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34 Cards in this Set

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deliberate repition of sounds, especially initial consonant sounds, in successive words, for musical effect
reptition of words or phrases for emphasis
arrangment of words or phrases in an oppositional, ABBA order, often to emphasize some contrast or to create a word-picture
delay of the final word of phrase of a sentence to the beginning of the following verse, to emphasize an idea or create suspense
Golden Line
A form of interlocked word order in which a verb is positioned in the middle of the verse, with adjective preceding and nouns following in symmetrical arrangement
use of 2 nouns connected by a conjunction often instead of one modified now expressing a single, complex idea. the usual effect is to give equal prominence to an image that would ordinarily be subordinated
Interlocked Word Order
Arrangement of related pairs of words in an alternating ABAB pattern often emphasizing the close relationship between two thoughts
Generally understatement by denying the opposite
when a one word suggests another closly related word
Use of extra conjunctions
a type of metonymy in which a part is named in place of an entire object, or a metrial for a thing made of that material, or an individual in place of a class
use of single word with a pair of others. when it logically applies to only one of them, or applies to both in two different ways
Where is Daedalus confined and by whom?
Island of Crete by King Minos
"Terras licet," inquit, "et undas obstruat, at caelum certe patet; ibimus illac!

Who is he talking to?
"The king may control the land and the sea, but he does not control the sky. We can escape through the sky!"

His Son
Warning to his Son
Son, it is time for us to try to escape. Stay by my side at all times and don't go too far. If you fly lower than me your wings may become damp from the fog and sea. If you fly much higher than me, the wax of the wings will melt in the heat of the sun."
Two Constellations
Ursa Major = Great Bear
Bootes = The Herdsman
the Shephard's Pipe
Pericula [Line 196]
Common Syncope (contraction)
Why are they forced to stay on Crete?
Daedalus is charged with killing his nephew
The father's kisses will basically never be repeated again
refer to the episode's grim conclusion
pole is quivering either because he has a fish on the line or because he himself is trembling in amazement at the sight of Daedalus and Icarus
chiasmus....innixus modifies both nouns and governs BACULO and STIVA
What was Icarus' mistake?
Flew too close to the hot sun which melted his wings.
What signs of emotion does Daedalus show while speaking to Icarus?
sadness and warning
What is Daedalus compared to as he sets off?
A young bird setting out from the nest for the first time
What did the people that saw them think of the flight?
They were agape with amazement
What caused Daedalus' agitation?
He was worried because his son was acting carefree, unworried of the journey ahead.
What form of verb do they use?
Historic Present
What materials does Daedalus fasten the feathers with?
Wax, thread
What is Icarus failing to realize?
The danger for himself
What does Icarus do while his father is working?
Icarus is playing games, not paying attention to what is happening.
What goes on at the end of Part II?
Icarus is winged and testing his wings. The journey has begun.
What did the arrangement of the feathers represent?
Bird's wings