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29 Cards in this Set

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Special Considerations in Understanding Disorders of C & A

-important to view a child's behavior in context of normal childhood development

-developmental psychopathology focuses on determining what is abnormal at any time in developmental process

Developmental Psychology

study of origins and course of individual maladaptation in context of normal growth processes

Defining Abnormality of Childhood

Commonly used criteria:

-irrationality/dangerousness-- many normal childhood behaviors are irrational to adults

-suffering/emotional distress--some disorders involve personal distress, others not so much ( i.e. ADHD, Intellectual Disability, Autism)

- mal-adaptiveness/significant impairment-- may look very diff. in children

Consider Context; What are normal childhood developmental processes?

I.E.- Self- talk during play is normal for 4 year olds, less so for 14 year olds

I.E.- Occasional tantrums are normal and expected in most young children

Continuum between normal and abnormal

some behaviors (i.e., clingy, inattentive, aggressive) may be typical as long as they don't interfere with normal development

Continuum between normal and abnormal

children develop along several different lines (i.e., social, cognitive, emotional); one may be normal while another may be delayed

Continuum between normal and abnormal

There is a wide range of "normal" development

Classifying of Childhood and Adolescent Disorders

Early diagnostic systems

-no categories for children's disorders

-DSM-I included only two childhood disorders

Recent systems

-more attention paid to developmental factors in creating and using diagnoses for children

Anxiety Disorders of C & A

-Separation Anxiety Disorder

- Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorder

Separation Anxiety Disorder

Excessive anxiety about separation from major attachment figures and from familiar home surroundings

Separation Anxiety Disorder- Characteristics

-Unrealistic fears about separation (e.g., lost,kidnapped)

-Fear of harm coming to attachment figure

-Somatic symptoms/complaints when separated orseparation is anticipated

Separation Anxiety Disorder- Characteristics

-Nightmares or difficulty sleeping withoutattachment figure

-Refusal to participate in activities requiringseparation

Separation Anxiety Disorder- Causes and Treatments

Sociocultural and family system factors

-many children with SAD have been traumatized (i.e., war, natural disaster, divorce, death of relative or pet

-parental overprotection and intrusiveness

- parents can provide reassurance and model appropriate separation behaviors

Separation Anxiety Disorder- Causes and Treatments

Biological components

-Substantial (i.e., > 50%) genetic component

-Benzodiazepines and antidepressants can relieveanxiety

Externalizing Disorders- Oppositional Defiant Disorder

-Recurrent pattern of negativistic, defiant,disobedient, and hostile behavior toward authority figures that persists for atleast 6 months

Externalizing Disorders- Oppositional Defiant Disorder

3 categories of symptoms:

-angry/irritable mood,argumentative/defiant behavior, vindictiveness

-Criteria for ODD (must have any for 4 or moremonths (greater or equal to 6 months)

Externalizing Disorders- Oppositional Defiant Disorder; SYMPTOMS

Angry/irritable mood

-Loses temper often

-Touchy/easily annoyed

-Anger and resentful

Externalizing Disorders- Oppositional Defiant Disorder; SYMPTOMS

Argumentative/defiant behavior

-Argues with authority figures/adults

-Actively defies rules/requests from adults

-Often deliberately annoys others

-Often blames others for mistakes/misbehavior

Externalizing Disorders- Oppositional Defiant Disorder; SYMPTOMS


-Has been spiteful or vindictive at least twicein last 6 months

Externalizing Disorders- Oppositional Defiant Disorder

-Prevalence is about 10%

-More common in boys before puberty; rates inboys and girls about equal after puberty

Externalizing Disorders- Oppositional Defiant Disorder

1 out of 4 ODD cases will later develop ConductDisorder (CD), whereas ODD developmentally precedes CD in most cases

Issues with Oppositional Defiant Disorder

-involves extremes of normal childhood behaviors

-high comorbidity (around 50%) with ADHD

Issues with Oppositional Defiant Disorder

ODD also associated with Learning Disorders,Substance Use Disorders, Anxiety Disorders and Mood Disorders

Externalizing Disorders- Conduct Disorder

-10% prevalence (12% boys, 7% girls)

-involves violations of the rights of others, andusually criminal behaviors

Externalizing Disorders- Conduct Disorder

-must have 3 or more of specific behaviors(group into 4 categories) within the last year, with 1 or more of those withinthe past 6 months

Externalizing Disorders- Conduct Disorder

1. Aggression toward people and animals

-physical fights


-forced someone into sexual activity

-physically cruel to animals

-physically cruel to other people

-has stolen while confronting a victim

-has used a weapon that can cause serious harm

Externalizing Disorders- Conduct Disorder

2. Destruction of Propertyú fire settingú vandalism

Externalizing Disorders- Conduct Disorder

3. Deceitfulness of theft


-breaking into homes

-conning others

Externalizing Disorders- Conduct Disorder

4. Serious violation of rules

-staying out at night before age 13 whenprohibited by parents

-running away

-truancy (skipping school)

*Specify mild, moderate, or severe based onnumber and severity of problems