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119 Cards in this Set

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Where are glands located?
central & peripheral nervous system
Which endocrine organ has mixed functions?
• secreted into blood stream
• found in either free biologically active form or bound to proteins; only free hormones can bind to receptors
• some require metabolism for activation

>> intracellular response >> physiological response >> feedback
endocrine areas of pathology
• secretion; hyper or hypo
• elimination rates; if unable to eliminate >> build up of hormones
• abnormal second messenger- interrupts ability for receptor to bring about physiological response
• receptors
over-expression- (+) sensitiv...
• secretion; hyper or hypo
• elimination rates; if unable to eliminate >> build up of hormones
• abnormal second messenger- interrupts ability for receptor to bring about physiological response
• receptors
over-expression- (+) sensitivity
under expression/abnormality- resistance

**regardless of origin of pathology >> will affect feedback regulation and hormone levels
anterior v. posterior pituitary
• mass of pituitary gland
• hypothalamus release hypothalamic hormone which acts on cells in anterior pituitary >> stimulates pituitary hormone >> goes into circulation to stimulate third hormone

• neurological extension of hypothalamus where neurosecretory cells send axonal projection through connecting stalk and release hormone
• oxytocin & vasopressin (ADH)
• abnormalities is usually caused by injury to connecting stalk
• overproduction of ADH, which causes water retention
• ADH should only be released if plasma osmolarity is elevated
• normal osomolarity is 290 milli osmol
SIADH causes
• (+) hypothalamic production, e.g. infections, neoplasms, drug-induced (chemo or antipsychotics)
• pulmonary diseases
• severe nausea/pain r/t nervous system
• ectopic production of ADH r/t cancer; not under feedback mechanism
• drug induced potentiation- ADH levels are normal but its effects are enhanced
• idopathic
SIADH manifestations
definitive findings--
• serum hypoosmolarity & hyponatremia
• urine hyperosmolarity
**whenever serum and urine osmolarity conflict >> something is wrong w/ ADH

want to r/o other problems--
• urine sodium excretion that matches sodium intake
• normal adrenal & thyroid function
• no conditions that can alter volume status, e.g. CHF, renal insufficiency, etc.
osmoregulatory defects
type A- random
• large & unrelated fluctuations in ADH
• unrelated to rise in plasma osmolarity
• associated w/ tumors

type B- reset osmostat
• ADH osmolarity threshold is significantly lowered
• prompt & parallel rise in ADH w/ plasma osmolarity
• associated w/ pulmonary DOs & drug induced SIADH
**sensitivity for system is the same but threshold is lowered

type C- leak
• leaking of vasopressin unrelated to plasma osmolarity
• plasma ADH (+) normally above the the threshold for ADH release
• associated w/ meningitis or head injuries
arginine vasopressin; means ADH
thanks sally, that's not confusing
What is the normal threshold for ADH?
**280 milli osmol
normal ADH is 290 milli osmol
diabetes insipidus (DI)
central DI- failure to secrete enough ADH
nephrogenic DI- failure to respond to ADH

• excreting of large volumes of dilute urine
• partial or total inability to concentrate urine
• constantly dehydrated >> polydipsia
• urine output can be 4-12 L/day
DI causes
• injuries, e.g. head trauma, tumor, neurosurgical procedures

• X-linked NDI- AVPR2 mutation; most common of irish peeps- AVPR2 mutation
• autosomal NDI- AQP2 mutation
• autosomal CDI can be autosomal dominant (prepro-AVP2) or autosomal recessive r/t DM, optic atrophy, and mental retardation
T/F. NDI is more common than CDI.
False; CDI is more common and is usually caused by head injuries >> damage to connecting stalk >> affects ability to release ADH
psychogenic polydipsia/polyuria
accompanies delirium and schizophrenia; ADH system is normal
lab values for DI
DI treatment
• desmopressin is synthetic ADH

