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141 Cards in this Set

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The tendency of a solution to take up water by osmosis is called
osmotic pressure.
osmolarity pressure.
isotonic pressure.
hypertonic pressure.
hypotonic pressure.
osmotic pressure.
The process of describes the transport of substances out of the kidney tubule and into the surrounding body fluids, while describes the process of transporting substances from the body fluid into the tubule.
The reabsorption of glucose, amino acids, and many other molecules needed by the body is driven by ______________.
active transport carriers
facilitated diffusion
active transport carriers
Kidneys are thought to have evolved first among the _____________.
freshwater bony fishes
saltwater bony fishes
freshwater bony fishes
Marine reptiles eliminate excess salt by means of _____________ located near the nose or the eye.
salt glands
salt glands
The excretory organs in the insects create an excretory fluid by secreting K+ ions, which draw water osmotically. These organs branch off anterior to the hindgut and are called
flame cells.
Malpighian tubules.
loops of Henle.
Malpighian tubules.
Most marine invertebrates are osmoconformers. This means that
the osmolality of their body fluids is not the same as their seawater environment.
the osmolality of their body fluids is the same as their seawater environment.
the osmolality of their body fluids is the same as their seawater environment and that their bodies contain the same solutes as their surroundings.
the osmolality of their body fluids is equal to that of the osmoregulators who inhabit the same environments.
the osmolality of their body fluids fluctuates between being hypertonic to hyportonic depending on the season and the tides.
the osmolality of their body fluids is the same as their seawater environment.
Select the incorrectly matched vertebrate and its urine concentration relative to its blood.
marine reptiles—isotonic
desert mammals—strongly hypertonic
marine mammals—strongly hypertonic
terrestrial birds—weakly hypertonic
Select the incorrectly matched organism and its nitrogenous waste product.
most fish—ammonia
reptiles—uric acid
birds—uric acid
Which of the following best describes freshwater fish?
hyposmotic regulators
hyposmotic conformers
hyperosmotic regulators
hyperosmotic conformers
isosmotic conformers
hyperosmotic regulators
In the _________, a tuft of capillaries in the renal cortex, blood is filtered through the porous capillary walls.
renal cortex
collecting duct
flame cell
Each of the following is a part of the kidney except
the nephrons.
the renal cortex.
the renal medulla.
the urinary bladder.
Bowman's capsule.
the urinary bladder.
A function not associated with vertebrate kidneys is
Osmoreceptors in which one of the following organs respond to elevated blood osmolality?
the adrenal cortex
the adrenal medulla
the hypothalamus
the kidneys
the heart
the hypothalamus
ADH makes the collecting ducts ____________.
impermeable to water
more permeable to water
less permeable to water
semipermeable to water
more permeable to water
The cytoplasmic extensions of a neuron are called
cell bodies.
The rapid inward diffusion of Na+ followed by the outward diffusion of K+ produces a rapid change in the membrane potential called a(n)
action potential.
excitatory postsynaptic potential.
saltatory conduction.
monosynaptic reflex.
action potential.
Impulses are conducted by myelinated axons by jumping from node to node in a process called a(n)
action potential.
excitatory postsynaptic potential.
saltatory conduction.
monosynaptic reflex.
saltatory conduction.
The electrical impulse travels outward from the cell body along a(n)
Ranvier cell.
Schwann cell.
Neurons are supported both structurally and functionally by supporting cells which include
dendrites and nodes of Ranvier.
neuroglia and nodes of Ranvier.
Schwann cells, oligodendrocytes.
dendrites, nodes of Ranvier, and neuroglia.
neuroglia, Schwann cells, and oligodendrocytes.
neuroglia, Schwann cells, and oligodendrocytes.
The white matter of CNS is formed by
myelinated axons.
unmyelinated dendrites.
cell bodies.
unmylenated dendrites and cell bodies.
unmylenated axons and cell bodies.
myelinated axons.
The membrane of a resting neuron is much more permeable to which of the following ion than any other ion?
When nerve cells are not producing electrical responses, there is still a voltage difference across their membranes, termed the
channel-gate bias.
electrolyte voltage.
equilibrium potential.
resting potential.
ion current.
resting potential.
A shift in the membrane potential toward the positive direction and exceeding the threshold causes a(n)
resting potential.
equilibrium potential.
action potential.
ion current.
electrolyte bias.
action potential.
