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104 Cards in this Set

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A person can build his/her social capital by:

getting a mentor

A person who reports unethical behavior in his/her organization to management and/or the authorities is called a __________


___________ is revealing a behavior that troubles you to management or to the authorities.


___________ ________ is the productive potential resulting from relationships, goodwill, trust, and cooperative effort.

Social Capital

In being hired for a job, the most important factor is likely to be _____, but to be promoted, a person needs _______.

hard skills; soft skills

A person can build his/her human capital by:

assessing his/her strengths and weaknesses.

building on strengths and overcoming weaknesses can build _______ _______

human capital

Knowing who you are and what you want is known as _____-_________


________ _______ involve situations with two choices, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable manner.

Ethical Dilemmas

_______ _______ looks like simple common sense, but it attempts to overcome the limits of common sense with how it does not settle for traditional options if another solution may be more practical and effective

Contingency Approach

________ problems requires changing or eliminating the situation in which the problem occurs.


___-________ goals occur when we set goals and incentives to promote a desired behavior, but they encourage a negative one.


Research shows that sustainable businesses are led by CEOs who take a _______-______, inclusive approach rather than a controlling, target-driven one.


the remedy for ill-conceived goals is to _________ __________ _____________ when devising goals and incentives and consider alternative goals that may be more important to reward.

brainstorm unintended consequences

_______ capital is the productive potential of an individual's knowledge, skills, and experiences.


Researchers now believe job satisfaction and job performance ______ influence each other through a host of person factors and environmental characteristics contained in the ________ Framework.

indirectly; Integrative

________ stress has a strong but negative relationship to job satisfaction.


________ shares elements of both openness to change and self-enhancement.


Organizational commitment exists to the degree that a person's _______ match the __________.

personal values; organizational culture

What are the four key workplace attitudes savvy managers will track?

1. organizational commitment

2. employee engagement

3. perceived organizational support

4. job satisfaction

Turnover is a(n) _______, not at attitude


__________ is order, self-restriction, preservation of the past, and resistance to change (i.e., security, conformity, tradition).


The ________ _________ refers to how one intends or expects to act toward someone or something

behavioral component

__________ allows employees to do all or some of their work from home, using advanced telecommunications technology and Internet tools to send work electronically from home to the office, and vice versa.


Values represent beliefs that influence behaviors _____________; attitudes relate to behavior __________.

across all situations; toward specific targets

OB has developed numerous concepts to improve our understanding of _________ ________, including need fulfillment, met expectations, value attainment, equity, and dispositional/genetic components.

job satisfaction

Which of the following is not one of the predominant models of the causes of job satisfaction?

A.Value attainment

B. Dispositional factors

C. Cognitive dissonance

D. Equity

E. Met expectations

C. Cognitive dissonance

________ is excitement, novelty, and challenge in life (daring, a varied life, an exciting life).


___ ________ is the most studied workplace attitude.

Job satisfaction

The pursuit of one's own interests and relative success and dominance over others (power, achievement) is ____-___________


_____________ programs help employees to integrate, assimilate, and transition to new jobs by making them familiar with corporate policies, procedures, culture, and politics by clarifying work-role expectations and responsibilities.


The _____ __________ model says that satisfaction results from the perception that a job allows for fulfillment of an individual's important values.

value attainment

_____________ ____________ reflects the extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and commits to its goals.

Organizational commitment

______ are physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior.


The ________ component of an attitude reflects the beliefs or ideas one has about an object or situation.


You are unlikely to say anything to someone using a cell phone in a restaurant if you are not irritated by this behavior (______), if you believe cell phone use helps people to manage their lives (_______), and you have no intention of confronting this individual (_______).

affective; cognitive; behavioral

_________ model proposes that values that are in opposing directions from the center of his model conflict with each other.


Engagement is ______ when employees are not confronted with a lot of stressors.


________ _________ represent individuals' perceptions about the terms and conditions of a reciprocal exchange between them and their organization.