• vigilant attention to water consumption/loss
• paradoxical treatment w/ thiazide diurtetic; patient will have (+) response to ADE >> enhances Na+ and H2O reabsorption in proximal tubule
What characterizes anterior pituitary diseases?
**hyposecretion & hypersecretion of hormones

pituitary tumor is the most common cause in both hyposecretion & hypersecretion--
• small/normal size tumors >> hypersecretion
• large tumor crushes the gland >> hyposecretion
hypopituitarism causes
• adenomas
• sheehan syndrome- result of postpartum hemorrhage; anterior pituitary gets larger and O2 demands (+) >> ischemia >> hyposecretion
• iatrogenic hypopituitarism
• trauma
• infiltrative diseases
• genetic abnormalities of pituitary development
• laron syndrome- growth hormone insensitivity
non-cancerous tumors located in anterior pituitary; often derived from the following cell types--
• somatotropes >> GH
• lactotropes >> prolactin
• gonadotropes >> LH and FSH
• thyrotropes >> TSH
• corticotropes >> ACTH
adenoma classification
• acidophil- oversecretion of GH
• basophil- oversecretion of ACTH
• chromophobe- no endocrine hyper function

**now classified based on hormone they secrete

microadenomas are < 10 mm
macroadenomas are > 10 mm; in addition to over secretion, can cause damage to gland and other neuro symptoms, e.g. blurred vision, headaches, etc.
lactotrope adenoma
**most common
• microadenomas
• in females--amenorrhea, galactorhea, infertility
• in males--decreased libido, erectile dysfunction
nonfunctional pituitary adenomas
**these adenomas are not secreting hormones; main concern is their size

• null cell adenomas
• oncocytoma
• silent adenomas
somatotrope adenoma
• 75% are macroadenomas
• oversecretion of GH >> gigantism & acromegaly

hypothalamus >> GHRH >> anterior pituitary >> GH
GH >> direct & indirect effects
1/ directly acts on target cells directly
2/ acts on liver to stimulate release of IGF (insulin-like growth factor), which acts on target cells

• GH has anti-insulin effects, released @ night during non-REM sleep >> GH gets into blood stream and causes rise in blood glucose
• (-) uptake of glucose and stimulates liver to put out glucose

• second wave of hormone is IGF; IGF brings all the glucose built up into the cell and stimulates growth
somatotrope adenoma effects
acromegaly v. gigantism--
• gigantism- prepuberty; elongation of long bones >> extreme stature b/c epiphyseal plate is not yet solidified
• acromegaly- post-puberty; (+) proliferation in connective tissue, cytoplasmic matrix, organ size, & thickening of bones

metabolic effects--
• (+) metabolic rate
• (+) GH inhibition of glucose uptake
• (+) hepatic production of glucose
>> (+) risk of DM
What is the hormone that inhibits GH?
What hormone levels would you expect to observe in patients w/ somatotrope adenoma?
(+) GH and IGF & low GHRH due to negative feedback @ hypothalamus and anterior pituitary for both GH and IGF

**tumor is ignoring signals
somatotrope adenoma manifestations
• prominent brow ridge & jaw; patients will often look like they are related
• changes in facial features are reversible but tall stature is not
• (+) body hair
• (+) metabolic rate >> sweat, (+) cardiac demands which lead to cardiovasc...
• prominent brow ridge & jaw; patients will often look like they are related
• changes in facial features are reversible but tall stature is not
• (+) body hair
• (+) metabolic rate >> sweat, (+) cardiac demands which lead to cardiovascular problems
somatotrope adenoma treatment
• surgical intervention depending on size of tumor
• octreotride- synthetic somatostatin
thyroid hormone system
hypothalamus >> TRH >> anterior pituitary >> TSH >> thyroid gland >> T3 and T4 >> provides feedback to hypothalamus and anterior pituitary
thyroid hormone abnormalities
• hypothyroidism
• hyperthyrodism
• euthyroid
**pathology is involved but TH is WNL

non-toxic goiter
• problem originates in thyroid gland itself; impaired T3 and T4 production
• system compensates by producing more TSH in order to produce normal amounts of T3 and T4
• TSH stimulates hypertrophy & hyperplasia of thyroid gland

**can develop into toxic goiter >> hyperthyroidism
hypothyroidism causes
• hashimoto thyroiditis
• postradioactive iodine therapy for hyperthyroidism kills off excess thyroid cell; if dosing is not precise >> hypothyroidism
• thyroidectomy
• radiation for head/neck cancer
• iodine deficiency- iodine is needed to synthesize TH
• congenital DOs of TH synthesis

other causes--
• excessive iodine is toxic to thyroid gland
• drugs, i.e. lithium, interferon alpha (antiviral given to hepatitis patients), some anti-epileptic
• diseases of hypothalamus
hashimoto thyroiditis
**causes hypothyrodism

