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49 Cards in this Set

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another word for a tumor


What is a tumor

a mass of cells that grow independently of the rest of the body, a cancer

what % of tumors in the brain are meningiomas



tutor that grows between the meninges, 3 membranes that cover the CNS

-encapsulated tumors


malignant tumor

likely cancerous spreading tumor

benign tumor

not likely cancerous

what % of brain tumours are metastic?


infiltrating tumor

grow through surrounding tissue


metastic tumor

originate elsewhere and move to brain




a sudden onset of cerebrovascular disorder causing brain damage

that is the third leading cause of death?


2 types of stroke

hemorrhage & ischemia

consequences of stroke(3)

amnesia, alphasia (language prob.) paralysis and coma


area of dead or dying tissue from stroke


dysfunctional area surrounded infarct may survive or die

Hemorrhage (&aneurysm)

when a cerebral blood vessel ruptures and blood seeps into surrounding neural tissue and damages it


balloon like dilation in the blood when the elasticity of the vessel is bad

congenital-what? from?

aneurysm present at birth or resulted from vascular poison or infection


disruption of the blood supply to an area of the brain causing brain damage

3 main causes of ischemia

thrombosis, embolism, arteriosclerosis


a plug that blocks blood flow where it formed

what is a thrombus composed of?

fat,oil,air, blood clot, tumor cells


plug that is carried by the blood from a large vessel to a small one where it gets stuck

"thrombus on a trip"

arteriosclerosis-from? what?

self made:

-blood vessel walls thicken and channels narrow from fat deposits and causes complete blockage

glutamate ischemia

blood deprived neutrons are overactice and release excessive amounts of neurotransmitter glutamate.


closed head injury from blows that do not penetrate the skull


collection of clotted blood in an organ or tissue


contrecoup injury

damage at opposite side of impact


disturbance of consciousness without contusion or structure damage

punch drunk syndrome

results from many concussions

punch drunk symptoms

- Leg weakness

-Unstable walking

-Slow muscle movements

- Arm and hand shakes

-Halted speech

-Lowered IQ points

punch drunk permanent damage

dementia and cerebral scarring

-Inflammation of brain due to microorganism such asbacteria or virus

syphilis <3

-genital sores

-may be dormant till attack

-untreated causes general paresis (dem.insan.)

bacteria effects on brain


- pockets of pus (cerebral abscess)


-25% fatal

-attacks and inflames meningies

-irreversible brain damage

herpes <3

-contracted through body fluids

-attacks nervous system and/or other tissues


-hsv2 genital

have for life

herpes symptoms



- Neck stiffness

-Sensitivity to light


-Trouble thinking clearly

- Unconsciousness

toxic psychosis

insanity from neurotoxin

tardive diskenesia (miley crycus) symptoms

-lip smacking

-thrusting tongue

-puffy cheeks

- jaw movement

endogenous neurotoxin

produced by own body

parkinson victims

.5% of people

-middle and old age disorder

- 2.5 times more likely in males

parkinson Symptoms
-Slight stiffness or tremor of the fingers

-Increasing severity with advancing years Tremors pronounced during inactivity Not during voluntary movement or sleep

- Muscular rigidity

-mask like face

parkinsons causes

degeneration of Substantia nigra (midbrain nucleus)

-basal ganglia

-Little if any Dopamine released in SN

Cortical Reorganization
Sensory and motor re-organization after damage ofsomatosensory cortex
Reorganization in PNS
2 mechanisms 

1) Existing connections are strengthened Reorganization occurs too quickly 


new connects are created by collateralsprouting

Axon branches ofhealthy neurongrowing out towardsthe sites that arevacated by thedegenerating axon
phantom limb is caused by...
reorganizationof the somato-sensory cortex followingamputation.