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105 Cards in this Set

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The first agreement for self-gov't in America is called the?
Mayflower Compact
What was signed by the 41 men on the "ship" and set up a gov't for the Plymouth colony?
Mayflower Compact
When was the Mayflower compact signed?
The ________ were separatists who believe that the Church of England could not be reformed.
What kind of groups were illegal in England and who were a part of it?
Separatists; Pilgrims
Where did the Pilgrims flee to and where did they settle?
The _______ were non-separatists who wished to adopt reforms to purify the Church of England.
Who received a right to settle in the Massachusetts Bay area from the King of England?
Who gave the Puritans the right to settle and govern a colony in the Mass. Bay area?
King Charles
What type of colony did the Puritans establish and when?
political freedom and a representative gov't; 1629
Who left the Mass. colony and purchased the land from a neighboring Indian tribe to found the colony of Rhode Island?
Roger Williams
What colony did Roger Williams found and when?
Rhode Island; 1635
Rhode Island was the only colony at that time (1635) to offer what?
Complete religious freedom
A company made up of a group of shareholders are called? Where each shareholder contributes some money to the company and recieves some share of the company's profits and debts.
Joint Stock Company
What, as a profit-earning venture formed Virginia?
The VA company
What was the major problem in VA?
About how much (%) of the colonitsts died the 1st year in VA?
What happened to the survivors from the colonists and what happened to the company?
They left; company had trouble attracting new colonists
Who offered private land ownership in the colony to attract settlers?
The VA Company
When did VA become a succesful colony after the VA company went bankrupt?
After the colonists started raising and exporting tobacco.
Who helped find and govern Jamestown?
John Smith
What did John SMith's leadership and strict discipline help the VA colony for?
to get through the difficult 1st winter
Who was one of the English settlers at Jamestown and married Pocahontas?
John Rolfe
What was Rolfe able to discover which made VA and economically succesful economy? (2 things)
1. how to succesfully grow tobacco
2. how to cure tobacco for export
When did the first African slaves in America arrive in the VA colony and what does this embark?
1619 marks the beginning of slavery
Who formed the 1st legislative body in colonial America and when?
The VA house of burgesses; 1619
Who formed the 1st legislative body in colonial America and when?
The VA house of burgesses; 1619
Who formed the 1st legislative body in colonial America and when?
The VA house of burgesses; 1619
Who formed the 1st legislative body in colonial America and when?
The VA house of burgesses; 1619
Who formed the 1st legislative body in colonial America and when?
The VA house of burgesses; 1619
Who formed the 1st legislative body in colonial America and when?
The VA house of burgesses; 1619
Later after the 1st legislative body in colonial America was form, what did other colonies adopt?
House of Burgesses
Later after the 1st legislative body in colonial America was form, what did other colonies adopt?
House of Burgesses
Later after the 1st legislative body in colonial America was form, what did other colonies adopt?
House of Burgesses
What do you call the English nobility, who recieved large land grants in eastern VA from the King of England?
Who formed the 1st legislative body in colonial America and when?
The VA house of burgesses; 1619
Later after the 1st legislative body in colonial America was form, what did other colonies adopt?
House of Burgesses
Later after the 1st legislative body in colonial America was form, what did other colonies adopt?
House of Burgesses
What do you call the English nobility, who recieved large land grants in eastern VA from the King of England?
Who formed the 1st legislative body in colonial America and when?
The VA house of burgesses; 1619
When was Jamestown established?
What do you call the English nobility, who recieved large land grants in eastern VA from the King of England?
Later after the 1st legislative body in colonial America was form, what did other colonies adopt?
House of Burgesses
What do you call the English nobility, who recieved large land grants in eastern VA from the King of England?
Later after the 1st legislative body in colonial America was form, what did other colonies adopt?
House of Burgesses
When was Jamestown established?
What do you call the English nobility, who recieved large land grants in eastern VA from the King of England?
Who established Jamestown and as a what?
The VA Company of London; as a business venture
When was Jamestown established?
When was Jamestown established?
Later after the 1st legislative body in colonial America was form, what did other colonies adopt?
House of Burgesses
When was Jamestown established?