The junction between a neuron and another neuronal cell, muscle cell, or with a gland cell is called a(n)
cell body.
neuronal gap.
A(n) _______________ diffuses across a narrow synaptic cleft between the presynaptic axon and the postsynaptic cell to transmit a nerve impulse.
electrical impulse
Na+ ion
action potential
The neurotransmitter that is released from the motor neuron at the neuromuscular junction is
Acetylcholine stimulates the opening of chemically-regulated ion channels, causing a depolarization called a(n)
neuromuscular junction.
temporal summation.
inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP).
excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP).
synaptic integration.
excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP).
The effect of myelin and nodes of Ranvier is to make nerve impulses travel
away from as well as toward the cell body.
in many directions at once.
laterally from axon to axon.
The gap into which neurotransmitters are released is called a(n)
gap junction.
synaptic cleft.
postsynaptic membrane.
presynaptic membrane.
impulse channel.
synaptic cleft.
Biogenic amines include
epinephrine and norepinephrine.
dopamine and serotonin.
glycine and GABA.
epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, glycine, and GABA.
epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin.
epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin.
At the myelinated area of the axon (i.e., not at the node of Ranvier), which one of the following is true?
There is an increased number of voltage-gated sodium channels
There is an increased resistance across membrane
There is an increased capacitance across membrane
There is an increased transport of potassium across membrane
There is an increased resistance across membrane
Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the possible effects that addictive drugs have on the nervous system?
Cocaine binds to dopamine transporter proteins on the presynaptic membrane, thus more dopamine is left in the synapse for a longer period of time
Cocaine affects neurons in the limbic system, otherwise known as the “pleasure center”
Nicotine binds directly to receptors on the presynaptic membrane
Nicotine is not naturally produced in the body
Nicotine binds to a class of receptors in the brain that normally binds the neurotransmitter acetylcholine
Nicotine binds directly to receptors on the presynaptic membrane
Which of the following drugs has been discovered to bind to acetylcholine receptors?
serotonin reuptake inhibitors
All of the animal phyla listed have a network of nerve cells for gathering information from the environment except
The hippocampus and amygdala are, together with the hypothalamus, the major components of the ______ system.
The spinal cord is enclosed and protected by the vertebral column and layers of membranes called
neural net.
white matter.
dorsal root.
In the brain, the _______ receive(s) sensory information from ascending nerve tracts and motor commands from the cerebral cortex and cerebellum.
basal ganglia
pituitary gland
parietal lobe
medula oblongata
basal ganglia
Which of the following is an example of a monosynaptic reflex arc?
Knee-jerk reflex
Withdrawal of a hand from a hot stove
Blinking of an eye in response to a puff of air
Cutaneous spinal reflex
Knee-jerk reflex and cutaneous spinal reflex
Knee-jerk reflex
The autonomic nervous system regulates the activity of all of the following except
skeletal muscles.
cardiac muscles.
glands of the body.
smooth muscles.
none of these
skeletal muscles.
The primary function of the hindbrain in vertebrates is
temperature control.
integration of sensory data.
memory storage.
control of the heartbeat.
coordination of motor reflexes.
coordination of motor reflexes.
The cerebrum consists of all of the following hemispheres except the
The site of primary sensory integration in the brain is called the
medulla oblongata.
corpus callosum.
The region of the brain that integrates visceral activities, body temperature, and heartbeat is the
medulla oblongata.
corpus callosum.
In arthropods, locomotion is accomplished by muscles that work against
each other.
the exoskeleton.
a hydrostatic skeleton.
mineralized bones.
the pseudocoel.
the exoskeleton.
The human skeleton is a typical vertebrate
hydraulic skeleton.
axial skeleton only.
appendicular skeleton only.
The chemical released by somatic motor neurons is
In a stimulated muscle fiber, the calcium ions released by the sarcoplasmic reticulum bind to the protein _______.
The structure causing the muscle depolarization to travel deep into the muscle fiber is the ______.
T tubule
sarcoplasmic reticulum
motor unit
T tubule
Which of the following is the smallest unit in terms of size?
Which of the following is required to detach myosin from actin?
Sustained contraction is called
isometric binding.
Myofibril contractile subunits, the sarcomeres, are bounded on each end by a disc of protein called the
H line.
I line.
I zone.
Z line.
Z frame.
Z line.
