovulation, when duringgestation would it make the most sense to test forpregnancy specific protein B to assess if she ispregnant or not?
A. Day 5

B. Day 13

C. Day 21

D. Day 35

E. None of the above – it is not present in cattle

Which of the following would you expect to occur ~2-4 days after injection of Lutalyse in a prepubertalheifer?
A. Estrus

B. Formation of a corpus luteum

C. A pulse of LH

D. None of the above

GnrH use in prepubertal heifers causes?

LH surges

Progestin use in prepubertal heifers and postpartum anestrous cows causes?

hastens puberty and cyclicity

4. Final exam study with picture


1.Final exam study with picture look at picture


5. final exam study with picture.

D. day 21

Luteal Phase days

days 1-17 under influence of progesterone

folicular phase time

days 18-21 under the influence of estrogen

6. What is the correct order of the 4 stages of theestrous cycle of a sow beginning with day 0?

Metestrus, Diestrus, Proestrus, Estrus

&. final exam study with picture


Name three repro hormones secreted by the pituitary

LH, FSH, Prolactin

3 defining characteristics of a hormone

1. secreted by one or more endocrine glands

2. transported in blood

3. exerts specific effect on other (target) cells/Tissue?organs (that have receptors for it)

1. A CIDR used in sheep, goats, and cattle delivers thehormone ________________________ and blocks_________________ from occurring while inserted.

Progestin, estrus

10. Regarding sperm in the female tract andfertilization, which of the following is the correctorder of events?

Capacitation, Zona block, Acrozome reaction, Cortical reaction

11. Look at picture for reference

Corpus luteum produces progesterone

12. Name a hormone produced by the neurons ofthe hypothalamus and identify its target cells (cells ithas an effect upon).

Oxytocin Myoepitheal cells

13. Name the hormone produced bythe placenta, is used for basis ofpregnancy tests in queens & bitches &“softens” connective tissue proteins ofpelvic ligaments & the cervix.


14. refer to picture

Antral Folicle

Top box theca interna cells

next theca externa

arrow granulosa cells

bottom is basal lamina

15 refer to picture


Folicular phase consists of

proestrus and estrus

Luteal phase consists of

Metestrus and diestrus

16. refer to picture


17. Name the 3 accessory sex glands in themale and what is their collective function?

1. Bulbourethral, paired, found either side of urethra, large in bores, absent in dogs

-add fluid to semen during ejaculation

- may be energy source as well.

2. Prostate gland, singular, between bladder and urethra

-secrete fluid that nourishes and protects sperm, help with movement and create vaginal plug

seminal vesicle


Ampullary glands, paired

- not known

3. Vesicular gland, paired

-seminal fluid production for transport of sperm

18. Which of the following events marks theend of estrus and beginning of metestrus?


During which of the following days of themenstrual cycle would you expect progesterone to behighest?

day 12

20 and 21 refer to the same picture

20. antralfollicle and 21.oviduct

Matrix and regumate mimic what hormone






are all examples of what kind of product


Melengesterol Acetate


are all examples of what kind of product





Are all examples of what kind of product


23. Across animal species discussed in class,spermatogenesis takes how long?

1-2 months

24. True or FalseTo increase fertility of an intact male used forbreeding purposes, treat with a testosterone implantto improve libido and increase sperm production.

T because testosterone helps with sex drive and testosterone increases sperm production and count

25. Name the 3 layers of the uterus fromoutside to inside.

Perimetrium, Myometrium, endometrium

26-27 refer to same picture

26. epididymis

27. vas deferens

28. True or FalseThe fertile life of sperm is typically less than 12 hourswhereas the fertile life of oocytes is about 2-3 days.


29. Explain 2 specific ways sperm transport inthe female reproductive tract is facilitated.

1.cervical mucus weeds out bad sperm

2.muscular contractions in the uterus

3.motility hyperactivation

4. capacitation

5. maintainance in the reservoir.

30. and 31 refer to picture

30. cavitation/ hatched blastocyst

31. uterus

32, 33, and 34 refer to picture

32. Inter cell mass

33. Trophoblast layer

34.chorion or placenta

35, 36, 37 refer to picture




38 refer to picture

diestrus,metestrus proestus, estrus

cystorelin Ovacyst factrel and fertagyl are known as what


What is the typical purpose of folltropin in cattle repro. mgmt. ?

induce super ovulation so that ET can be done.

41. and 42. refer to picture


seminiforous tubules

Leydig cells testosterone

seretoli cells inhibin, activin

why is MGA fed to feedlot heifers

to increase rate of gain improve feed effeciency and surpress estrus

true or false large scrotal circumfirance results in daughters that reach puberty later in life


true false ovulation occurs at the begining of estrus in the mare cow and ewe


Hormone that exibits positive feedback on the neurons of the hypothalmus to trigger GnRH surge


order of repro tract from ovary to outside

ovary, infundibulum ambulla isthmus, uterin horn, uterin body, cervix, vagina