immune system attacks thyroid cells--
body produces T cells and B cells that are reactive to thyrocytes >> produce antibodies that will kill off thyroid cells >> reduces hormone production
hypothyroidism manifestations
**manifestation of low metabolism
• pale
• cold
• constant fatigue
• loss/thinning of hair/eyebrows
• hoarseness to voice
• non-pitting edema >> enlargement of <3 and brain >> chain in neurological function >> AMS and possible co...
**manifestation of low metabolism
• pale
• cold
• constant fatigue
• loss/thinning of hair/eyebrows
• hoarseness to voice
• non-pitting edema >> enlargement of <3 and brain >> chain in neurological function >> AMS and possible coma
• amenorrhea/cycle abnormalities
hyperthyroidism causes
• presence of abnormal thyroid stimulator, e.g. grave's disease
• intrinsic disease of thyroid gland, e.g. toxic multinodular goiter, functional adenoma
• excess production of TSH by anterior pituitary, e.g. thyrotroph adenoma
graves disease
**most common cause of hyperthyroidism

atypical immune system disorder--
• B cells produce antibodies that attach to TSH receptor which acts as TSH agonist
• antibodies are referred to as TSI (thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin) and mimics TSH >> acts on thyroid gland and (+) T3/T4
• not part of (-) feedback; (+) T3/T4 >> (-) TRH & TSH; TSI continues to stimulate thyroid
graves disease manifestations
**effects of (+) metabolism--
• slender, struggle to maintain weight
• high strung, can't sit still >> hand tremors
• fine hair
• goiter
• (+) sweating
• tachycardia
• amenorrhea
• bulging eyes due to retro-orbital adema
**effects of (+) metabolism--
• slender, struggle to maintain weight
• high strung, can't sit still >> hand tremors
• fine hair
• goiter
• (+) sweating
• tachycardia
• amenorrhea
• bulging eyes due to retro-orbital adema
T/F. All types of thyroid problems can lead to goiters.
true; it is a sign of a thyroid problem, but it does not reveal the TYPE of thyroid problem
corticotrope adenoma
• excess ACTH
• cushing syndrome
congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
hyperplasia of adrenal gland, esp. adrenal cortex

• result of a number of autosomal recessive enzymatic defects in the biosynthesis of cortisol from cholesterol

• more than 90% of cases of CAH represent a deficiency ...
hyperplasia of adrenal gland, esp. adrenal cortex

• result of a number of autosomal recessive enzymatic defects in the biosynthesis of cortisol from cholesterol

• more than 90% of cases of CAH represent a deficiency of 21-hydroxylase >> buildup of intermediates and the increased production of androgens
• most common cause of ambiguous genitalia in newborn girls Infant boys may experience sexual precocity and stunted growth
addison disease
**adrenal cortical insufficiency
• autoimmune destruction of adrenal tissue; progressive deficiency of cortisol and aldosterone
• lack of aldosterone creates more significant manifestations that lack of cortisol; aldosterone regulates Na+ balance which affects blood volume & BP
addison disease manifestations
• hyperpigmentation- excess ACTH on melanocytes
• weakness, fatigue, anorexia, weight loss r/t BP
• dizziness r/t orthostatic hypotension >> syncope due to volume depletion
• hyponatremia & hyperkalemia
• salt craving
• adrenal crisis
adrenal crisis
**patients w/ addison cannot adequately initiate stress response; when faced w/ physical trauma, significant illness, or infection, they decompensate quickly

• @ baseline, have a hard time maintaining BP b/c of (-) cortisol which is needed for vasoconstriction and is necessary for norepinephrine to regulate BP
• stress >> hypotension, shock, death; make sure they get supportive steroids
cushing syndrome
**adrenal hyperfunction; chronic elevated glucocorticoids

• exogenous steroid administration, e.g. s/p organ transplants
• endogenous glucocorticoid overproduction, e.g. ACTH-producing pituitary adenoma, certain lung cancers
• primary adrenal lesions, e.g. adrenal adenomas/carcinomas
• ectopic ACTH production
T/F. Women on steroids are more likely than men to develop cushing syndrome.
cushing syndrome manifestations
effects of cortisol...on crack
• (+) blood glucose >> hyperglycemic, signs of DM; if pancreas is in good shape, can maintain normal glucose levels
• skin breakdown b/c body cannot mobilize acute inflammatory response, e.g. ulcers, poor wound...
effects of cortisol...on crack
• (+) blood glucose >> hyperglycemic, signs of DM; if pancreas is in good shape, can maintain normal glucose levels
• skin breakdown b/c body cannot mobilize acute inflammatory response, e.g. ulcers, poor wound healing
• immunocompromised
• (+) subcutaneous fat on face >> red face, chipmunk cheeks aka "moon face"
• (-) subcutaneous fat everywhere else >> slender limbs
• (+) central adiposity >> abdominal & back fat aka "buffalo hump"
• (+) vasoconstriction & BP >> HTN & LV hypertrophy
• cortisol demineralize bones >> early osteoporosis
• amenorrhea & decreased fertility in women
diabetes mellitus (DM)
disturbance of glucose homeostasis; characterized by chronic hyperglycemia and other disturbances in carbohydrate and fat metabolism
regulation of glucose homeostasis
1/ glucose production in liver & sometimes kidneys
--energy substrate (lactate acid and AA) are sent to liver & kidneys >> gluconeogenesis >> blood stream