A cross bridge is the binding of which two proteins?
actin and myosin
actin and troponin
myosin and troponin
collagen and troponin
myosin and collagen
actin and myosin
All input from sensory neurons to the central nervous system arrives in the same form, as ____________ propagated by afferent sensory neurons. Perception of the stimuli about type and intensity depend on the projection of the impulse to which part of the brain and its frequency by the sensory neuron.
action potentials
receptor potentials
frequency localizations
action potentials
The mechanism by which sensory information is conveyed to the CNS is composed of which sequential steps?
stimulation and transduction
transmission and interpretation
neurotransmitter release and ion flow through the synaptic cleft
stimulation, transduction, transmission, and interpretation
stimulation, transduction, transmission, interpretation, and neurotransmitter release
stimulation, transduction, transmission, and interpretation
The simplest sensory receptors are __________ that respond to mechanical distortion, changes in temperature, or specific chemicals.
free nerve endings
gated channels
free nerve endings
The Organ of Corti consists of the
sensory apparatus consisting of the basilar membrane.
the tectorial membrane and the basilar membrane.
hair cells with associated neurons.
hair cells with associated neurons and the tectorial membrane.
the basilar membrane, the tectorial membrane, and hair cells.
the basilar membrane, the tectorial membrane, and hair cells.
Exteroceptors can sense all of the following stimuli except
muscle tension.
muscle tension.
Interoceptors can recognize all of the following stimuli except
limb position.
body temperature.
muscle length.
All of the following are mechanoreceptors except
Meissner's corpuscles.
Ruffini endings.
Merkel cells.
red corpuscles.
Pacinian corpuscles.
red corpuscles.
Different nociceptors may respond to all of the following except
extremes in temperature.
very intense mechanical stimulation.
specific chemicals in the extracellular fluid.
chemicals released by injured cells.
external odorant molecules.
external odorant molecules.
Which of the following constitute the vestibular apparatus?
saccule and utricle
semicircular canals, saccule, and utricle
ampullae of Lorenzini
Merkel cells
saccule, utricle, and ventricle
semicircular canals, saccule, and utricle
In the ear, high frequency sounds tend to
displace the whole length of the basilar membrane with a maximum near the apex.
move only the basal portion of the basilar membrane.
move only the apex portion of the basilar membrane.
move only the portion of the basilar membrane between the basal portion and the apex.
only move the tectorial membrane.
move only the basal portion of the basilar membrane.
Because of the differential orientation of two chambers of the membranous labyrinth, vertebrates are able to perceive their position in space. The _______ is more sensitive to horizontal acceleration and the _______ to vertical acceleration.
When stimulated by the binding of specific chemicals, the proteins in the membranes of taste bud receptors and olfactory neurons
become polarized.
produce action potentials.
release neurotransmitters.
Which of the following receptors does not involve depolarization leading to an action potential in a sensory neuron?
G-protein receptors
exteroceptors and interoceptors
The sensory structures that enable the brains of most invertebrates to determine the orientation of the body with respect to gravity are called
carotid bodies.
Ruffini endings.
Which of the following constitute the vestibular apparatus?
saccule and utricle
semicircular canals, saccule, and utricle
ampullae of Lorenzini
Merkel cells
saccule, utricle, and ventricle
semicircular canals, saccule, and utricle
In the vertebrate eye, the light is focused onto the
The photopigment of rods is called
Which of the following cells are not found in the retina?
bipolar cells
glial cells
ganglion cells
glial cells
Which sense receptor cell directly produces an action potential?
Marine invertebrates in which the salinity of body fluids changes with the osmotic potential of their environments are known as
Protonephridia achieve water balance by
Secretion and reabsorption
Active transport
Eliminating salts
Secretion of salts
Secretion of water
Secretion and reabsorption
Organisms living in a freshwater environment normally
excrete copious dilute urine and retain salts
excrete a small volume of dilute urine and retain salts
excrete copious concentrated urine
conserve both water and salts
excrete copious dilute urine and retain salts
Saltwater fish achieve water balance by
Excreting water
Retaining salts
Drinking salt water and excreting salts
Excreting salts with a nasal salt gland
Drinking salt water and excreting salts
Which of the following molecules is most toxic to cells?
Sodium chloride
Uric acid
Which process drives the process of filtration from the capillaries into the glomerulus?
Active transport
Arterial blood pressure
Venous blood pressure
Osmotic pressure
Arterial blood pressure
An important function of the proximal convoluted tubule is _____.
