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30 Cards in this Set

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How long does it take to make a first impression
- Sloppy language
- Using lazy words
- giggling
- Inappropriate touching
- Hiding your hands
- Chewing gum
- Throat clearing
7 ways to sabbotage a first impression
Talk to the more important person first..ie, "Mr. Client, I would like to introduce...

- A client or prospect is always considered more important than a supervisor or boss

- Explain who people are
- Give informaiton about the person
- Correct if introduced incorrectly
- Stand up- men and women
- Smile and make eye contact
- State your greeting
- Shake hands
Introducing the Four essentials
- Concentration
- Remember one detail about them
- Ask for name if unclear
- Can't remember someone's name, say something about where you met them
Remembering names
- Firm and strong
- Representative of person who makes decisions - take charge
- warm and enthusiastic
- Dry, pleasent to the touch
- You should always shake hands
- Hesitate or apologetic
- weak, slippery
- lifeless
- wet, clammy or cold
Handshakes: Do not offer a handshake that is:
- Group of people- shake hands with host first, then other senior most people
- Shake hands when host is leaving
- If your hand is not taken, pull it back and smile
Handshakes: Points of Handshaking Protocol:
- Other person has hands full
- Person you want to greet much higher ranking
- other person has food in one hand and drink in the other
Handshakes: Do not shake hands WHEN...
- Cold hands - stcik right hand in pocket as you approach person
- Don;t hold iced drinks in right hand (hold the drink in left hand so you don't have condensation from glass)
- Clammy hands - wipe on shirt or pants
Handshakes: When you have clammy hands:
- Easy to understand, diction is clear
- Reflects proper breathing
- Low, comfortable pitch
- clear tone
- sounds well paced
- express emotion
Verbal communications: Your voice is good if..
- Difficult to understand
- You are breathing
- Pitch is too high - over nervous
- tone is harsh
- Cold, uncaring, tired
- Tone is flat and unmoving
Verbal communications: Voice needs improvment if:
- good grammer
- Absence of foul language
- All words properly enuciated
- No repititios phrases
- Common slang is absent
- Nicknames are never used
Verbal Communicication: You want a "cultivated" voice
- Get sleep the night before
- Appropriate dess
- Mingle with audience before hand
- Relax, mentally, physically
- Expect the unexpected
- Watch your posture and glasses
Speaking in public
- Take care with content
- Know your material to perfection
- Don't eat just before you speak
- Don't eat dairy before speaking
- Make first words something light
- Look over your audience (engage your audience)
Speaking in public
- Keep sweeping eyes over room
- Listen to your voice over the microphone and adjust, if needed
- Keep glass of water close by
- Always check your audio visual equipment prior to speaking
Speaking in public
S- Smile
O- Open posture
F- Foward lean
T - tone
E- Eye commincation
N - Nod
Listening: Soften
- Understanding of people and problems
- to learn more
- to improve working relationships
- to reduce tension
Listening: Benefits of active listening
- Concentrate
- Reconfirm
- Wait
- Question
- Respond
- Keep still
The good Listener
- We hear about 3% of what is said
- Do not allow your mind to wonder
- No influence by visual stimuli ( Don't allow to wander)
- Do not "shut down" on difficult information
- Do not listen to find fault
- When in a meeting, hold calls
- You will alwys learn something
- Don't only show interest inwhat you have to say
- Well informed
- Active reader of books, newspapers and magazines
- polite
- interested in others
- enthustiastic and alive
Conversational skills: Good conversationalist is:
- Talk on broad range of topics
- Shows interest in others
- Make fast switch between topics
- Speak from experience and knowledge
- Look people straight in the eye
- Refrain from correcting grammer
Conversational skills: Good conversationalist can:
- Know how to question a stranger
- Accept compliments gracefully
- Know when to not talk business
- Address everyone within the group
- Make a shy person feel part of the group
- Make a shy person feel part of something
- Have a great sense of humor
Conversational skills
- Brief discussion of a neutral and relatively insignificant topic
- Don't stay with one person too long
- Stay on the "safe" topics
- Avoid office politics
Small talk
- Personal space - 18 inches
- Maintain eye contact
- be conscious of height differences
Non verbal Commincations
- Stand straight
- Keep still front
- Keep shoulders relaxed
- Keep arms at your side
- Keep head and chin up
Non verbal communications: Standing posture
- Use open palms and fingers together
- To reinforce message
- Vary your gestures
- Don't over gesture
- Do not put hands on hips
- Do not play with things in pocket
- Do not cross arms
- Do not point a finger
Non Verbal Communications: Gestures/Body Language
- Smile
- Direct eye contact
- Be animated
- Nod positevely
- do not yawn without covering mouth
Non verbal Communications: Facial expressions
- Sctrathing or picking at your self
- Tugging or playing with hair
- Combing your hair in public
- Drumming your fingers
- Playing, picking or biting fingernails
- Tapping feet
- Applying make-up/nail polish
- Picking teeth
- Fidgeting
- Yawning
- Straighteing up paper clips
- Clicking pens
- Chewing gum
- Crowding other people's space
Non verbal communications: Distracting Mannerisms