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58 Cards in this Set

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Science is not based on
biased opinions.
Which of the following statements is not true about a hypothesis?
It always withstands the test of experiments.
A suggested explanation that might be true and is subject to testing by further observations is a(n)
A medical scientist is designing an experiment to test the results of a new drug that she hypothesizes will greatly reduce and possibly eliminate the side effects of a new cancer treatment. If this experiment is to be set up correctly, she must
divide the patients into two groups and give one group the new drug and the other group a drug that has no effect (for example, a tablet that only contains sugar).
The scientific method involves making careful observations, asking questions, formulating hypotheses, collecting data, testing, and making conclusions about the collected data. Of the following statements about toxic wastes, select the choice that science cannot address.
Science can say that a river should not be polluted.
Which of the following characteristics are not necessary to being
Darwin described which of the following as "those individuals that possess superior physical, behavioral, or other attributes are more likely to survive than those that are not so well endowed," and thus more likely to pass their traits to the next generation?
natural selection
A critical requirement of Darwin's theory is
genetic variation is possible in nature.
Essay on the Principle of Population, written by Thomas Malthus in 1798, influenced Darwin's thoughts as he struggled to understand what mechanisms could be at work to produce evolution. Malthus proposed that populations of animals and plants, including humans,
increased geometrically in numbers while the nutrients available only increased arithmetically.
The number of protons in a given atom is equal to its ______ number.
Carbon-12, Carbon-13 and Carbon-14 are examples of _____________.
When atoms gain or lose electrons, they become negatively or positively charged. They are known as
When two atoms share a pair of electrons, the bonding is referred to as
In the crystal matrix of ordinary salt, the sodium and chlorine are held together by
ionic bonds.
Because oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen, the water molecule is
Water molecules are attracted to each other because of the opposite charges created by partial charge separations within the molecules. These attractions are called
hydrogen bonds.
Water is extremely important in living things for all of the following reasons except
it is an excellent buffer.
Compared with a pH of 7, a solution of pH 5 has
100 times the hydrogen concentration.
A substance that acts as a reservoir for H+ ions, opposing any increase or decrease in concentration, is a(n) _____.
The covalent bonds connecting monomer units in sugars can be formed by the removal of a water molecule. A reaction referred to as ________________.
Non-polarity and insolubility characterize biological compounds known as _______.
In _________ the average chain length of amylose is much greater, and has more branches, than plant starch.
The simplest and the most common monosaccharide is a six-carbon sugar called
A common lipid for energy storage is
Macromolecules that are used by organisms to store hereditary information are called
DNA molecules.
DNA, RNA, and ATP contain functional units known as
The nitrogen base not found in DNA is called
Nucleic acids are created with
phosphodiester bonds
Eukaryotic chromosomes are composed of a complex of 60% protein and 40% DNA. The name of this chemical complex is a
Relatively small organic molecules with a central carbon atom which is bonded to a carboxyl group, an amino group, a carbon containing group, and a hydrogen atom are called
amino acids.
Proteins are polymers formed of structural units called
amino acids.
Alpha helix and beta pleated sheets are examples of which level of protein structure?
Proteins are created with
peptide bonds
Egg whites consist primarily of water and the protein albumin. When you fry an egg, why does the egg white turn from clear to white?
The protein becomes denatured.
All _____ contain a plasma membrane.
A semi-fluid matrix called the _________ occupies the area between the nucleus and the plasma membrane.
The interior of eukaryotic cells contain numerous membrane-bound structures called _________.
A distinctive feature of eukaryotes is the organization of tightly packaged chromosomal DNA with proteins into a membrane-bound structure called a _____.
Ribosomes are
large molecular aggregates of protein and RNA.
Of the following organisms, which has genetic material in a single, circular molecule of DNA devoid of any histone proteins?
True multicellularity is a major characteristic of
eukaryotes only.
In all of the following characteristics, prokaryotes differ from eukaryotes except in
nucleic acids as the hereditary material.
In which of the following characteristics, prokaryotes and eukaryotes are similar?
contain ribosomes
Some ribosomes are embedded into
rough endoplasmic reticulum.
In eukaryotes, mitochondria are the organelles primarily involved in
energy release/capture.
Membrane-bound organelles that contain powerful enzymes found in cells are known as
Flattened sacks of membranes apparently involved in the packaging and export of molecules synthesized in the cell are known as
Golgi bodies
The endosymbiotic theory is supported by the finding of non-nuclear DNA in which of the following organelles?
mitochondria and chloroplasts
Prokaryotic cell movement is attributed to the
If you were working inside of a cell and you needed to move a vesicle along microtubules toward the center of the cell, which molecular motor(s) would you choose to help you?
Centrioles are organelles which have all of the following except
a lipid bilayer.
The functions of the cytoskeleton include all of the following except
ribosome assembly.
Cell crawling is essential for all of the following except
cytoskeleton reorganization.
The plasma membrane is a thin sheet of lipid embedded with
The following are all functions of a typical plasma membrane except
permanence in composition.
If you were to replace the phosphate group of a phospholipid with a fatty acid chain, you would have
a triglyceride.
The part of a membrane protein that extends through the phospholipid bilayer is primarily composed of amino acids that are
While water continually orients phospholipids into a lipid bilayer, it does not fix the lipids permanently into position. Thus, the bilayer is considered to be _______ in nature.