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78 Cards in this Set

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Cave paintings

cave painting sights are aligned to be illuminated by the setting sun during winter solstice


connect bright points or dark regions into pics

tell stories of how they are related

useful today to refer to parts in the sky

constellations are not

real physical groupings of stars

are not same all around

most astronomers don't know them

predicting the future

-Chinese started keeping records of the sky in 400 BCE

-they were interested in guest stars (comets)

-They saw that it was visible even in the day for multiple months

-Supernova that caused the Crab Nebula


-=sun moon and earth have to be lined up

-moons orbit tilted from earths- has to be at a node

-suns gravity makes the plane of moon's orbit rotate- node keeps moving

-babylonians knew about this in BCE

Demonstrate or claim power

-Incan- sun will rise between two towers on summer solstice

-spirng and fall exquinox snake will go down the Mayan Temple of Kukulkan

-Chinese had the circumpolar stars wheel behind emperors throne


-height of the North star = latitude

-polynesian navigators used latitude hooks

Calendars and time keeping

-stone hedge- summer solstice sunrise vise versa for winter solstice sunset

-Chaco canyon- shaft of light through two stone slabs on a carved rock on summer solstice

Saanich Moons

-local Saanich people (WSANEC) different name for each moon of the year

-traditions associated with each

Australian aboriginal astronomy

-myths, navigation, calendars, tides etc...

-astronomy project: elders and astronomers work together

written accounts

-Dresdan Codex: mayan book

-tables of lunar eclipses and movements of Venus

-records from conquistadores (Mayan)

Antikythera Mechanism

-greek artifact

-30+ interlocking gears with inscriptions

-analogue computer to calculate positions of the sun, moon, moon phases etc...

-didnt really work


-Great Britain has 100+ stone circles

-distribution is not random

-lined up on purpose for a reason

-the sky changes


-direction of earths axis changes from gravitational twisting forces from the sun and moon

-full cycle every 26,000yrs

-pole star changes

proper motion

stars move

sun orbits the centre of the galaxy

Why do we care?

astronomy:historical records (comets, supernova)

social sciences:date historical events

education:common misconceptions

geocentric universe (wrong)

earth (geo) is the centre of the uni

common model in ancient times

Why isnt there a strong wind if Earth is moving

atmosphere is held in place b/c of gravity and moves with it

Why doesn't out view of the stars change

it does but they are far away so we dont notice

ancient greek astronomy

700 BC constellations in writings

flat earth surrounded by Ocean River

cylindrical earth and rings of fire

anti earth

classical greek astronomy

-four mathematical arts: astro, music, geo, math

-plato basis of philosophical education

Eudoxan Model

-Eudoxus:27 concentric spheres rotating in various directions

-Callippus- 7+ spheres to account for more data

-Aristotle: unrolling spheres - wouldn't transfer their motion to eachother

outer planets are brightest when

they're closest to us and fainter when further away

When are inner planets brightest

combination of distance and phase

other planets move in their orbits

we overtake and are overtaken by them

-cars on a highway

Aristarchus of Samos

-First known heliocentric model

-proposed the stars were other suns

Deferents and Epicycles- Apollonius of Perga

-planets travel on small circles and carried about the Earth on bigger circles

Deferents and Epicycles- Hipparchus

had access to amazing observations of the Babylonians

Claudius Ptolemy

-equant point to explain why planets speed up and slow down

-wrote most influential scientific text

-put the universe in order

fall of rome

-Roman Empire reached its max extent 117 CE

-fewer people spoke --> could read greek

-dark ages not much history recorded

Medieval islamic astronomy

-Islamic golden age:cultural, economic and scientific advances

-Improvements to sundials, astrolabes and quadrants

-practical use-time and direction of prayers

Geocentric refinements

-Ptolemy's Great Treatise translated into almagest

-books written to improve model

-Tusi-couple to replace the equant

nicolaus coperniucus- celestial spheres

earth is not special

all planets go around the sun

stars are very far away

earth is spinning

earth's motion accounts for other things rising setting etc..

copernican model

circular orbits- epicycles

didnt match data better

couldn't prove it

Copernicus' impact


published in the yr of his death

wrote latin- not many could read

mild disapproval from church

Tycho Brahe model

pre telescopic

thought distances to stars would be absurd

geoheliocentric system- sun goes around the earth but everything else goes around the sun