Filtration of NaCl
Reabsorption of water
Countercurrent heat exchange
Production of urea
Secretion of water
Reabsorption of water
Valuable molecules like glucose, amino acids, and vitamins are mostly readsorbed into the blood at which location in the nephron?
Bowman’s capsule
Collecting duct
Loop of Henle
Proximal convoluted tubule
Proximal convoluted tubule
Neurons that transmit information from sensory cells to the central nervous system are part of the
peripheral nervous system
nerve net
spinal cord
peripheral nervous system
Functions of glia cells include all of the following except
support developing neurons
supply nutrients
insulate nerves
conduct impulses
consume foreign particles
conduct impulses
Which of the following describes the mechanism of voltage-gated channel proteins?
If membrane voltage reaches threshold potential, ions are pumped through
If membrane voltage reaches threshold potential, ions can diffuse through
Ions are pumped through to maintain existing membrane voltage
When gates close, membrane voltage changes
If membrane voltage reaches threshold potential, ions can diffuse through
What happens when Na+ channels open and sodium ions diffuse into axon?
Cell becomes hyperpolarized
K+ ions also diffuse out
Voltage-gated K+ channels open simultaneously
Action potential triggered
Negatively charged proteins also diffuse out
Action potential triggered
The rising phase of action potentials ends when
Na+ inactivation gates close
Voltage-gated K+ channels open
Voltage-gated K+ channels closes
1, 2, and 3
1 and 2
1 and 2
Saltatory conduction results when
continuous propagation of the nerve impulse speeds up
a nerve impulse jumps from one neuron to another
threshold for an action potential is suddenly increased
action potentials spread from node to node down the axon
action potentials spread from node to node down the axon
Most nerve cells communicate with other nerve cells by means of
electrical signals that pass across synapses
chemical signals that pass across synapses
pressure waves that “bump” the postsynaptic cell membrane
Na+ ions as they are released from one cell and enter the next
chemical signals that pass across synapses
When the neurotransmitter diffuses across the synaptic cleft,
it automatically causes depolarization of the post­synaptic membrane
it can be excitatory or inhibitory, depending on the type of postsynaptic membrane
it must move through nodes in the myelin sheath
a single molecule is sufficient to trigger activation of the postsynaptic membrane
it can be excitatory or inhibitory, depending on the type of postsynaptic membrane
What is the effect of inhibiting acetylcholinesterase?
Release of neurotransmitter from the presynaptic membrane is inhibited
Synthesis of neurotransmitter in cells is inhibited
Breakdown of neurotransmitter in the synapse is inhibited
Stimulation of the postsynaptic membrane is inhibited
Breakdown of neurotransmitter in the synapse is inhibited
slide past one another as muscles contract
contain only actin
are muscle units containing the sliding filament mechanism
contain only myosin
are muscle units containing the sliding filament mechanism
Muscle relaxation requires
Ca2+ is required for muscle contraction because it
opens voltage-gated channels
transfers the action potential across the neuromuscular junction
uncovers myosin binding sites
links motor units together
uncovers myosin binding sites
Stimuli cause a depolarization in the dendrite membrane of a sensor. This leads directly to
generation of an action potential
beginning of a depolarization wave
generation of a receptor potential
integration by the brain
generation of a receptor potential
When stereocilia of hair cells are bent, hair cells then
trigger muscle contraction
release neurotransmitter
undergo action potentials
become less sensitive
release neurotransmitter
The Golgi tendon organ
causes muscles to relax and protects against tearing
senses light touch
increases muscle contraction
is found in high density on lips and fingertips
causes muscles to relax and protects against tearing
Hair cells in the ear that give auditory information are concentrated in the
Oval window
Tympanic membrane
Organ of Corti
Semicircular canal
Organ of Corti
What is the physiological basis for the auditory system’s ability to distinguish different sound frequencies?
Three bones of the middle ear respond differentially
Loops of the semicircular canals respond differentially
Oval and round windows respond differently
Different sections of the basilar membrane respond differently
Different sections of the basilar membrane respond differently
Which of the following statements about the photosensitive molecule rhodopsin is false?
