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44 Cards in this Set

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Definition: Muscular strength
maximal force that can be produced by a muscle or muscle group
Definition: Muscular power
rapid application of force
Definition: Muscular endurance
ability of muscle to repeatedly generate force
What happens to our muscles when we exercise?
Structural changes, metabolic changes
3 Rules of recruitment
1. size principal-small fibers get recruited first
2. >70% force is required to activate Type II b fiber
3. Type I fibers are always recruited
Causes of muscle soreness, immediate and later
immediate- ion accumulation, drop in pH, acidity in muscle
later- rebuilding of muscle fibers, microtramas
muscular strength in children
there is a linear relationship between strength and age - until puberty.
muscular strength in adults
body mass (kgs), body composition, testosterone, maturation of neural pathways.
muscular training in children
empahasis should be on form and technique, not competition.
what causes muscular strength as we age?
inactivity, muscle atrophy, neural input.
-type 2 muscle atrophy, no longer important to maintain strength
what can slow decline in muscle strength as we age?
continued anaerobic training.
muscular differences in sex and causes
males are better in every aspect even when adjusted for lean body mass. males have longer limbs and more optimal body composition.
what determines muscular strength?
increase number of myofibrils
more actin and myosin cross bridges
Definition: Muscle hypertrophy
muscle fiber growth
Definition: muscle hyperplasia
increase in number of muscle fibers
what metabolic factors determine muscular strength ?
increased substrate storage, increased enzyme activity
what neural adaptations determine muscular strength ?
responsible for early strength gains, synchronization-more motor units recruited at same time, reduce antagonist muscles
Definition: specificity
the more specific the training stimulus the greater the training adaptation
Definition: training variables
frequency, intensity and time FIT
Definition: overload
training loads must progressively increase
Definition: individualization
training programs should be specific to athlete
Definition: reversibility
training adaptations will go away if the training stimulus is removed
Definition: periodization
training intensity and volume change with the sports season (microcycles vs macrocycles)
Definition: overtraining
excessive training leading to fatigue, illness and poor performance.
Difference between measuring power and strength?
power takes speed into account
Heart beat, systolic
when the heart contracts
Heart beat, diastolic
when the heart is relaxed
Definition: tachyacardia
rapid heart rate
Definition: bradycardia
slowed heart rate
Definition: venous blood flow
towards to the heart
Definition: arterial blood flow
away from the heart
Athletes heart paradox
exercise creates hypertension during but it lowers pressure next 12 hours. however hypertension leads to congestive heart failure.
Definition: stroke volume
how much blood leaves the heart each beat. diastolic volume-systolic volume
Definition: cardiac output
volume of blood circulating throughout the body each minute, Q
arteriole ventricular difference
amount of o2 in arteries minus o2 in veins, tells you how much o2 was delivered to tissues
Definition: VO 2max
maximal oxygen uptake during full body dynamic exercise. gold standard of measuring max aerobic capacity.
what variables influence an individuals VO2max?
genetics, physiology, training, gender
How do we measure VO2max?
incremental test to voluntary exhaustion
Q x a-VO2diff
Definition: ventilation (vt)
volume of air inspired with each breath
Definition: Breathing frequency (bf)
number of breaths inspired per min.
Definition: Minute Ventilation (Ve)
Volume of air ventilated (breathed) in a minute
bf x Vt =