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99 Cards in this Set

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Absolute Submaximal Workload
A set exercise load performed at any intensity from just above resting to just below maximum.
Relative Submaximal Workload
A workload above resting but below maximum that is prorate to each individual; typically set as some percentage of maximum.
Short-term, light to moderate submaximal aerobic exercise
Constant workload for 10-15 minutes, 30-69% of maximal work capacity
Long-term, moderate to heavy submaximal aerobic exercise
Generally between 30 minutes and 4 hours at constant workload , intensities ranging from 55-89% of maximum. Anaerobic energy may be involved.
Incremental aerobic exercise to maximum
Start at light loads and proceed by a predetermined sequence of progressively increasing workload to an intensity that the exerciser cannot sustain or increase further (100%). Each workload is a stage and each stage lasts about 3 minutes. Exercise bouts last 5-30 min.
Static exercise
Involve muscle contractions that produce an increase in muscle tension, but do not result in meaninful movement. Measured as a some of the muscle's MVC. Duration ranges from 2-10 min
Maximal Voluntary Contraction = the maximal force that the muscle can exert
Dynamic resistance exercise
Utilize muscle contracts that exert sufficient force to over the resistance presented to the muscle, so that movement occurs. Ex. weight lifting. Workload is constant. Number of repetitions, not time, is measure of duration
Laboratory Test
Precise, direct measurement of physiological functions for the assessment of exercise responses or training adaptations; usually involved monitoring, collection, and analysis of expired air, blood, or electrical signals
Field Test
A test that can be conducted anywhere; is performance based and ESTIMATES that values measured by the criterion test.
A consistent or chronic progression of exercise session designed to improve physiological function for better health or sport performance
Health Related Physical Fitness (HRPF)
That portion of physical fitness directed toward the prevention of or rehabilitation from disease as well as the development of a high level of functional capacity for the necessary and discretionary tasks of life
Hypokinetic Diseases
Diseases caused by and/or associated with lack of physical activity
Sport-Specific Physical Fitness
That portion of physical fitness which directed toward optimizing athletic performance
What you do is what you get; adaptation to imposed demands
Place a demand on the body greater than that to which it is accustomed
# of training sessions on a daily or weekly basis
The level of work, energy expenditure or physiological response in relation to maximum
Amount of time spent training per session or per day
Training intensity or load x duration or repetitions
Change in physiological function that occurs in response to training
Occurs during periods of rest.
Change in overload in response to adaption. Best progression occurs in series of steps (steploading), in which every third or fourth change is actualy a slight decrease in training load
Loss of positive physiological changes during training
Loss of adaptation that occurs with cessation of training
Exercise prescription that allows an individual to sustain a given level of fitness
Allowance for personal responses to a training program
Manipulation of body temperature prior to and after exercise.
Stabilization of performance despite increase training demands
Plan for training based on a manipulation of the fitness components with the intent of peaking the athlete for competitive season or varying health-related fitness training cycles of harder or easier training.
Developmental, shock, competitive (maintenance), tapering (unloading), and transition
Periodization macrocycles and microcycles have five basic goal or patterns
HRPF components
--Cardiovascular respiratory endurance
--Aerobic power
--Muscular strength
--Muscular endurance
--Body composition values associated with lost risk of hypokinetic disease
SSPF components
--Cardiovascular respiratory endurance
--Aerobic power and capacity
--Anaerobic power and capacity
--Muscular strength
--Muscular endurance
--Body composition values that will optimize performance
Role of Autonomic Nervous System
1) Enhance cardiovascular function
2) Regulate blood flow and maintain blood pressure
3) Maintain thermal balance
4) Increase fuel mobilization for the production of energy
Blood Hormone Levels (plasma concentration) depend on:
1) the rate at which the hormone is secreted
2) the rate at which it is broken down and removed from the blood;
3) for some hormones, the effective, or biologically active, amount is how much of the hormone is bound to a protein versus how much is circulated n the free or unbound state
Extent of cellular response to receptor activation depends on three factors:
1) the blood levels of the hormone
2) the relative number of receptors
3) the strength (affinity) of the bond between the hormone
Second Messenger System
Ex. NE, a hormone and a neurotransmitter, activates the second messenger, cAMP, leading to the activation of enzymes
Direct Gene Activation
Ex. A steroid hormone, testosterone, diffuses into the cell and binds to intracellular receptor. This activates the DNA to dictate the synthesis of a protein.
Goals of endocrine system relative to the metabolic system
1) Mobilize fuel for the production of ATP energy needed to support muscle contractions
2) Maintain blood glucose levels (because neural tissue can only use glucose to produce energy)
Hormonal Regulation of Metabolism
-E, NE
Operate together under the permissive influence of T3.
-Glucagon = increase
-Insulin = suppressed
Glucagon, NE, E, GH, and cortisol affect 3 primary target cells:
Adipose, liver, and skeltal muscle cells.
-Fat storage is inhibited and fat mobilization/ uptake enhanced
-Glycogen in liver is broken down to glucose and additional glucose is synthesized from other sources (amino acids)
-In skeletal muscle, stored glycogen is broken down to glucose
E/NE response to exercise
-E = increases
-NE = increases, but more than E (because also released from SNS nerve endings).

