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72 Cards in this Set

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nominees known by:

late spring (or earlier)

conventions are held:

end of nomination phase, beginning of election season

the official endorsement of a candidate for office by a political party


campaign success requires:

momentum, money, media attention

US campaigns begin _____ years before election day


caucuses and primaries select:


larger states are worth more delegates than smaller states. T or F?


the first to a ________ _______ wins the nomination

simple majority

proportional distribution of delegates (party)

_____ viability threshold

Democrat; 15

delegate decision by state party; viability threshold varies by states (party)


TX Republicans have ______ delegates


party leaders and registered party members meet to select nominee


most important caucus


elections in which voters choose the nominee or delegates pledged to the nominee


_________ _________ _________ led to selection of delegates pledged to the nominee

McGovern-Fraser Commission

first primary (state)

New Hampshire

primaries generally serve as ______ _______

elimination contests

votersmust be registered with their party in advance and can only vote for that party

closed primary

votersdecide on election day which party to participate in, and then only that party

open primaries

TX has a __________ __________ primary


votersget a list of all candidates and can vote for one name for each office,regardless of party label

blanket primaries

when most or all of the presidential primaries occur in the first few months of the nomination season

front loading

do conventions determine a party's nominee?


conventions determine ________ ________

party platform

end of conventions marks:

beginning of general election campaign

send-off for presidential campaign, formal nominations, candidate speeches


election campaigns begin:

after nomination period

positive ads ________ turnout _______

increase; slightly

contrast ads _______ turnout _______

increase; slightly

negative (mudslinging) ads _________ turnout _______

decrease; slightly

60% presidential campaign spending is in ______ , of which ______ is negative

TV ads; 2/3

-public financing of presidential elections

-limited spending & required disclosure

-limited contributions to campaigns

Federal Election Campaign Act

FEC created by law in:


spending limits are in violation of free speech protections

-allows for "soft money" for "party building" and "get out of vote" expenditures

Buckley v. Valeo

unregulated donations to political parties

soft money

bans soft money; money not regulated by FECA

bipartisan campaign reform act

-Requiresmore disclosure from those who finance own campaign

-Allowsopponents who face an independently-wealthy challenger to raise more moneywithin the law

the "Millionaires Amendment"

independentgroups that seek to influence political process but are not subject tocontribution restrictions because they do not directly seek election ofparticular candidates


Allowsunlimited (but independent) political expenditures by corporations and unions

Citizens United v. FEC

super PACs allowed after _______ ________

Citizens United

only about _____% of voters change their minds (as result of campaigns)


Name that model:

-Partyidentification is the best predictor of vote choice

-Durablefeature of the American voter

Minimal Effects Model

Name that model:

-Evaluatepast performance of party in power: Better off now than you were four yearsago?

-Lesspredictive when no incumbent running (2008)

Referendum Model

what may be more important than money in a campaign?

media attention

money is a _______ but _______ condition for victory

necessary; insufficient

campaigns ________ ideas and ______ voters

reinforce; mobilize

a policy document allowing burdens (taxes) and benefits (expenditures)


an excess of federal expenditures over federal revenues


what the government spends money on


sources of money for the government


shares of individual wages and corporate revenues

income tax

what provides the largest single revenue source for the government?

individual taxes

those with more income pay higher rates of tax on their income


why do we have national debt?

spending is growing at a higher rate than taxes

what is the largest part of the national budget (which is also contributing to debt?)

income security programs

when will social security benefits become insolvent?


proposals to cut social security & Medicare affect those 55 and older: T or F?


last year's budget is the best predictor for this year's budget, plus some


what party was propped up in power for about 10 years after the Civil War?


once former Confederates/Democrats could vote, did they support Republicans?


Republicans could not win statewide office until this happened

Democrats split on the issue of civil rights

Democrats dominated in TX until:


one may vote in TX if one is:

-citizen of US

-18 years +

-resident of TX 30 days prior to voting

-felons: 2 years after completing prison sentence (probation and parole)

voter turnout in TX is ______ compared to other states


TX: about ____ percent voter turnout in presidential elections


why is voter turnout low in TX?

-low competition (TX is republican)

-length of TX ballot

-political culture

government needed to preserve social order

traditionalistic values

what values that TX voters have minimize voter turnouts?

individualistic and traditionalistic

historically, TX has nominated its candidates through:

caucuses and conventions

Texas parties that receive over ____ percent of the gubernatorial vote must nominate their candidates through directprimary


_________ select party candidates to run in general election


Generalelection for state offices, governor and other state officials, occur in

off-presidential or midterm election years