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79 Cards in this Set

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Who is Confucius, chinese thinker to address political and social order?
Kong Fuzi
Who is the founder of Daoism?
Who was the principle spokesman of Confucius schools?
River Valley where ancient chinese societies grew. The light colored silt deposits on the plains of china.
Yellow River
Emperors ruled through their approval of heaven contingent on their ability to look after the welfare of the people
The Mandate of Heaven
instrument for fortune telling and later used in medicinal purposes
Oracle Bones
Compiled book of Confucius teachings
Book of fundamental beliefs of Daoism
He restored order after the fall of the Qin Dynasty and unified china under the Han Dynasty
Liu Bang
Unified China under centeralized burocratic rule, began the Qin Dynasty, also known as the First Emperor 221-210 B.C.E
Qin Shihuangdi
Who was a legalist theorist, He synthesized a collection of essays on state craft
Han Feizi
What dynasty unified China under centralized bureaucratic rule absorbing the warring states?
Qin Dynasty
What event did the Han Dynasty ban and burn books on philosophy, ethics, history, while executing scholars and state critics.
Burning of the Books
Ruler of Lydia a Kingdom of Anatolia with standardized coinage
Who was the greatest Achaemend emperor, the largest empire the ancient world had seen, extending from the indus river to the aegean sea
What was the capitol of the Darius Empire? Which was burnt down by alexander the great.
What was a popular faith in Iran, that believed in a comfortable material existence, glorifying strength and martial values?
What war happened in 500-479 BCE between the greeks and the persians?
Persian Wars
Who is attributed with composing the two great epic poems of ancient greece, the Iliad and Odyssey
What are the two great epic poems of Greek Hero's around the trojan war?
"Iliad and Odyssey"
What society was on the island of Crete, declining after the islands earthquakes and volcanic eruptions
What is a citadel or fortified state for local communities in the Greece during war or emergencies. Also known as CITY STATES
What compatition of speed, strength and skill was held with all of the Mediterranean
Who was the most popular Athenian leader, who ruled during the time of the Golden Age, building the Parthenon
What is the marble temple tribute to Athena, built on the acropolis in Athens, The personification of the Athenian Golden Age
Who was the Persian prophet who founded Zoroastrianism
What were the Ancient trade routes extending from the Mediterranean to China?
Silk Roads
What is the elevated fortress overlooking Athens ?
Who was the famous poet that fell under moral suspicion for her bisexuality?
Who was the first Athenian influence on the development of philosophy, never committing his ideas to writing
Who was Socrates student that wrote down Socrates teachings?
Who was a student to Plato expanding his philosophies?
Who was the Emperor of Macedon who expanded his empire to Ionia, Antolia, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Mesopotamia and Persia and was a keen military strategist?
Alexander the Great
Greek polis alliance to discourage persian forces against greece
Delian League
What was the greek war in 431-404 BCE between Athens and Sparta
Peloponnesian War
City named for Alexander the Great
Who were the Hellenistic philosophers who believed all humans were members of a universal family, with duties to others and a virtuous life?
Who were the twins of Aeneas abandoned by their uncle, saved and raised by a she-wolf, who later founded Rome?
Romulus and Remus
Who ousted the Roman republic and made himself dictator only to be assassinated?
Julius Caesar
Who was Augustes's main rival for the throne after Julius Ceaser's death
Mark Anthony
Who was Octavian, ruler of Rome for 45 years, bringing Rome back to a "monarchy"
Who was the last of the Ptolemaic rulers of Egypt, defeated with Mark Anthony by Augustus?
Who was the warrior king of the military force of the Huns?
Who were the northern italian society that first dominated Rome and helped convey greek concepts to the romans?
What was the political and civic center with temples and public buildings where leading citizens tended to government business in Rome?
What was the war of three battles of Rome against Carthage, where they finally conquered, burned, overtook and then sold the women and children into slavery?
Punic Wars
What was the Phoenician Colony in north africa that was the principle power of the Mediterranean sea, that was later conquered by Rome?
What was the Roman marble stadium and sports arena for the gladiator games?
"Father of the family" The notion that men were the authority and heads of the family
"pater familias"
Who was the emperor of Rome that divided the empire into east and west territories?
Who was the Roman emperor that moved the capitol to Constantinople and made Christianity the official religion of the state?
Who was a Roman intellectual stoic teacher?
What did Constantine issue with the allowance of open practice of Christianity in Rome in 313 CE?
Edict of Milan
Who was the avid missionary of Christianity, who could be argued is the first founder of Christianity as a religion?
Who wrote the "City of God", a bishop of Hippo, making Christianity usable in Roman life?
Who was the most important Byzantine Emperor known as "the sleepless emperor"?
Who was Justinian's wife and advisor?
"Breaking of Icons" Ban and destroy religious images, because seen as worshipping idols
What is the most important Christian architecture known as "Holy Wisdom"
Hagia Sophia
What were the Athenian Battering ships, the source of their naval power?
Assembly to determine which views would prevail as official doctrine for Christianity?
Nicene Creed
Who was the start of the Achaemenid dynasty, laying the foundation for the first Persian Empire?
Who was the third Emperor of the Achaemenid dynasty over the Persian Empire?
Who was Pericles companion, who sat in with his political discussions and meetings
1.First Emperor unifies China
2.Liu Bang establishes Han Dynasty
3.Confucius is born
1.Confucius is born
2.First Emperor unifies China
3.Liu Bang establishes Han Dynasty
1.Xerxes army is defeated in Greece
2.Cyrus defeats the Lydians
3.Darius Builds Persepolis
1.Cyrus defeats the Lydians
2.Darius Builds Persepolis
3.Xerxes army is defeated in Greece
1.Siege of Troy
2.Minoan civilization is weakened by volcanic eruption on Thera
3.Sparta conquers its Messenian neighbors
1.Minoan civilization is weakened by volcanic eruption on Thera
2.Siege of Troy
3.Sparta conquers its Messenian neighbors
1.Peloponnesian War
2. Alexander the Great dies
3. Battle of Marathon
1. Battle of Marathon
2. Peloponnesian War
3. Alexander the Great dies
1.Augustus becomes first Roman Emperor
2. Roman Republic is established
3.Julius Ceaser is assassinated
1. Roman Republic is established
2. Julius Ceaser is assassinated
3. Augustus becomes first Roman Emperor
1. Paul is brought to rome for trial
2. Justinian codifies Roman law
3. Constantine issues Edict of Milan
1. Paul is brought to Rome for trial
2.Constantine issues Edict of Milan
3. Justinian codifies Roman law
The First Emperor
221-210 BCE
Foot binding
10th Century
Persian Empire
6th Century
Peloponnesian War
431-404 BCE
Pax Romana
31 BCE- 186 CE
When: essay 1
Confucianism, Daoism and Legalism
6th to 3rd century BCE
When: essay 2
Athen's Golden Age
5th Century BCE
When: essay 3
Roman persecution of Christianity
1st century CE
When: essay 3
Roman legitize of Christianity
312 CE with the Edict of Milan