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40 Cards in this Set

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any chemical that affects functions in the body

·include alcohol, nicotine, caffeine

·CNS depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens,





physical and psychological dependence on a psychoactive substance that cross BBB (blood brain barrier) and temporarily alters the chemical balance of the brain

·complusive, deny there's addiction

·overpowering need and desire

·detrimental to individual and society

·relapse is common

What addictive drugs do to the brain

·Act on brain circuitry that motivates behavior (dopaminergic activity)

·causes release and prolonged action of DA, 5-HT and other NT's

prolonged exposure leads to down regulation of receptors or NT depletion to maintain homeostasis


body's response to the drug decreases (more drug needed)


opposite effects of the drug resulting from abstinence (physiological and psychological)


substance use that has negative consequences


use that is compulsive, out of control, has negative consequences, and often includes physical dependence

Risk factors

·Increase of stress and lack of healthy coping strategies

·availability, access, money

·comorbid personality and mood disorders

·family history and genetics


sexual dysfunctions

persistent problems with sexual interest, arousal, orgasm (and pain)


disordered sexual relationship and abnormal sexual behavior


intensely involves exposure of one's genitals to an unsuspecting stranger that usually leads to arousal


involving the act of observing an unsuspecting person who is naked, disrobing or engaging in sexual activity


arousal involving nonliving objects

·object becomes necessary for arousal

Transvestic disorder

type of fetishism where [heterosexual] men become sexually aroused by wearing women's clothing


recurrent need to imagine or act out the infliction of pain on a victim to get sexually aroused

·need for physical or psychological suffering to get sexually aroused


sexual attraction or acvtivity with prepubescent children

·perpetrator > 16 y/o (and 5+ years older than victim)


involving touching and rubbing against a nonconsenting person

·usually male to female

Gender dysphoria

feeling as if you were born the wrong sex


state of being profoundly out of touch with reality

·impaired sense of reality

psychotic symptoms occur in: schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, bipolar, substance use/abuse, borderline PD, post-partum psychosis, etc.


internally generated sensory experiences


false beliefs


for 1 month showing 2 or more symptoms (most of the time):



disorganized speech: loose associates, echolalia, echopraxia, word salad

very abnormal motor activity (e.g. catatonia)

feelings of turmoil

decreased: motivation (avolition), emotions (affective flattening), speech (alogia), sense of pleasure (anhedonia), social interaction

difficulty functioning in various areas of life

·beyond 1 month, symptoms present for >5 months

delusional disorder

realistic delusion (>1 month) without other psychotic symptoms

Types of schizo.

·Jealous: convinced your partner is having an affair

·erotomanic: believes another person is in love with them

·grandiose: believes they have a special talent

·persecutory: believes people are plotting against them

·somatic: concerns about bodily dysfunction

schizophreniform: provisional diagnosis

schizoaffective: mood cx + schizophrenia—depressive and bipolar type

Etiology of schizophrenia


·pregnancy/birth complications

·neurochemical abnormalities (DA hypothesis)

·brain abnormalities


·family dynamics

Treatmeant for schizophrenia


cognitive restructuring therapy

token economies (behavioral modification)

working w/ patients that have psychosis: recognize symptoms and acknowledge them as hallucinations/delusions. Show you genuinely understand its real for them, but let them know that you don't believe it (empathy)

Insanity defense

legal term

could the person tell difference b/w right or wrong at the time of the crime?

Do they belong in a prison or mental hospital?

is the person competent to stand trial?


an attempt to describe who you are

the way you go about your daily life

i.e.: behavior, identity, attitudes

OCEAN: Openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism

categories of personality disorders

1. odd, eccentric: paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal

2. dramatic, emotional, erratic: antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic

3. anxious, fearful: avoidant, dependent, obsessive compulsive

Paranoid PD

·Pervasive distrust and suspiciousness in others

·"People are out to get me!"

Tend to be: antagonistic, highly guarded, emotionally withdrawn

causes: physically abusive family; child is BAD; trust needs not met

defenses: projection and denial

treatment: earn their trust and help them view world more accurately

Schizoid PD

Emotionally detached w/ no interest in relationships

tend to be: loners, passive, indifferent

causes: very abusive and neglectful family; learned that their neediness drives away other people

defenses: withdrawal and intellectualization

treatment: very difficult, but try to connect and show that its okay

Schizotypal PD

Eccentric behavior, appearance and thinking

tend to be: anxious, suspicious, socially awkward

causes: history of massive abuse; chaotic and isolated up-bringing

defenses: ideas of reference and magical thinking

Antisocial PD

·"Psychopath" or "sociopath"

·desregard for others' rights

·lack of remorse

tend to be: deceitful (*can be charming*), impulsive, aggressive

causes: combination of factors

defenses: identification with the aggressor

treatment: possibly group therapy

Borderline PD

Unstable relationships & behavior

tend to be: volatile, impulsive, self-destructive, INTENSE emotionally

causes: unreliable/inconsistent attachment; sexual abuse; unempathetic parents; stressful and choatic environment, abandonment

defenses: splitting, acting out emotions, projection

treatment: be a "constant object", DBT; emotional regularion

Histrionic PD

Need for attention by superficial emotions

tend to be: flirtatious/seductive, drama-queens, "damsel in distress"

2 types:

1. appearance

2. somatic complaints

causes: insecure attachments, not enough attention

defenses: repression

treatment: non-reactive engagement and reflection/interpretation of transference

Narcissistic PD

·Superficial "self-love"

·easily offended

·seemingly unaware of others and their feelings

causes: lack of affirmation as a child, they didn't feel special, emotionally neglected by parents or valued for external qualities

defenses: grandiosity, idealize self, devalue others

treatment: empathize and increase self-awareness

Avoidant PD

·Pathological shyness

·They want relationships, but are sure they will be rejected and disliked

causes: painful childhood experiences involving extreme shame

defenses: withdrawal, "escape into fantasy"

treatment: be warm and accepting (and patient)

Dependent PD

·Feel they cannot function on their own

tend to be: clingy, needy, incompetent (despite being competent)

causes: anxiety over independent, adult role; enmeshed family

defenses: regression, identification, idealization

treatment: avoid codependence and care-taker role; increase patient's initiative; focus on maladaptiveness of dependency style

Obsessive-compulsive PD


·extreme need for order, control and organization

·lack of distress/awareness

tend to be: pack-rats, stingy, over-achievers

causes: cold parents who coerce child to perform, be correct and follow the rules (punished for imperfection, rarely rewarded for success) punishment=guilt

defenses: reaction formation, undoing, isolation of affect

treatment: flexibility; you don't have to be perfect; humor

Take-home message?

·Relating to people with PDs is very difficult, if not IMPOSSIBLE

·Understand where the behavior comes from

·Don't blame yourself

·Working w/ them in therapy requires a lot of empathy and patience