2/ glucose storage in skeletal muscle & liver
--glycogen synthesis, glycogenolysis

3/ glucose uptake by peripheral tissue, esp. skeletal muscle, liver, & fat
**insulin-mediated; uptake by peripheral tissue is regulated b/c they can derive energy by other means; when glucose is low, uptake can be limited & redirected to tissues that cannot make their own energy, e.g. neuro tissues
normal fluctuations in plasma glucose
• absorptive- actively consuming food; priority is to (-) plasma glucose to prevent marked elevation

• post-absorptive- fasting; priority is to (+/maintain) plasma glucose to prevent marked drop
absorptive state
**limit use of fat as primary energy source, (+) fat storage

(-) gluconeogenosis and gluconeolysis
(+) tissue permeability to glucose
(+) glucose storage- glycogen synthesis
**limit use of fat as primary energy source, (+) fat storage

(-) gluconeogenosis and gluconeolysis
(+) tissue permeability to glucose
(+) glucose storage- glycogen synthesis
post-absorptive state
**use of fat as primary energy source

• release of glucose from stores
• gluconeogenesis
• limit access to glucose to only tissues that absolutely need it by dropping insulin levels
**use of fat as primary energy source

• release of glucose from stores
• gluconeogenesis
• limit access to glucose to only tissues that absolutely need it by dropping insulin levels
How does glucose get in and out of cells?
glucose enters & exits via facilitated diffusion--transporter binds and carry glucose across a concentration gradient

glut-1 transporter--
• constitutively expressed by all cells and is responsible for low levels of basal glucose uptake
• expression is increased with prolonged fasting and decreased by persistent exposure to excessive glucose

glut-4 transporter--
• not constitutively expressed, availability is dependent on insulin
• expressed in cardiac, skeletal, adipose, and liver tissues
insulin and glut-4 interaction
PI-3K pathway--
• glut-4 found inside cell on plasma membrane of intracellular vesicle
• insulin binds to receptor >> signals PI-3K >> stimulates exocytosis of glut-4 into plasma membrane so glucose can be taken up

PI-3K also stimulates--...
PI-3K pathway--
• glut-4 found inside cell on plasma membrane of intracellular vesicle
• insulin binds to receptor >> signals PI-3K >> stimulates exocytosis of glut-4 into plasma membrane so glucose can be taken up

PI-3K also stimulates--
• cell survival/proliferation
• lipid, protein, & glycogen synthesis

MAPK signaling pathway--
• cell growth/proliferation
**has both endocrine & exocrine component

endocrine portion aka islet of langerhans--
• secretes both insulin and glucagon, which are antagonists for one another

exocrine portion--
• duct cells secrete aqueous NaHCO3 solution
• acinar cells secrete digestive enzymes
>> both are mixed w/ bile and secreted into duodenum and are critical for digestion
What is the islet of langerhans composed of?
a-cells secrete glucagon
b-cells secrete insulin
actions of insulin
**absorptive state; promotes lipogenesis, inhibits lipolysis
(-) gluconeogenosis & glycogenolysis
(+) tissue permeability to glucose by affecting glut-4 transporters
(+) glycogen systhesis

any significant concentration of insulin is a strong signal for adipose tissue to maintain its density; if there's no insulin in bloodstream >> adipose tissue breakdown
actions of glucagon
**postabsorptive state; promotes lipolysis, inhibits lipogenesis
• release of glucose from storage
• gluconeogenesis
• limit access to glucose; presence of glucagon decreases >> decreases insulin >> glut-4 retracts limiting permeability to glucose

stimulates enzymes needed for glycogenolysis & gluconeogenesis
insulin & glucagon diagram
insulin release
1st peak is associated w/ cephalic phase of digestion; has nothing to do w/ plasma glucose
**is critical

