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37 Cards in this Set

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System that links physiological response and emotional response
Limbic system
Located very deep in the middle secion of the brain
Location of the limbic system
Includes: Rhinencephalon, Amydale, hyothalamus and anterior nucleus of the thalamus
Limbic system
Portion of limbic system that deals with anger, fear & danger
Portion of limbic system that deals with expressing emotions via gestures & resolves mental conflict
Cingulate gyrus
Portion of limbic system that puts and emotional response to a smell (associates memories w/smells)
Composed of three broad columns across the length of the brainstem
Reticular Activating system (RAS)
The three columns of the Reticular Activating System (RAS)
Raphe nuclei
Medial (large cell) group
Lateral (small cell) group
Filters potentially harmful substances and prevents them from reaching the brain
Blood brain Barrier
Permits CSF to be absorbed into venous blood
Arachnoid villi
Nourishes the brain and carries chemical signals. Allows frain to "float".
Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF)
Help to clease/filter CSF by removing waste
Choroid Plexuses
Selective barrier that allows nutrients to pass freely.
Blood brain barrier
Protective mechanism that helps to maintain a stable environment for the brain by preventing ions from sending continuous impulses
Blood brain barrier
Clusters of capillaries that form tissue fluid filters, which hang from the roof of each ventricle
Choroid Plexuses
Contains ion pumps to allow them to alter ion concentrations of the CSF
Choroid Plexuses
Consists of cell bodies, unmyelinated processes and neuroglia
Gray Matter
Fibrous extension of the pia mater; anchors spinal cord to the coccys
Filum Terminale
Delicate shelves of pia matter that come off of the Filum terminale to attache the spinal cord to Vertebrae
Denticulate Ligaments
Space between bertebrae and dural sheath, filled with fat and a network of veins
Epidural space (of spinal cord)
Termination or end point of the spinal cord
Conus medullaris
PNS receptors that respond to touch, pressure, vibration stretch & itch
PNS receptors that respond to temperature changes
PNS receptors that respond to light energy
PNS receptors that respond to chemicals (smell, taste, changes in blood chemistry
Sensory, cranial spinal nerve located in the nasal cavity. AKA Olfactory Nerve
Cranial Nerve I
Sensory, cranial nerve involved in visual impulses, located in the retina, AKA Optic Nerve
Cranial Nerve II
Motor cranial nerve responsible for constriction of ocular muscles, located in the Ventral Midbrain. AKA Oculomotor
Cranial Nerve III
Motor nerve that participates in muscular eye movement, located in the Dorsal midbrain. AKA Trochlear
Cranial Nerve IV
Mixed nerve involves sensory nerves of the face, located in the pons. AKA Trigeminal
Cranial Nerve V
Motor nerve responsible for innervating the lateral rectus muscle of the eye. Located in the pons. AKA Abducens
Cranial Nerve VI
Mixed nerve, major motor nerve with five major branches of the face. Located in the pons. AKA Facial
Cranial Nerve VII
Sensory nerve arise from the hearing and equilibrium apparatus of the inner ear. AKA Vestibulocochlear
Cranial Nerve VIII
Mixed nerve, innervates part of the tongue and pharynx, arising from the medulla. AKA Glossopharyngeal
Cranial Nerve IX
Motor nerve that innervates both extrinsi and intrinsic muscles of the tongue contributing to swallowing and speech. Arising from the medulla. AKA HypoGlossal
Cranial Nerve XII
Arising from Medulla, only cranial nerve that extends beyon the head and neck. Mixed nerve effectin heart, lungs & visceral organs, function in the taste sense. AKA Vagus
Cranial Nerve X
Motor nerve that travels w/vagus to innervate muscles of the neck, larynx and pharynx. AKA Accessory
Crainial Nerve XI