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100 Cards in this Set

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Locke and Hobbes were influential in the development of which theory of the origin of the Senate?

Social contract theory

A person ruling with divine right receives authority from?


The principle that the state possesses supreme and absolute power within its boundaries is called? L.O


A system in which sovereign power Is held by the voters and is exercised by elected representatives who are responsible to the people is a? L.O


The term that describes an alliance of independent state is a? L.O


The type of democracy which features mass participation is? L.O


Under a presidential form of government, the executive is? L.O

Independent to the legislative branch

In a democracy, the will of the majority? L.O

Can not be used to deprive a minority of its right

Who is the executive branch can be forced from office for failing to win the legislature support ? L.O


The most recent amendment of the constitution was? L.O

27th amendment

The legislative power of the US is vested in the? L.O


Separation of powers mean that? L.O

Desperate branches of government so one doesn't become powerful

The source of any and all government power in the US is the? L.O

The people

The president's power to veto an act of Congress is an example of? L.O

Checks and balances

The opening words of the constitution, "we the people", are a statement of which of the principle? L.O

Popular sovereignty

Not a guarantee of the bill of rights? L.O

Suffrage for woman

Not felt with in the constitutions 27 amendment? L.O

Balanced budget

The only constitutional amendment to be repealed dealt with the subject of? L.O

Alcohol being prohibited

What system helps keep one branch of government from dominating the actions of others? L.O

Checks and balances

Governments that obey the fundamental law of the land are abiding by the principle of? L.O


The constitution has grown and changed mostly as a result of? L.o

Informal amendment

The bill of rights guarentees? L. O

Fair & equal treatment before the law

The 13th 14th and 15th amendments are called? L.o

Civil war amendments

Speech that wrongfully damages a person's reputation is? L.o


The publication of statements that wrongfully damage smothers reputation is? L.o


The Supreme Court has been? L.o

More generous in applying the establishment clause to colleges and universities than to elementary and secondary schools

Burning draft cards has not been upheld as a constitutional as a form of? L.o

Symbolic speech

What guaruntees does the 1st amendment givel? L.o

Power of speech and press

Expression of ideas by conduct rather than in speech or print called? L.o

Symbolic speech

The 10 amendments in a bill of right were originally intended as restrictions against? L.o

The new national government

Which amendment declares that the American people retain other rights not specifically enumerated by the constitutionn? L.o


In the case of Gregory v Chicago the court ruled that demonstrator may? L.o

Not be arrested for disorderly conduct simply because others have reacted to their March with violence

The court are the major guardians of? L.o

Civil rights

Censorship of spoken or written words before they have been expressed is? L.o

Prior resistant

The free exercise clause gives people the right to? L.o

Religious freedom

For the people to search a house they must have a court order called a? L.o


Bill of attainder are legislative laws that sentence a person to jail without a? L.o


Substantive due process says the content or substance of laws must be? L.o


The exclusionary rule requires? L.o

Judges to throw out tainted evidence

Procedural due process refers to the procedures used in ? L.o

Law enforcement

Ex post facto laws prohibit an action after what? L.o

It has taken place

The written of Haney's corpus prevents arrests and imprisonment ? L.o

With out cause

A right that forces an officer to bring a person to court and show proof why he should remain in jail is? L.o

A written of hebeas corpus

In 1973 making abortion legal was reached in the? L.o

Supreme Court case of roe v Wade

The Miranda very Arizona decision led to all defendants in criminal having? L.o

To have their rights read there

What guarantee and included in the right to have a fair trail? L.o

Trail by jury within a responsible time

The trail jury is called? L.o

The petite

The plessy vs Ferguson decision upheld ? L.o

The separate but equal doctrine

In the north there were no segregation laws but? L.o

De facto segregation were common

In the past few decades the fastest growing minority group has been? L.o


In 1954 brown van Topeka board of edu tended legalized segregation laws. L.o

In the public schools

What does reverse discrimination mean? L.o

Victim of minority

The first major challenge to affirmative action was? L.o

Bakke case

The process of legally requiring an alien to leave the country is L.o


The process of taking citizenship away from one who obtained it through fraud l.o


A principle by which any person born within the US is automatically a citizen is called L.o

Just oil

Civil law is concerned with disputes between two more individuals or between individuals and L.O

The government

A formal accusation charging a person with committing a crime is an? L.o


Jurisdiction is the right of a court to L.o

Hear a case

A dissenting opinion is the decision of the L.o

Minority of justices

A majority opinion opinion is the decision of ? L.o

most of justices of the court

The presiding officer of the Supreme Court is called L.O

Chief Justice

What is a plaintif? L.o

The person who is suing

What is a defender ? L.o

The person being sued the

The Supreme Court first ruled an act of Congress unconstitutional in the case of? L.o

Marybury vs Madison

Judicial review is the power of the Supreme Court to determine the? L.o

Constitutionlity of laws and actions of the local state and national governments

How about how many cases are decided by the Supreme Court each year? L. O


What decision in 1954 overruled the plessy vs Ferguson case? L.o

Brown v tepoka boarding education

All Supreme Court decisions are reached by? L.o

Majority vote of the justices

Junket? L.o

Trip by member of Congress to areas effected be measure

Implied powers L.o

Power given to Congress by constitution

Expressed powers l.o

Un written powers give to Congress by elastic clause of constitution

Who presides over the Senate in the absence of the vice president? L.o

Vice president

Filibuster? L.o

Talk non stop a vote on a bill

The minority leader? L.o

Is the person in congress who isn't he leader of the smaller party in Congress

The majority leader? L.o

The person in Congress who is the leader of the party that controls Congress

Freedom from arrest anywhere in the country? L.o

is not a special privilege that members of Congress recieve

The majority of the members of both houses of Congress today are? L.o


A member who is currently in office is called an? L.o


Caucus? L.o

A meeting of political party member

Quorum? L.o

Minimum number of members who must be present for Congress to function

25th amendment? L.o

Determines president disability

The term of the president is L.o

4 years

Term of a senator? L.o

6 years

Term of representative? L.o

7 years

Term of Supreme Court is? L.o


Pardon? L.o

Release penalty of offense

Electoral college? L.o

Political job appointment

Executive agreement? L.o

Agreement between president and head foreign government

How old does a president have to be? L.o

35 years old

The only president to serve more than two terms? L.o


Who became president if both offices of president and vice president are vacant? L.o

Speaker of the house

The only president to serve more than 2 terms L.o

Franklin Roosevelt

Who becomes president is they go vacant? L.o

House of representatives

The president can serve no more than? L.o

2 terms

If no presidential candidates receives a majority of the electoral vote? L.o

The house of representatives

According to the 25 the amendment? L.o

Who may determine whether or not the president is able to discharge the powers and duties of his office vice president and majority of cabinets

What are the roles of the president? L.o

Chief legislator diplomat citize state chief executive

Who appoints the members of the cabinets? L.o

The president

A vice president who completed a former presidents term serve as president up to? L.o

10 years