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10 Cards in this Set

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What is a faction?

A faction is a group united in disagreement with other groups. Such interests are adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community

What are the two methods of addressing the problem of majority faction?

Removing the causes and controlling the effects

Which of the above methods are rejected by Publius?

Removing the causes, of which there were two detailed methods; The first involved taking away liberty, and was rejected because liberty is essential to life. The second involved giving opinions to people, which was rejected as impossible.

Which of the above methods are accepted by Publius?

Controlling the effects by three methods.

What was the first element of the method accepted by Publius?

Representative voting: This has the effect of refining of numerous public views through one elected mind.

What was the second element of the method accepted by Publius?

Proportionality of representatives: The number of representatives must be large enough to protect against “the cabals of the few” and small enough to “guard against the confusion of a multitude.”

What was the third element of the method accepted by Publius?

A large territory: This means there will be many factions, and it will be more difficult for many factions to build an oppressive majority, as they are more likely to group into many small minorities.

Why does Madison reject the idea of abolishing or removing the causes of faction?

Because the causes come from our human nature. Men have reason which is fallible, attach their self-identity to their opinions, and so there are many different ideas which men protect. Also the different and unequal faculties of acquiring property lead to possession of property in different degrees, and so there are different levels of property ownership which lead to different interests in society. “The latent causes of faction are thus sown in the nature of man.”

Why is a republic preferable to a democracy?

Representative voting, delegation of the government (separation of powers), and a larger territory.

Why is a large republic preferable to a small republic?

There will be many factions, and it will be more difficult for many factions to build an oppressive majority, as they are more likely to group into many small minorities.