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12 Cards in this Set

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oribcularis oris

origin: corner of lips

insertion: facial midline

course/direction: horizontally/laterally within lips

function: constricts oral opening, facilitates lip closure, protrusion, and compression against teeth

innervation: VII (facial - buccal branch)


origin: posterior along fascia of masseter muscle above parotid gland

insertion: modiolus (corners of mouth)

course/direction: forward

function: retracts corners of the mouth

innervation: VII facial (buccal and zygomatic branches)


origin: (a) pterygomandibular ligament (running from the hamulus to posterior mylohyoid line of inner mandible (b) alveolar process of mandible and maxillae

insertion: upper and lower orbicularis oris

course/direction: forward - runs parallel (but deep) to risorius

function: main muscle of the cheek, retracts corners of mouth, keeps food on molar surface of teeth

innervation: VII facial (buccal branch)

levator labii superioris alaeque nasi

origin: frontal process of maxilla

insertion: orbicularis oris at angle of mouth

course/direction: down along lateral margin of nose

function: dilates nostrils, elevates upper lip

innervation: VII facial (buccal + zygomatic branches)

levator labii superioris

origin: inferior maxillary surface of orbit

insertion: orbicularis oris at angle of mouth

course/direction: down

function: elevates upper lip

innervation: VII facial (buccal and zygomatic)

zygomatic minor

origin: zygomatic bone

insertion: orbicularis oris at angle of mouth

course: down

function: elevates upper lip, deepens nasolabial fold

innervation: VII facial (buccal + zygomatic)

zygomatic major

origin: zygomatic bone

insertion: corners of mouth and upper lip

course: oblique

function: draws corner of mouth up and laterally (true smiling muscle)

innervation: VII facial (buccal + zygomatic)

levator anguli oris

origin: maxilla

insertion: corners of mouth and upper lip

course: down

function: draws corner of mouth up and laterally

innervation: VII facial (buccal + zygomatic)

depressor labii inferioris

origin: mandible (external oblique line)

insertion: lower lip

course: up

function: pulls lip down and out

innervation: VII facial (mandibular and buccal)

depressor anguli oris

origin: mandible (external oblique line)

insertion: corners of mouth

course: fans upwards

function: depresses corners of upper lip, compresses lips

innervation: VII facial (mandibular and buccal)


origin: incisive fossa of mandible

insertion: skin of chin

course: down

function: elevates and wrinkles chin, pulls lower lip out

innervation: VII facial (mandibular branch)


origin: fascia overlying pectoralis major and deltoid

insertion: corner of mouth and lower margin of mandible

course: fans upward

function: depresses mandible, pulls skin of neck upward ('collar loosener')

innervation: VII facial (cervical branch)