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30 Cards in this Set

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1. shared derived characters are ___
a. homoplasies
b. plesiomorphies
c. analogous
d. synapomorphies
d. synapomorphies
2. Of the 4 types of social interactions, which one is the most difficult to logically explain from an evolutionary perspective
a. spiteful
b. cooperative
c. altruistic
d. selfish
a. spiteful
3. increased reproduction of offspring of relatives due to your actions is termed
a. direct fitness
b. inclusive fitness
c. indirect fitness
d. none of the above
c. indirect fitness
4. which of the following is the correct format for a species name
a. Homo Sapiens (italic)
b. Sapiens (italic)
c. Homo (Italic)
d. Homo sapiens (italic)
d. Homo sapiens (italic)
5. Once two populations are isolated, what mechanism is responsible for creating genetic divergence
a. natural selection
b. genetic drift
c. sexual selection
d. all of the above
d. all of the above
6. Groups that include some, but not all of the descendants from an ancestor are
a. polyphyletic
b. paraphyletic
c. monophyletic
d. semiphyletic
b. paraphyletic
7. Eusocial species ___
a. are exclusively insects
b. are all haplodiploid
c. have specialized sterile castes of non-reproductive individuals
d. all of the above
c. have specialized sterile castes of non-reproductive individuals
8. Reciprocal altruism is most likely when ___
a. individuals live in stable groups
b. there are many opportunities for altruism in a lifetime
c. individuals remember altruistic acts
d. all of the above
d. all of the above
9. The evolutionary theory of aging hypothesizes that ___
a. life threatening mutations only occur late in life and are therefore weakly selected against
b. aging rate is correlated to metabolic activity
c. lineages that have been around longer have shorter life spans
d. aging is due to pre-programmed genetically controlled cell death
a. life threatening mutations only occur late in life and are therefore weakly selected against
10. Which of the following theories have been put forth to explain the phenomenon of aging
a. broad sense heritability theory
b. senescence theory
c. rate of living theory
d. none of the above
c. rate of living theory
11. true of false

analogies or homoplasies lead to the formation of polyphyletic groups
12. true of false

Convergent evolution is due to different organisms evolving similar adaptations for similar ecologies and/or similar environmental pressures.
13. true of false

in a typical sexually reproducing diploid organism, full siblings have a lower coefficient of relatedness than half siblings
14. true of false

It is always the case that having many, small offspring is better in an evolutionary sense, than having few, larger offspring
15. true of false

In a haplodiploid system, males are haploid and develop from an unfertilized egg, while females are diploid and result form the union of an egg and sperm
16. true of false

All haplodiploid species are eusocial
17. true of false

Reciprocity can evolve when the recipient of cooperative behavior meets up with the cooperative individual and the cooperative individual demands repayment
18. true of false

Life history conflicts arise between males and females , namely because females are equally related to all of her offspring, but not necessarily all of the males (especially in polygynous systems)
19. explain the following graphs
for the first graph
simply shows that probability of survival of individual offspring is a function of the amount of chick in the brook. As clutch size increases probability of survival decreases.

for the second graph
Number of surviving offspring is a function of clutch size. They have changed the y-axis to be the number of surviving offspring which is CS*P. This allows for a graph that will show optimal clutch size, which is in this instance 5.
20. why are clutch sizes in birds often small than that predicted b Dave Lack's Optimal Clutch Size Theory?
There is a negative correlation between current reproduction and future reproduction.

There is a negative correlation between current reproduction and future survival.

