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37 Cards in this Set

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interpersonal relationships

they interconnections and interdependence between two individuals

interpersonal communication

the exchange of verbal and nonverbal messages between two people who have a relationship and are influenced by the partner's messages

relational network

web of relationships that connect individuals to one another


a small social group bound by ties of blood, civil contract, and a commitment to care for and be responsible for one another


a close and caring relationship between two people that is perceived as mutually satisfying and beneficial


relationships, as a deep affection for and attachment to another person involving emotional ties with varying degrees of passion commitment and intimacy


closeness and understanding of a relational partner

social information procession theory

argues that communicators use unique language and stylistic cues in their online messages to develop relationships that are just as close as those who grow from face to face content

hyperpersonal communication

communication that is even more personal and intimate than face to face interaction


to involve others in our lives and to be involved in the lives of others


nearness, closeness to someone

attraction similarity hypothesis

suggests that the extent to which we project ourselves onto another person is the direct result of the attraction we feel for that person

matching hypothesis

also deals with attraction positing that we seek relationships with others who have comparable levels of attractiveness

genetic similarity hypothesis

argues that two individuals who hail from the same ethnic group are more genetically similar than two individuals from different ethnic groups

social exchange theory

explains this process of balancing the advantages and disadvantages of a relationship


the elements of a relationship that you feel good about, things about the relationship that benefit you


by contrast are the things that upset or annoy you, cause you stress, or damage your own self image or lifestyle

uncertainty reduction theory

when two people meet their main focus is on decreasing the uncertainty about each other

passive strategies

involve observing others in communication situations without actually interacting with them

active strategies

let you obtain info about a person more directly by seeking info from a third party

interactive strategies

speaking directly with them rather than observing them passively or asking others for info

relational dialectics theory

hold that dialectic tensions are contradictory feelings that tug at us in every relationship

social penetration theory

explains how partners move from superficial levels to greater intimacy

communication privacy management theory

helps explain how people perceive the info they hold about themselves and whether they will disclose or protect it

boundary turbulence

a threat to your privacy boundaries

strategic topic avoidance

used by one or both relational partners to maneuver the conversation away from undesirable topics

initiating stage

the stage in a relationship in which you make contact with someone

exploratory stage

you are seeking relatively superficial info from your partner

intensification stage

occurs when relational partners become increasingly intimate and move their communication toward more personal self disclosures

stable stage

the relationship is no longer volatile or temporary


becoming one


takes place when two partners share formal symbolic messages with the world that their relationship is important and cherished

declining stage

when the relationship begins to come apart

uncertainty events

events or behavior that cause uncertainty in a relationship

repair tactics

should include improving communication, focusing on the positive aspects of each other and of the relationship itself

termination stage

end of a relationship usually comes about in 1 of 2 ways


a repair strategy for rekindling an extinguished relationship