Opsin is converted from the 11-cis to the all-trans form upon absorbing a photon of light
The retinal is the light-absorbing group
Photoexcited rhodopsin triggers a cascade of reactions that ultimately alters the membrane potential of a photoreceptor cell
Rhodopsin is imbedded in the membrane of the rods
Opsin is converted from the 11-cis to the all-trans form upon absorbing a photon of light
Activation of rhodopsin molecules by light leads to
Opening of Na+ channels
Closing of Na+ channels
Activation of other rhodopsin molecules
Release of inhibitory neurotransmitters
Closing of Na+ channels
Activation of rhodopsin molecules by light leads to
Opening of Na+ channels
Closing of Na+ channels
Activation of other rhodopsin molecules
Release of inhibitory neurotransmitters
Closing of Na+ channels
Vertebrates rely on information from which sensory structure to keep their balance?
Basilar membrane
Vestibular apparatus
Vestibular apparatus
Sensitivity of the sense of smell is proportional to
the size of the nose
number of capillaries in the nose
density of olfactory nerve endings in nose
body temperature
density of olfactory nerve endings in nose
When an individual rod cell is stimulated with light, its membrane potential
becomes more negative
becomes more positive
begins to generate action potentials
is unchanged
becomes more negative
Which of the following cells in the human visual system send information directly to the brain?
Amacrine cells
Bipolar cells
Ganglion cells
Rods and cones
Ganglion cells
Which of the following cells in the human visual system send information directly to the brain?
Amacrine cells
Bipolar cells
Ganglion cells
Rods and cones
Ganglion cells
A difference between rods and cones is
Cones are more sensitive at low light intensity
Cones provide greater acuity of vision
Rods are necessary for color vision
Strictly nocturnal animals have more cones than rods
Cones provide greater acuity of vision
The diffusion of water across a plasma membrane is referred to as
A. osmosis.
B. active transport.
C. facilitated diffusion.
D. countercurrent flow.
A. osmosis.
The reabsorption of glucose, amino acids, and many other molecules needed by the body is driven by _______________.
A. active transport carriers
B. diffusion
C. facilitated diffusion
D. homeostasis
A. active transport carriers
In mammals, the degradation product of purine nucleotides is ____________.
A. urine B. ammonia
C. nitric acid D. uric acid
B. ammonia
In the __________, a tuft of capillaries in the renal cortex, blood is filtered through the porous capillary walls.
A. renal cortex
B. nephron
C. glomerulus
D. flame cell
C. glomerulus
An increase in the production of ADH affects the kidney tubules by
A. inhibiting reabsorption of sodium ion in the collecting duct.
B. decreasing the permeability of the glomerulus to water.
C. causing the walls of the collecting duct to become more permeable to water.
D. inhibiting the reabsorption of water in the glomerulus.
C. causing the walls of the collecting duct to become more permeable to water.
The excretory organs in the insects create an excretory fluid by secreting K+ ions, which draw water osmotically. These organs branch off anterior to the hindgut and are called
A. flame cells.
B. Malpighian tubules.
C. glomeruli.
D. loops of Henle.
B. Malpighian tubules.
Vertebrate urine production involves
I-using the higher blood pressure to push water through a filter, along with water, small molecules pass into the filtrate.
II-cells and proteins are retained in the blood, water is reabsorbed as the filtrate is passing through a long tube.
III-ammonia produced as the metabolic breakdown is excreted.
A. just I
B. just II
C. II and III
D. I, II, and III
E. I and II
E. I and II
In vertebrates, the ______ nervous system is composed of the brain and the spinal cord.
A. peripheral
B. central
C. somatic
D. autonomic
B. central
The neurotransmitter that is released from the motor neuron, and the one that functions at the neuromuscular junction is ...,
A. acetylcholine. B. ephinephrine.
C. dopamine. D. serotonin.
A. acetylcholine.
The cytoplasmic extensions of a neuron are called
A. axons.
B. cell bodies.
C. dendrites.
D. synapses.
C. dendrites.
The rapid inward diffusion of Na+ followed by the outward diffusion of K+ produces a rapid change in the membrane potential called a(n)
A. action potential.
B. excitatory postsynaptic potential.
C. saltatory conduction.
D. depolarization.
A. action potential.
Action potentials are regenerated along an axon as one action potential serves as the
A. action potential stimulus for the next action potential.
B. excitatory postsynaptic potential stimulus for the next action potential.
C. saltatory conduction stimulus for the next action potential.
D. depolarization stimulus for the next action potential.
D. depolarization stimulus for the next action potential.
The junction between a neuron and another neuronal cell, muscle cell, or with a gland cell is called a(n)
A. cell body.
B. dendrite.
C. neuronal gap.
D. synapse.
D. synapse.
The nervous system that regulates activity in smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands of the body is referred to as the _____________ system.
