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33 Cards in this Set

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Describe the parts of the scientific method ( observation, question, hypothesis, experiment, control group, variable, conclusion)

Observation: piece of the natural world is absurd to work in a certain way

Question: question the "what," "why," and "how" question

Hypothesis: a testable explanation for an observed phenomenon

Experiments: controlled test of the question at hand

Control group: no treatment is given to the control group while the experimental group is changed.

Variable: an adjustable condition in an experiment

Conclusion: are made following from the experiment.

Describe what it means for a hypothesis to be testable and falsifiable

Because you can't prove something is true you can only prove that you can't prove it is false.

Distinguish between an experimental group and a control group

An experimental group in an experiment that receives the variable being tested
control group does not receive any test variable.

Explain why control groups are used in experiments

A control group gives reliable Baseline data to compare their results

Describe what theory means in science

General set of principles supported by evidence that explains some aspect of nature

List criteria for deciding whether something is alive

Energy, respond to their environment, homeostasis, DNA, reproduce, composed of one cell, evolution

Place in order the various levels of organization in living things

Atom, molecule, organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem and biosphere

Distinguish among protons, neutrons and electrons

Proton has a positive charge

Electron has a negative charge Neutron has no charge

Covalent bond

Atoms share one or more electrons


Entity of a defined number of atoms covalently bonded together

Ionic bonding

A chemical bonding in which two or more ions are painted by virtue of their opposite charge

Distinguish acids and bases

Acid is any substance that yields hydrogen ion when put in an aqueous solution

Base is any substance that accepts hydrogen ions in solution


A small molecule that can be combined with other similar Molecules to make a polymer


A large molecule Make up of many similar subunits

Distinguish between the nucleus of an atom and the nucleus of a cell

The atom nucleus contains protons and neutrons

The cell of a nucleus houses DNA

Explain why carbon is more versatile than other elements when building molecules

Carbon has four electrons in outer shell so they can make up to four bonds. The bonds are covalent and stable


Main form of energy storage in plants


Used for primarily short-term storage in animals


Functions to provide structure to plants


Functions in external skeleton of arthropods


Loss of protein shape as a result of heat, acidity or other effects

Distinguish between saturated and unsaturated fats

Saturated has no double bonds

Describe what ribosome do

A machine that carries the instructions for mRNA


Net movement of water across a semi-permeable membrane from low concentration to greater concentration

Phospholipid Bilayer

Hydrophilic phosphate head and hydrophobic fatty acid

Nuclear envelope

Double membrane that lines the nucleus

Describe differences and similarities between prokatyotic and eukaryotic

Prokatyotic is smaller, has no nucleus, few species organelles and mostly single celled.

Eukaryotic is larger, contains DNA, many different organelles, and usually multicellular.

Compare and contrast plant and animal cells

Animal cell does not have Chloroplasts, Central vacuole and tonoplast, cell wall and plasmodesmata

Plants cells does not have lysosomes, centrioles and flagella

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

Network of membranes that aid in the processing of protein in eukaryotic cells

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

No ribosomone attach, lipid synthesis, and Detox center

Name three functions of membrane proteins

Structural protein,recognition protein, and receptor protein.

Recognize when diffusion is likely to occur

When molecules move from high concentration to a lower concentration

Passive vs. Active transport

Passive: movement down the concentration gradient requiring no energy

Active : movement against the concentration gradient with the use of ATP