Psychological contracts

Self-efficacy can be _________.


___-________ and ___-_______ constitute personal competence.

Self-awareness; self-management

The relationship between self-esteem and life satisfaction is significantly _________ in individualistic cultures than in collectivist cultures.
Researchers draw a distinction between ____ and _______ emotions.

felt; displayed

__________ was associated with success for managers and sales people.


_________ is relatively stable personality characteristic that describes how much personal responsibility a person takes for his or her behavior and its consequences.

Locus of control

____-_________ is relatively more flexible than the other three components of core self-evaluation (CSE) and thus can be enhanced.


Someone who scores high on _____________ __ ___________ would be intellectual, imaginative, curious, and broad-minded.

openness to experience

Someone who scores high on __________ ________ would be relaxed, secure, and unworried.

emotional stability

A person can develop his or her relationship management skills by

1. Guiding and motivating with a compelling vision

2. wielding a range of tactics for persuasion

3. bolstering others' abilities through feedback and guidance

4. initiating, managing, and leading in a new direction

5. resolving disagreements

6. cultivating and maintaining a web of relationships

7. cooperation and team building.

_________ people identify opportunities and act on them, show initiative, take action, and persevere until meaningful change occurs.


One component of ________ _________ is reading the currents, decision networks, and politics at the organizational level.

social awareness

All of the individual differences are relatively _____ when compared to your behaviors. This means that you have far more control over the things ___________ than over who you are.

fixed;you do

Which of the following does a person have the most control over?

A. Intelligence

B. Behavior

C. Emotions


E. Emotional Intelligence

B. Behavior

Inclusion, building relationships, and mutual adaptation are the preferred strategies. __________ ___________ is the only approach that unquestionably endorses the philosophy behind managing diversity.

Mutual adaptation

_______ __________ are described as workaholic, idealistic, work ethic, competitive, materialistic, seeks personal fulfillment.

baby boomers

When something is _______, it stands out from its context.


The generation that currently makes up the largest number of individuals in America


____-______ memory comprises three compartments: events, semantic materials, and people


The four stages of social perception:

selective attention/comprehension, encoding and simplification, storage and retention, and retrieval and response.

______-_____ characteristics are those that are quickly apparent to interactants, such as race, gender, and age.


The key managerial challenge is to reduce the extent to which stereotypes influence decision making and interpersonal processes throughout the organization. We suggest three ways that this can be achieved.

- Managers should educate people about stereotypes and how they can influence our behavior and decision making.

- Managers should create opportunities for diverse employees to meet and work together in cooperative groups of equal status.

- Managers should encourage all employees to strive to increase their awareness regarding stereotypes.

_________ is a cognitive process that enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings.


_________ compares an individual's behavior with that of his or her peers.


There is ____ consensus when one acts like the rest of the group and ____ consensus when one acts differently.


People retrieve information from memory when they make judgments and decisions. Ultimately judgments and decisions come about in one of two ways_____________________;__________________

We either draw on, interpret, and integrate categorical information stored in long-term memory; or we retrieve a summary judgment that was already made.

____________ is a cognitive process that enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings.


Stage one of the social perception process is _______ ________/__________________

selective attention/comprehension

The fourth and final stage of the social perception process is, __________ and __________; involves turning mental representations into real-world judgments and decisions


In the __________ _________/________ stage of social perception, people selectively perceive subsets of environmental stimuli

selective attention/comprehension

____________ is the process of becoming consciously aware of something or someone. The object of __________ can come from the environment or from memory.


In the ________ stage of social perception, we translate raw information into mental representations.

encoding and simplification

A ___________ represents a person's mental picture or summary of a particular event or type of stimulus.


Something is _________ when it stands out from its context. Research has shown that people tend to pay attention to __________ stimuli.

salient; salient

People tend to find _______ information more salient than _______. This leads to ______ bias.

negative; positive; negativity

In the _______ and ______ stage of the social perception process, we utilize separate compartments for events, semantic materials, and people.