A. limbic
B. autonomic
C. sympathetic
D. parasympathetic
B. autonomic
The electrical impulse travels outward from the cell body along a(n)
A. axon.
B. dendrite.
C. Ranvier cell.
D. Schwann cell.
A. axon.
For each 3 Na+ ions pumped outward, the sodium-potassium pump takes in
A. 3 Cl-.
B. 2 K+.
C. 3 K+.
D. 2 NaCl molecules.
B. 2 K+.
The effect of myelin and nodes of Ranvier is to make nerve impulses travel
A. away from as well as toward the cell body.
B. faster.
C. in many directions at once.
D. laterally from axon to axon.
B. faster.
Which of the following multicellular animals lack nerves?
A. sponges
B. cnidarians
C. platyhelminthes
D. arthropods
A. sponges
Which of the following is required to detach myosin from actin?
A. calcium
C. phosphate
D. troponin
In arthropods, locomotion is accomplished by muscles that work against
A. each other.
B. the exoskeleton.
C. a hydrostatic skeleton.
D. mineralized bones.
B. the exoskeleton.
The muscle fiber contracts by a sequence of events initiated by the acetylcholine. Which of the following is the correct sequence?
I-The calcium-troponin complex pulls away tropomyosin from the myosin binding sites of actin.
II-The freed-sites of actin now can bind to myosin to form cross bridges.
III-Calcium ion binds to the troponin.
A. I, III, and II
B. III, II, and I
C. II, III, and I
D. I, II, and III
E. III, I, and II
E. III, I, and II
Impulses conducted along the transverse tubules of the muscle fiber stimulate the release of
B. the binding of actin and myosin.
C. tropomyosin and troponin binding.
D. calcium ions.
D. calcium ions.
The structure causing the muscle depolarization to travel deep into the muscle fiber is the _______.
A. T tubule
B. sarcoplasmic reticulum
C. motor unit
D. sarcomere
A. T tubule
In a stimulated muscle fiber, the calcium ions released by the sarcoplasmic reticulum bind to the protein ________.
A. troponin
B. tropomyosin
C. actin
D. myosin
A. troponin
The repeating units of myofibrils are made from contractile subunits called sarcomeres. Which of these is not part of the sarcomere's structure?
A. A band
B. Z line
C. I band
D. C line
D. C line
_________ is a sustained muscle contraction.
A. Tetanus
B. A fast-twitch
C. Tension
D. A slow-twitch
A. Tetanus
All input from sensory neurons to the central nervous system arrives in the same form, as ____________ propagated by afferent sensory neurons. Perception of the stimuli about type and intensity depend on the projection of the impulse to which part of the brain and its frequency by the sensory neuron.
A. action potentials
B. receptor potentials
C. reflexes
D. frequency localizations
A. action potentials
Exteroceptors can sense all of the following stimuli except
A. gravity. B. smell.
C. light. D. muscle tension.
D. muscle tension.
Which of the following cells are not found in the retina?
A. rods B. bipolar cells
C. glial cells D. ganglion cells
C. glial cells
Our visual acuity is greatest when
A. an image is focused on the rods outside the fovea.
B. an image is focused on the cones outside the fovea.
C. an image is focused on the rods of the fovea.
D. an image is focused on the cones of the fovea.
D. an image is focused on the cones of the fovea.
__________ are phagocytes that circulate in the blood.
A. B cells B. macrophages
C. Plasma cells D. T cells
C. Plasma
_________ are molecules released by activated helper T cells.
A. Antigens B. Immunoglobulins
C. Cytokines D. Antibodies
C. Cytokines
Nonself molecules called antigens cause the vertebrate system to produce proteins known as
A. interferons.
B. antibodies.
C. complements.
D. phagocytes.
B. antibodies.
Select the incorrect statement regarding the inflammatory response.
A. The inflammation response is a localized specific response to infection or injury.
B. If a cell is injured or infected, it releases chemical alarm signals that promote dilation of blood vessels at the injury site.
C. The alarm signals can be histamines or prostaglandins.
D. Tissue can exhibit edema from the dilation of the blood vessels in the area of injury or infection.
A. The inflammation response is a localized specific response to infection or injury.