--Linear for short or long term
--Exponential for incremental
--Static exercise is larger than during dynamic resistance of equal heart rate or aerobic energy demand.
--Static rise in E seems to be larger relative to NE
GH response to exercise
-GH has a slow rate of response, secretion and clearance (so there is a delay)
--The greater intensity of the exercise, the shorter the delay.
--Gradual increase
Two hormones predominate in the stabilization or maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance
ADH and aldosterone
Act on kidneys to increase water reabsorption and retain or excrete specific electrolytes.
Maintains blood volume and blood pressure
Cortisol response to exercise
Slow acting hormone.

Long term moderate to heavy exercise
--Work intensity less than or equal to 50%: steady decrease
--Work intensity from 60-90: gradual rise
Hormonal Adaptations to Training
--Major hormones involved in fuel mobilization show a dampening effect
--E and NE show muted responses
--Decline in insulin is less in trained
--Rise in glucagon is also less
--GH and cortisol exhibit dampened effects in trained, have higher resting levels in trained.
Selye's Theory of Stress
1) Alarm Reaction: Shock and Countershcok
2) Stage of Resistance
3) Stage of Exhaustion
disruption in body homeostasis and all attempts by the body to regain homeostasis
Alarm Reaction: Shock and Countershock
Body responds to a stressor with a disruption of homeostasis (shock). It immediately attempts to regain homeostasis (elevated steady state)
Stage of Resistance
If body is able to adjust, the response is mild and advantageous to the organism.
Elevated homeostatic steady state maintained if exercise intensity is unchanged
Stage of Exhaustion
Fatigue, a temporary state, reversed by proper rest and nutrition
Short term decrement in performance capacity that is easily recovered from and generally lasts only a few days to 2 weeks.
If planned and recovery sufficient, positive adaptation and improved performance.
Overtraining syndrome
State of chronic decrement in performance and ability to train, in which restoration may take several weeks, months or even years.
Sympathetic OTS
Increased sympathetic neural tone at rest and during exercise and down regulation of beta receptors. Restlessness and hyperexcitability dominate.
Early indication of overtraining
Parasympthetic OTS
Characterized by sympathetic neural insufficiency, a decreased sensitivity to the pituitary and adrenal hormones, and an increased parasympathetic tone at rest and during exercise.
More advanced form.
If the energy is used to build tissues--as when amino acids are combined to form proteins that make up muscle.
Energy is produced from the breakdown of foodstuffs and stores so that it is available to do work.
A chemical process in which a substrate is split into simpler compounds by the addtion of water
ATP can be regenerated from ADP in 3 ways:
1) By interaction ADP with PC
2) By anaerobic respiration in the cell cytoplasm
3) By aerobic respiration in the cell mitochondria
The formation of glycogen from glucose.
Stored in liver and muscle cells.
Stored glycogen is broken down (hydrolyzed) to provide glucose
Substrate Level Phosphorylation
Transfer of P directly from a phosphorylated intermediate or substrates to ADP without any oxidation occurring.
A gain of oxygen, a loss of hydrogen.
The direct loss of electrons by an atom or substrate
A gain of oxygen, a gain of electrons, or a gain of hydrogen by an atom or substrate.
Ketone bodies
When carbs are inadequate (from fasting, etc), oxaloacetate is converted to glucose (for fuel for brain etc). When oxaloacetate is not available to combine with acetyl CoA to form citrate, the liver converts the acetyl CoA derived from fatty acids to metabolites = ketones.
Can be used for fuel.
When ketones are not used and accumulate. The high acidity of ketosis can disrupt normal physiological functioning, esp acid-base balance.
During exercise aerobically trained individuals can utilize ketones more effectively than untrained.
All but two amino acids can undergo.
The transfer of the NH2 amino group from amino acid to a keto acid (pyruvic acid, acetyl CoA, Krebs cycle intermediates).
Creation of glucose in the liver from noncarbohydrate sources, particularly glycerol, lactate, or pyruvate, and alanine.
Oxidative deamination
Oxidized form of NAD is reduced and the amino group NH2 is removed and becomes NH3. NH3 will be removed by being converted to urea in the liver and excreted by the kidneys in urine.
Less frequently used.
ATP production from Amino Acids
AA derivatives are ultimately utilized as pyruvate or acetyl coA, the ATP production count from the amino acids is the same as glucose from that point on, except not doubled.
Starting from pyruvate: 15 ATP
Starting from Acetyl CoA: 12 ATP
Maximal Oxygen
The highest amount of oxygen the body can consume during heavy dynamic exercise for the aerobic production of ATP
Time energy system continuum
The 3 sources of ATP (ATP-PC; glycolytic system (LA); oxidative system [O2])are recruited in a specific sequence
ATP-PC system
-Predominates in activities lasting 10 sec or less.
-Only in recovery will the nearly depleted CP stores be restored from the breakdown of ATP resulting from aerobic metabolic production
Anaerobic metabolism
-Predominates in supply energy for exercises lasting less than 2 min
O2 system
-By 5 minute of exercise, the O2 system is clearly the dominant system
Energy system capacity
Total amount of energy that can be produced by an energy system
Energy system power
The maximal amount of that can be produced per unit of time
Power and Capacity
-ATP-PC is a power system with very little capacity
-Lactic anaerobic glycolytic system has almost equal power and capacity
-O2 system low power and high capacity
Wingate Anaerobic Test
Measured anaerobic power and capacity.
Test = all out ride for 30 seconds against resistance based on body weight
Force times distance divided by time
Peak Power
The maximum power exerted during very short duration work (5 sec or less).
Mean Power
The average power exerted during short (typically 30 sec) duration work.
Fatigue Index
Percentage of peak power drop-off during high intensity, short duration work.
Margaria-Kalamen Stair Climb
Individual runs for 6 m on the level and then climbs a staircase, taking three steps a time.
Field Tests
No field tests available to estimate ATP-PC used or lactate produced. However, performance in high intensity/short duration (vertical jump tests and sprints) can give and indication of anaerobic power and capacity.
Oxygen deficit
Difference between the oxygen required during exercise and the oxygen supplied and utilized. Occurs at the onset of all activities
Excess Postexercse Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) or Oxygen debt
Oxygen consumption during recovery that is above normal resting values
6 factors for the explanation of EPOC
1. Restoration of ATP-PC stores
2. Restoration of O2 stores
3. Elevated cardiovascular-respiratory function
4. Elevated hormonal levels
5. Elevated body temp **60-70% of EPOC
6. Lactate removal
Lactic Acid Production
1) Muscle contraction: Calcium causes glycogenolysis. Glycogen is processed by fast glycolysis and results in production of LA whether oxygen levels are sufficient or not.