What do you call the English nobility, who recieved large land grants in eastern VA from the King of England?
What do you call the English nobility, who recieved large land grants in eastern VA from the King of England?
Who established Jamestown and as a what?
The VA Company of London; as a business venture
What do you call the English nobility, who recieved large land grants in eastern VA from the King of England?
Who established Jamestown and as a what?
The VA Company of London; as a business venture
When was Jamestown established?
When was Jamestown established?
Who established Jamestown and as a what?
The VA Company of London; as a business venture
Who established Jamestown and as a what?
The VA Company of London; as a business venture
When was Jamestown established?
Who established Jamestown and as a what?
The VA Company of London; as a business venture
Who established Jamestown and as a what?
The VA Company of London; as a business venture
Who established Jamestown and as a what?
The VA Company of London; as a business venture
What was the first permanent English colony?
Who were angry with the VA Governor Berkley for trying to appease the Doeg Indians after the Doegs attacked the western settlements?
Nathanial Bacon and other western VA settlers
The _______ formed an army in _(date)__ with Bacon as its leader, which defeated the Indians and then marched on Jamestown and burned the city.
frontiersmen; 1676
When did Bacon's rebellion suddenly end?
When Bacon died of an illness
Where was tobacco grown in??
Virginia, Maryland, and NC
What was grown in SC and GA?
What 2 things are grown in SC?
Rice and Indigo
Who received a land grant from King Charles II in 1681?
William Penn
What was the land grant Penn received in 1681 for?
to form a colony that would provide a haven for Quakers
What was Penn's colony and what did it allow?
Pennsylvania; religious freedom
The middle colonies produced what crops?
staple crops-primarily grain and corn
Printer, author, inventor, diplomat, statesman, and Founding Father. Who is he?
Benjamin Franklin
Franklin was one of the few Americans _________ ________ in Europe, primarily due to his discoveries in the field of _____________.
highly respected; electricity
founders established churches Pennsylvania: Founded by ____________.
William Penn
What was Penn and what was his purpose in founding Penn.?
Quaker; provide protection for Quakers
What was formed as a colony where Catholics would be free from persecution?
Rhode Island was formed to provide a haven for all what? +Examples. (2)
persecuted religions including all Christian denominations and Jews
What occured from 1739-1744?
The Great Awakening
What do you call the sudden outbreak of religious fervor that swept through the colonies?
The Great Awakening
The Great Awakening was one of the 1st events to what?
unify the colonies
What had declined by the 1730's and where people got upset about it?
Puritanism because of the decline in religious piety(goodness)
What do you call the backbone of New England's economy during the colonial period?
Triangular Trade
Ships from New England sailed first to where relating to the triangular trade?
What did New England exchange with Africa and vise versa?
New England exchanged rum for slaves
The slaves from were shipped to where? And this was called the?
Carribean; Middle Passage
What had declined by the 1730's and where people got upset about it?
Puritanism because of the decline in religious piety(goodness)
What do you call the backbone of New England's economy during the colonial period?
Triangular Trade
Ships from New England sailed first to where relating to the triangular trade?
What did New England exchange with Africa and vise versa?
New England exchanged rum for slaves
The slaves from were shipped to where? And this was called the?
Carribean; Middle Passage
In the Caribbean, what were slaves traded for?
Sugar and Molasses
After trading slaves for Sugar and Molasses in the Caribbean, what did the ships do and what happened to the molasses?
They returned back to New England where they used molasses to make rum for another trade.
What did they call the several accusations of witchcraft which led to sensational trials?
Salem witch trials
Where were the Salem witch trials held at?
Salem, Mass.
Who presided as the chief judge during the Salem Witch Trials?
Cotton Mather
How many people were hanged as witches?
After the hanging of individuals during the Salem Witch Trials, what did most of the people involved admit?
That the trials and executions had been a terrible mistake
These people were the ones who could not afford passage to the colonies so they became ________ ___________.
Indentured Servants
What would an individual considered as an indentured servant do and how would they get to America?
Another person would pay for the servant's passage and in exchange, they would serve that person for a set lenght of time and then would be free.
How long do average indentured servants work for?
7 years