2nd peak is triggered by rise in blood glucose
1st peak is associated w/ cephalic phase of digestion; has nothing to do w/ plasma glucose
**is critical

2nd peak is triggered by rise in blood glucose
DM classifications
primary forms--
• DMI- autoimmunity that causes B-cell destruction >> absolute insulin deficiency; idiopatic
• DMII- insulin resistance w/ relative insulin deficiency
• genetic defects of B-cell function-
e.g. maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) is caused by mutations in several autosomal genes producing defects in insulin production; mild version of DMI

secondary forms--
• exocrine pancreatic defects, e.g. chronic pancreatitis, pancreatectomy, neoplasia, & cystic fibrosis
• endocrinopathies, e.g. acromegaly, cushing syndrome, hyperthyrodism
• infections, e.g. CMV, coxsackie virus
• drugs, e.g. glucocoritcoids, thyroid hormones, a-interferon, b-adrenergic agonists, protease inhibitors, thiazides; **any steroids will elevate glucose levels
• genetic syndromes- down, turner, & kleinfelter
• gestational diabetes- temporary diabetes that affect women during pregnancy
DMI- insulin-dependent, juvenile onset
DMII- non-insulin dependent, adult onset
DMI- increasing cases of adult onset
DMII- increasing childhood cases due to environmental lifestyle factors; treated w/ insulin earlier and become independent
"pre-diabetic" condition
• impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)- rise of blood glucose is not adequately responded to by the body

• impaired fasting glucose (IFG)- persistent elevation
DM screening tools
• oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)- challenge test to person's system

• fasting plasma glucose (FPG)- finger stick for capillary blood s/p 12-hrs fast; slight underestimation of plasma glucose

• HbA1C- hemoglobin in blood stream that attaches to glucose; reflects 2-3 mos of average blood glucose; heavily weighted to most recent 2 weeks
glucose and HbA1C values
normal < 100 mg/dl
IFG 100-126 mg/dl
DM > 126 mg/dl

normal < 5.7
IGT 5.7-6.4
DM > 6.5
oral glucose tolerance test
1/ fast prior to test
2/ fasting level is obtained
3/ drink high concentration of glucose; ~75 g for avg person, ~100 for pregnant

• not the standard; don't want to give diabetics a shot of glucose; FPG is standard for diagnosis
• useful...
1/ fast prior to test
2/ fasting level is obtained
3/ drink high concentration of glucose; ~75 g for avg person, ~100 for pregnant

• not the standard; don't want to give diabetics a shot of glucose; FPG is standard for diagnosis
• useful in detecting early signs of diabetes
Why use oral glucose v. bolus of glucose for OGTT?
giving bolus will skip cephalic peak
**absolute insulin deficiency & exceedingly high levels of glucagon

two major types--
• immune type 1
• idiopathic type 1
DMI pathogenesis
absolute insulin deficiency >> glucose cannot be taken up by cells; liver cannot take up glucose >> will think it is in a post-absorptive state and (+) glucose

• clinical onset is abrupt but autoimmune attack is chronic and usually starts years before
• clinical manifestations occur at >90% B-cell destruction

mechanisms for B-cell destruction--
• T-cell mediated immune attack against poorly defined B-cell antigens
• cytokine induced B-cell damage
• autoantibodies against islet cells or insulin; in 70-80% of patients; usually accompanied by autoantibodies against B-cell antigens

genetic susceptibility--
• MHC locus- presence of certain MHC II alleles, which affects T cell antigen presentation
• non-MHC genes- tandem repeats polymorphs of insulin gene, which turns off insulin reactive T-cells

environmental factors--
• infections, e.g. MMR
genetics & environmental factors--
• concordance rate b/w identical twins is 50-90% and 20-40% b/w first degree relatives v. 5-7% in general population
• activity level, diet
• most powerful risk is obesity, esp. high abdominal adiposity ( >1 waist-to-hip ratio), increased visceral adiposity; fat underneath abdominal muscle is worst b/c it surrounds the organs
DMII pathogenesis
metabolic defects--
• insulin resistance; (-) sensitivity to insulin by peripheral tissue
• B-cell dysfunction >> unable to produce enough insulin to overcome resistance
• insulin resistance is usually primary even, B-cell dysfunction is secondary
What causes insulin resistance?
**abnormalities of insulin signaling pathway
• down-regulation of insulin receptors
• (-) insulin receptor-initiated kinase activity
• reduced levels of insulin receptor signaling intermediates
• impaired docking & fusion of GLUT4-containing vesicles w/ plasma membrane
B-cell dysfunction
1/ initially >> hyperinsulinemic state can maintain maintain normal plasma glucose

