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12 Cards in this Set

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What are two models for the tempo of speciation?

Gradualism and punctuated equilibrium model

What is Macroevolution?

Evolution of higher taca (e.g. different phyla or different classes, orders, families...) from speciation. A result of microevolution.

What are types of reproductive mechanisms?

Prezygotic and postzygotic

What are different types of prezygotic reproductive mechanisms?

Habitat, temporal, behavioral, mechanical, gametic

What are some types of postzygotic reproductive mechanisms?

reduced hybrid viability, reduced hybrid fertility, hybrid breakdown

How can polyploidy cause reproductive isolation?

Polyploidy results in instant sympatic speciation because when accidents happen during cell division and extra chromosomes result, offspring cannot reproduce with parent population anymore. = new species

What are some examples of allopatric speciation?

Harris antelop squirrel and white-tailed antelope squirrel

Devil's Hole Pupfish

What are some examples of sympatric speciation?

May account for over 80% of plant species

What is Mechanical Isolation?

Structural differences in genitalia of flowers prevent copulation or pollen transfer (after mating)

What is Gametic Isolation

Female and male gametes fail to attract each other or are inviable (after mating)

What is the punctuated equilibrium model?

A new species changes most as it buds from a parent species (punctuated), followed by a period of stasis (equilibrium)

Why does speciation occur after geographic isolation?

Difference in gene pool potential for genetic drift, faced with different selection pressures