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30 Cards in this Set

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Muscles of Ear:
1) Auricularis anterior
2) Auricularis superior
3) Auricularis posterior
What innervates:

1) Auricularis anterior
2) Auricularis superior
3) Auricularis posterior
1) Temporal branch of VII
2) Temporal branch of VII
3) Posterior Auricular branch of VII
Muscles of nose:
1) Procerus
2) Nasalis
3) Depressor septinasi
4) Levator labii superioris aleque nasi
Muscles of Labial Fissure (mouth):
1) Orbicularis oris

2) Levator labii superioris
3) Levator labii superioris aleque nasi
4) Levator anguli oris
5) Zygomaticus major
6) Zygomaticus minor
7) Risorius
8) Depressor labii inferioris
9) Depressor anguli oris

10) Mentalis
11) Buccinator
12) Platysma
Motor supply of Buccinator?
Buccal branch of VII
Sensory supply of Buccinator?
Long buccal nerve of V3
Muscles of Mastication:
1) Masseter
2) Temporalis
3) Lateral Pterygoid
4) Medial Pterygoid
Muscles of Palpebral Fissure:
1) Levator palpebrae superioris
2) Orbicularis Oculi
3) Corrugator Supercilli
4) Occipito Frontalis
Function of Levator palpebrae superioris:
opens palpebral fissure
Innervation of Levator palpebrae superioris:
Oculomotor (CNIII)
Function of Orbicularis oculi:
closes palpebral fissure
Function of Corrugator Supercilli:
depresses eyebrow
Function of Occipital frontal:
raises eyebrow by retracting scalp
Innervation of palpebral fissure muscles?
VII except levator palpebrae superiors
function of frontalis muscle?
elevates eyebrow and forehead
function of nasals?
draws ala (side) of nose towards nasal septum
function of orbicularis oris?
compresses and protrudes lips
function of levator labii superioris?
1) elevates lip
2) dialates nostril
3) raises angle of mouth
function of mentalis muscle?
protrudes lower lip
function of buccinator?
presses cheeks against molar teeth
What are ALL the branches of the External Carotid Artery?
1) Superior thyroid
2) Ascending pharyngeal
3) Lingual
4) Facial
5) Occipital
6) Posterior auricular artery
7) Maxillary
8) Superficial temporal
What are the 3 branches of the External Carotid Artery that supply the face?
1) Facial
2) Maxillary
3) Superficial Temporal
What are the branches of the Facial Artery that supply the face:
1) Superior labial
2) Inferior labial
3) Lateral nasal
4) Angular (cont. of lateral nasal)
5) Submental
Which artery becomes the angular artery?
Lateral nasal artery when it reaches the angle of the eye.
Branches of Maxillary artery that supply the face:
1) Infraorbital
2) Mental
What level does the facial artery arise?
What two structures does the maxillary artery pass through to reach the face?
The sphenomandibular ligament and neck of mandible
What branch of the Superficial Artery supplies the face?
Transverse facial artery
What branch of the Internal Carotid Artery supply the face?
Opthalmic artery
what branches of the Opthalmic artery supply the face?
1) Supratrochlear
2) Supraorbital
3) Dorsal Nasal
4) Lacrimal