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37 Cards in this Set

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Definition: Metabolism
the breakdown of food to create ATP
Definition: ATP
Adenosine triphosphate.
high energy phosphate; universal fuel source.
When Phosphate groups are broken, you create energy.
Athlete's Paradox
Athlete's and morbidly obese people have massive amounts of IMTG. Great for athletes, awful for obese.
Definition: Substrate
substance acted upon by an enzyme.
aka Macronutrient
3 types of Macronutrients
Carbohydrates, Fat, Protein.
Carbohydrates; stored as, location and kcal/g
Glycogen- muscle/liver
4 kcal/g
Fat; stored as, location and kcal/g
9 kcal/g
Protein; stored as, location and kcal/g
Amino acids-everywhere
4 kcal/g
Definition: Resting metabolic rate
energy expended at rest (like sitting on a couch)
Definition: Basal metabolic rate
minimum energy expended (to have lungs expand, vital organs)
Direct Calorimetry
measures body heat lost
(in a box)
Indirect calorimetry
Measures Respiratory exchange ratio (RER)
Respiratory quotient vs RER
moles co2/moles o2
Definition: Monosaccharides
two types
simple sugars, building blocks to all carbohydrates.
Glucose, Fructose
Definition: Disaccharides
3 types and composition
two simple sugars bonded together
sucrose (gluclose + fructose),
lactose (gluclose + galactose),
maltose (gluclose +gluclose)
Definition: Polysaccharides
Many simple sugars bonded together.
Carbohydrates-energy needs
Average: 55-60% calories
Active: 60-70% calories
30 grams fiber-plant polysaccharide
What happens to carbohydrates after digestion?
1. used by cell for energy
2. stored as glycogen
3. Converted to fats
Definition: Glycogenesis
happens when:
formation of glycogen from glucose molecules.
carbohydrates are stored as glycogen.
Definition: Glyconeogenesis
happens when:
formation of glucose from other carbon compounds.
carbohydrates converted to fats.
Where and in what quantities are carbohydrates stored in?
Muscle- 375 g
Liver- 100 g
Blood- 15-20 g
We need carbohydrates for....
energy source, protein sparing, fuel for CNS
Definition: Triacylglycerol
main fat (lipid) storage in body
Definition: Phosphoacylglycerol
lipid that adds structure to cell membranes
IMTG structure vs FFA structure
IMTG is made of one carbon group connected by three FFA.
What do we need fat for...
energy source and reserve, protection and insulation, vitamin carrier and hunger depressor
Saturated fat/unsaturated fat
requirements and structure
Total fat intake <30% of caloric intake
Saturated fat intake <10%
Unsaturated is missing two H, has a kink. Saturated is readily stored
Protein are composed of...
linked amino acids
essential vs. non essential amino acids
essential- we cannot form them, must accquire through food.
Complete vs. incomplete protein
complete protein has all amino acids.
incomplete protein doesn't have all amino acids.
what do we need protein for...
body mass, tissue growth, structural, enzymes, hormones, energy expenditure.
Protein-energy needs in adults, children, injured/sick
adults- .8 g/kg of body mass
infants and growing children- 2-4 g/kg of body mass
additional required if you're nursing, battling disease...
Definition: Body composition
structural components of the human body (muscle, bone, fat)
measurments of human bodies
Types of anthropometry
all have 3% error, except hydrostatic weighing, has only 1.5% error.
Gatorade vs. water
carbohydrate consumption during resistance training reults in more repetitions and sets than water alone.
optimal carbohydrate intake for sports
200-300g should be ingested during the 4 hours before exercise
30-60 g should be ingested every hour during exercise.