2) Enzyme activity: LDH has highest rate of functioning of any glycolytic enzymes. Any increase in pyruvate and NADH + H will increase activity of LDH and production of LA.

3) Muscle fiber type: During high intensity, short duration activities, fast twitch glycolytic muscle fibers are first recruited and produce LA.

4) SNS activation: E and glucagon break down glycogen, resulting lots of G6P. High levels of G6P increase the rate of glycolysis and hence the production of pyruvic acid (and therefore, LA)

5) Insufficient oxygen
LDH = lactic dehyrogenase, enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of pyruvate and NADH + H to LA.

PDH = pyruvate dehyrogenase. Enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA.
Lactate Clearance (3)
1) Oxidation *** by far most common
2) Gluconeogenesis/glyconeogenesis
3) Transamination
Transport across cellular and mitochondrial membranes occurs by facilitated exchange down concentration utilizing lactate transport proteins.
1) oxidative skeletal and cardiac muscle fibers and mitochondrial membranes
4) cell membranes of glycolytic skeletal fibers.
Once inside the mitochondria (lactate clearance...)
Lactate is oxidized to pyruvate
NAD is reduced to NADH + H.
Pyruvate proceeds through stages II, III, IV of aerobic metabolism.
NADH + H goes directly to stage IV.
Muscle cells can produce and consume lactate at the same time.
Lactate circulating in the bloodstream (lactate clearance)
Can be transported to the liver.
Reconverted by teh process of gluconeogenesis into glucose.
Anaerobic Exercise Responses
Short-Term, Higher Intensity Supramaximal Exercise
Figure 4.8
Muscle lactate levels rise immediately.
Blood lactate levels follow (lag of diffusion taken into account).
Anaerobic Exercise Responses
Short and Long term, Low Intensity Submaximal Aerobic Exercise
Figure 4.9
Short: Increase reflects the lactate accumulate during the oxygen deficit

Long: Level remains unchanged after initial rise because of balance between lactate production and clearance
Anaerobic Exercise Responses
Long-Term, Moderate to Heavy Submaximal Aerobic Exercise
Figure 4.12
Lactate levels will elevate rapidly during the first 5-10 minutes of exercise. If workload continues for more than 10 min, the lactate level may continue to rise, may stabilize or decline depending on the individual and other conditions
Maximal lactate steady state (MLSS)
The highest workload that an be maintained over time without a continual rise in blood lactate. It indicates an exercise intensity above which lactate production exceeds clearance.
Aerobic Exercise Responses
Incremental Exercise to Maximum
Oxygen consumption increases in a linear pattern to meet the increasing demands for energy, but blood lactate shows very little initial change and then increases continuously.