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20 Cards in this Set

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Sumimasen, watashitachi no seki wa kyõ ban no A to B des.
Excuse me, our seats number 9a and 9b are.
Aa, so des ka? Chotto matte kudosai.
Oh really? A moment (little wait), Please.
Hajimemash(i)te. Tom to kate walker des.
Nice to meet you. Toma and Kate Walker (we) are.
Hajimemash(i)te. Suzuki des.
Nice to meet you. Suzuki (I) am called.
Kaisha no Suzuki des ka.
Of the company Suzuki (you) are?
Iie, Suzuki wa ooi des. Watashi wa Suzuki Jun Des.
No, there are many Suzukis. I Jun Suzuki am.
Watashitashi Wa õsaka ni ikimas. Suzuki-san wa?
We Osaka to go. (And you) Mr. Suzuki?
Tõkyõ ni ikimas. Watashi wa Kyõto kara des.
Tokyo to I go. (But ) Kyõto from I am.
So des ka. Watashi wa go-gatsu ni Kyõto ni ikimas(i)ta.
Oh, really? I May in Kyoto went. Very beauitful (it) is. Work through Kyoto to (I) went.
O-shigoto wa nan des ka?
Your work was is it?
Konpyûta des. Unilever de hataraiteimas.
Computer it is. At Unilever I work.
Kate-San wa? O-shigoto wa nan des ka? Doko de hataraiteimas ka?
(and you) Miss Kate? Your work was is it? Where do you work?
Ryokõ gaisha de hataraiteimash(i)ta ga ima Rover de hataraiteimas. Ryokõ gaisha yori omoshiroi des.
Travel agency at I worked but now Rover at I work.Travel agency than (more) interesting it is.
London kara des ka?
London from are you?
Hai, London kara des. San nenkan Manchester ni imash(i)ta. Soekara ichi nenkan New York ni imash(i)ta. Ima Birmingham ni imas.
Yes, London from we are. Three years for Manchester in we were. And then one year for New York in we were. Now Birmingham in we are.
Watashi wa Nihon ginkõ de hatarateimash(i)ta. Sorekara jû nenkan Honda de hataraiteimash(i)ta.
I Japan bank at worked. Then 10 years for Honda ta I work.
Honda wa dõ des ka? Omoshiroi des ka?
Honda how is it? Interesting is it?
Tsumaranai des. Mainichi osoku made hataraiteimas. Demo ie to BMW ga arimas. Sorekara tsuma to yonin no kodomo ga imas. Tsuma wa America kara kimash(i)ta. Los Angelese ni ryõshin ga imas. Florida ni tomodachi ga imas. Itsumo America ni denwa shiteimas. Takai des!
Boring it is. Everyday late until I work. But house and BMW I have. And wife and four children there are. Wife America from came. Los Angeles in parents are. Florida in friend is. Always America to (she) phones. Expensive it is!
Ima shigoto ga yasumi des. Suzuki-san mo?
Now (from) work on holiday we are. (You) Mr. Suzuki, too?
Iee, go-gatsu ni yasumiga arimas. Hokkaidõ ni ikimas. Soko ni wa apãto ga arimas. Denwa ga arimasen. Keitai denwa o motteikimasen!
No, May in holiday we have. Hokkaido to (we) go. There apartment (we) have. Phone there is not. Mobile phone (we) won't take.