In the _____ and ______ stage of social perception, individuals call upon memory.storage and retention


People retrieve information from memory when they make judgments and decisions in the _________ and _________ stage of social perception.

retrieval; response

The _________ and _________ phase involves storage of information in long-term memory. Long-term memory comprises three compartments (or wings), one each for events, semantic materials, and people.


Thoughts or beliefs that are automatically activated from memory without our conscious awareness are called _________ __________.

implicit cognitions

The existence of implicit cognition leads people to make _________ decisions without an understanding that it is occurring.


Experts recommend two solutions for reducing the biasing effect of implicit cognition, they include;

1. Managers can be trained to understand and reduce this type of hidden bias

2. Bias can be reduced by using structured as opposed to unstructured interviews, and by relying on evaluations from multiple interviewers rather than just one or two people.

Managers must accurately identify and communicate the behavioral characteristics and results they look for in good performance at the ___________ of a review cycle.


A team of researchers found that in the employees' schema, good leaders would exhibit these behaviors:

- Assigning specific tasks to group members

- Telling others that they had done well

- Setting specific goals for the group

- Letting other group members make decisions

- Trying to get the group to work as a team

- Maintaining definite standards of performance

A ___________ is an individual's set of beliefs about the characteristics or attributes of a group.


Stereotyping is based on the following four-step process: __________, __________, ____________, and __________.

categorization, inferences, expectations, and maintenance.

Fritz Heider, the founder of attribution theory, proposed that behavior can be attributed either to _______ factors within a person (such as ability) or to ________ factors within the environment (such as a difficulty task).

internal; external

________ attributions result from situations believed to have low consensus, low distinctiveness, and high consistency.


________ attribution consists of high consensus, high distinctiveness, and low consistency.


The fundamental attribution bias reflects one's tendency to attribute another person's behavior to his or her __________ characteristics, as opposed to situational factors


The ___-_________ ____ represents one's tendency to take more personal responsibility for success than for failure.

self-serving bias

_______ factors include high ability or hard work and _________ factors include tough job, bad luck, unproductive coworkers, or an unsympathetic boss.


________ represents the multitude of individual differences and similarities that exist among people


Four layers of diversity include,

1. personality

2. internal dimensions

3. external dimensions

4. organizational dimensions

_______-________ characteristics are those that take time to emerge in interactions, such as attitudes, opinions, and values. These characteristics are definitely under our control.


_____-________ characteristics are those that are quickly apparent to interactants, such as race, gender, and age.


The broad traits of __________ are described as entitled, civic minded, close parental involvement, cyberliteracy, appreciate diversity, multitasking, work/life balance, and technologically savvy.


The traits of ___________ are described as multitasking, online life, cyberliteracy, communicate fast and online.

Gen 2020

The traits of _________ as self-reliance, work/life balance, adaptable, cynical, distrust authority, independent, and technologically savvy.

Gen Xers

______ key historical events are MTV, AIDS epidemic, Gulf War, fall of the Berlin Wall, Oklahoma City bombing, 1987 stock market crash, and the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Gen Xers'

The ___________ barrier represents the feeling that one's cultural rules and norms are superior or more appropriate than the rules and norms of another culture.


The basic premise behind the __________option is that all diverse people will learn to fit in or become like the dominant group. It only takes time and reinforcement for people to see the light.


_______ entails acknowledging differences but not valuing or accepting them. It represents a live-and-let-live approach that superficially allows organizations to give lip service to the issue of managing diversity.


________ is different from isolation in that it allows for the inclusion of diverse people. However, differences are not really valued or accepted when an organization uses this option.


Organizations initially ________ employees through their recruitment practices and the use of company-orientation programs. New hires generally are put through orientation programs that aim to provide employees with the organization's preferred values and a set of standard operating procedures. Employees then are encouraged to refer to the policies and procedures manual when they are confused about what to do in a specific situation. These practices create homogeneity among employees.