Also, chicks in nests with artificially increased clutch size eventually lay smaller clutches themselves
21. You are head of a wildlife refuge and charge with protecting local fauna and flora. It is suspected that you have 2 endangered species of mammals on your reserve, yet some authorities suggest that the two species are not valid, but the two populations are in fact the same species. If true, rather than having two populations of endangered species, you would have one widespread and common species. Though both putative species occur on the reserve, they do not come into contact, have poor dispersal abilities and are effectively isolated by a geographical barrier. What do you do? Do you protect both, or do you use your limited funds for other programs? Justify your answer.
Yes both species should be protected. The morphological species concept may not be able to detect between the two if their similarities are to great. The biological species concept would likely define them as two species. They are not reproducing with each other in their natural environment, even though potential may exist in the lab environment. Phylogenetic species concept should also be used to find how much genetic divergence has occurred, or if they have just recently developed barriers to contact. Genetic analysis would also help find hybrids and detect back breeding of hybrids, detecting post zygotic barriers
22. Briefly explain why siblicide is not prevented by many parents? Why would they be willing to let one of their offspring be killed by one of their brothers and sisters?
In years where food is plentiful large number of offspring re much easier to maintain. if food is in short supply then survival of all offspring is not likely and a reduction in numbers increases the likelihood that some will survive. Some of your genes being passed on is better than none being passed on.
23. What is Hamilton's rule (or equation)? Write it out and then explain it in words.
Br-C > 0 where,
B = benefit of behavior
r = coefficient of relatedness
C = cost of behavior

the benefit of a behavior times the coefficient of relatedness must be greater than the cost of the behavior for it to evolve.
24. Why are female bee workers willing to forgo reproduction to help their colony mates?
because they are more related to their own sisters than their mother, their own daughters, or the males. This is eusocial behavior by a haplodiploid organism.
25. List two examples of prezygotic isolating mechanisms and two examples of a postzygotic isolating mechanism
Prezygotic include
sexual preference
seasonal barriers
ecological barriers

hybrid breakdown
hybrid in viability
26. define kin selection
selection for genes that increase inclusive fitness by increasing indirect fitness
27. You are driving along Wyoming Boulevard and pass a small group of prairie dogs along the side of the road. As you drive by, one of them rears up and emits a warning call while all the others dash underground to safety. A mile down the road, you come across another population. This time, no warning call is given, and all prairie dogs simultaneously dash for cover as you drive by. using sound evolutionary theory, explain this difference of behavior.
The first call likely was made by a prairie dog closely related to the others in its group, and may have been altruistic. Further investigation would be necessary to verify it was not selfish. If it is indeed altruistic then the also likely that the warning call was given by a prairie dog closely related to the other dogs in the group.

the second group likely has members that are not closely related and are not raising any young.
28 Explain the logic behind parsimony in the construction of phylogenetic trees. Should the most parsimonious tree always be chosen? Support your answer
Parsimony is the test for least amount of character state change. The logic is that the least amount of change required is the most likely, much like Occams razor.

No, the most parsimonious tree should not always be used. The data sets from the greatest amount of independent evidence should guide the results to the most highly probable conclusion (I MISSED POINTS HERE FOR LACK OF CLARITY IN RESPONSE)
29. compare and contrast the 3 species definitions we talked about in class
Biological species concept - group of potentially breeding organisms in their natural environment genetically isolated from others.

Morphospecies concept - a group of organisms with a specific degree of similarity

Phylogenetic species concept - the patterns of change through time. Genetic

compare and contrast is lengthy. See digital file evolution exam 3.
30. Describe and compare allopatric and sympatric speciation models. Which do biologists think is more common? Why?
Allopatric speciation has two forms, vicariance and dispersal. Vicariance is separation of a group by environmental factors. Rivers, formation of lakes, continental drift, formation of mountains, habitat destruction are all examples. Dispersal is migration to a new location. If the separation is for a long enough time a new species may evolve.

Sympatric is the evolution of a new species in the same geographic area as its ancestor.

Allopatric speciation requires genetic isolation by physical separation for a new species to evolve. Sympatric speciation requires only genetic isolation (may occur very rapid i.e. polyploidization) but not physical separation.

Via current observation and models, biologists think allopatric speciation is much more likely to occur. This is because it is much more difficult for a new species to evolve and survive while living in connection with its ancestor.