Galileo Galilei

built his improved model of the telescope

what did Galileo see?

moon has mountains like Earth

jupiter has moons orbiting it

Venus goes through phases

Sun has spots and is rotating

Galileo results

Sidereus Nuncius

wrote in Italian so people could read it

heliocentric model support

explains why bible conflicts

Catholic church reaction to Galileo

-still not proof

-he doesnt have enough proof

-protestants didnt like it and were scheming

Dialogue concerning the two chief world systems

Pope's ideas- character simplicio


passed Inquisition's censors but then banned

Copernican revolution

1686- conversations of the plurality of worlds was popular

1758:Heliocentric books were unbanned

1992: Pope apologized

refracting telescope

-one lens

-lens gathers rays

-chromatic abberation

-both lens and interior must be perfect

-outside lens support

reflecting telescope

-two mirrors

-lens to produce magnified image

-no chromatic aberration

-light doesnt pass through

types of reflecting telescopes

Prime focus

Newtonian focus

Cassegrain focus

Nasmyth focus

Modern reflectors


Gran Telescopio Canarias


-astronomers don't look through telescopes

-charge coupled devise- like digital camera

-read charge to find how many photons

Bigger mirror is better

-more light you can collect- see fainter things

-less its opening bends incoming light waves-better resolution

-segmented to reduce weight

Uraniborg and Stjenrneborg

-Tycho Brahe got an island

-research complex was built

-complete records of stars and planets- very accurate

angular measurements

-width of pinky is about 1 degree

-1/60th of that is 1 arcminute

-1/60th of that is 1 arcsecond


weak vision and crippled hands

astronomy theorist

Kepler and Tycho

-tycho fallen out of favour with the new Kind of Denmark- Roman Emperor took him in

-Kepler visited and left after a fight

-Tycho died and kepler inherited his position and data

archival data

time on telescopes is hard to get and $$$

data goes into common domain after 1yr

Kepler's data

-figured out diff distances from Earth and other planets at diff times

-Earth and other planets must be moving

-published tables


-how Kepler found his data

-more distance between to objects originally -means less movement

-closer distance between objects originally means more movement

Kepler's first law

planets more in ellipses not circles with sun at one focus


twi foci and semi major axis

not a circle more oval


how flattened is the ellipse

most planets other than Mercury and Mars eccentricity

orbits of planets have ow eccentricity- almost cirlces

Kepler's second law

imaginary line connecting the Sun to any planet sweeps out equal areas of the ellipse in equal intervals of time

-close to the sun they move faster vs slower further out

Kepler's third Law

length of time for a planet to go around the sun once is related to distance from the sun

-P2 = a2

-p= period, time for one orbit, Earth yrs

-a= semi major axis, average distance to sun, AU

Transits of Venus


-during 7yrs war

Newton's first law

every body is in a state of being at rest or moving unless it is compelled to change its state by force

friction and intertia

Friction: force that stops something

Inertia: an object that is moving and will continue until it is forced to stop ie: fast car stopping suddenly and you keep moving forward until you are stopped by seatbelt

Speed VS Velocity

speed: how fast you're going

velocity: how fast you're going and which direction

change= force acting on it

Newton's Second Law

force acts on a body it produces the acceleration equal to force divided by mass

acceleration = force/mass

force= mass x acceleration


change in velocity


speed and diraction

more force

bigger change

more massive body

smaller change

Newton's Third Law

to every action there is and equal and opposite reaction

size matters- masses are diff accelerations will be too

smaller things get bigger change

bigger things get smaller change

law of gravity

Fg (infinity sign) m1m2



every particle of matter attracts every other particle. Is attracted by force that is proportional to product of the masses of particles

Newton and gravity

1666- worked o motion and gravity during the plague

got busy with other stuff

he sends the Royal Society the Principa and they publish it

Newton's Cannonball

Throw a ball and it will fall to Earth

throw it harder and it will fall further away

throw it hard enough and it will orbit

Newton and Kepler's Laws

Newton backed up Kepler's laws on physics and math

Newton and Kepler's first law

planets move in ellipses not circles with the centre of mass of the planet sun system at one focus

Newton and Kepler's third law

Kepler: length of time for a planet to go around the sun once is related to its distance from the Sun

Newton: different relationship