2/ early B-cell failure--
• loss of normal pulsatile/oscillating pattern of insulin secretion
• loss of "rapid phase" insulin secretion triggered by elevation of plasma glucose
• secretory defects affect all phases; some basal secretion persists

3/ late B-cell failure--
• (-) B-cell mass
• islet cell degeneration
• amyloid islet deposition >> scar tissue
**beginning of absolute insulin deficiency >> DMII will start to look like DMI
Why is catching DMII early so important?
By catching DMII early & making necessary lifestyle changes, patients will reduce insulin resistance >> gives B-cells time to heal and reduce chronic inflammation.
obesity and DM
• link b/w obesity & DM is mediated through insulin resistance; esp. central adiposity b/c it is close to liver >> insulin resistance is more directed to liver and can cause DM to precipitate more quickly
• prolonged caloric overload and hypertrophied state causes derangement of normal adipocyte endocrine function

recent hypotheses--
1/ elevated circulation FFA interferes w/ insulin's ability to bind w/ receptors
2/ adipocyte hypertrophy stimulates release of cytokines that attract microphages
3/ chronic inflammation causes (+) lipolysis which elevates FFAs; back to numero uno
T/F. Fat can also act as an endocrine tissue.
True; in addition to storage, fat also contributes to overall energy balance and releases hormones (adipokines) to help regulate food intake & energy balance

• adiponectin- enhances insulin sensitivity, inversely related to body fat
• resi...
True; in addition to storage, fat also contributes to overall energy balance and releases hormones (adipokines) to help regulate food intake & energy balance

• adiponectin- enhances insulin sensitivity, inversely related to body fat
• resistin- reduces sensitivity; directly proportional to body fat
• leptin- acts on brain, inhibitory effect on appetite and food intake; ideally correlated to overall fat mass
gestational DM
• hPL ensures that fetus has enough glucose to support growth and development of brain during last
stages; does this by antagonizing insulin stores (decreases sensitivity)
• mom responds by increasing plasma insulin
• GDM women ...
• hPL ensures that fetus has enough glucose to support growth and development of brain during last
stages; does this by antagonizing insulin stores (decreases sensitivity)
• mom responds by increasing plasma insulin
• GDM women cannot produce insulin levels high enough to overcome pregnancy induced insulin resistance
• hPL levels drop and insulin resistance goes away s/p delivery
• GDM moms have increased risk of DMII; pancreas may not be able to meet increased demands
DM manifestations
appears in all forms of DMs in this order--
1/ hyperglycemia
2/ glucosuria
3/ polyuria
4/ polydipsia

• hypoglycemia
• hyperglycemia coma
• diabetic ketoacidosis
• hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic snydrome
hypoglycemia symptoms
**first set of response >> strong cue to eat something
• adrenergic- tremors, anxiety, palpitations, tachycardia
• cholinergic- sweating, hunger

• weak, fatigued, drowsy
• headache
• AMS, confusion
• diplopia
• difficulty speaking, slurring
• seizures, coma

**hypoglycemic unawareness w/ repeated episodes; loss of autonomic signals >> first clues are neurologic
glucose counter regulation
T/F. Activation of sympathetic nervous system is solely make person aware of low blood glucose.
False; it also stimulates glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis
T/F. Glucagon response to hypoglycemia goes away and normal counter-regulation decreases for people w/ chronic diabetes for many years.
True; their onset and progression is rapid and quick >> HbA1C value is higher than normal to balance (+) risk of hypoglycemia
diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
**absolute deficiency of insulin or an increase in counter-regulatory hormone, e.g. catecholamines or glucagon >> (+) fat metabolism, causing (+) production of keto-acids
• occurs w/ increased frequency w/ infection, trauma, surgery, MI, or (+)...
**absolute deficiency of insulin or an increase in counter-regulatory hormone, e.g. catecholamines or glucagon >> (+) fat metabolism, causing (+) production of keto-acids
• occurs w/ increased frequency w/ infection, trauma, surgery, MI, or (+) stress

occurs in following conditions--
plasma glucose 250 mg/dcL
pH < 7.3
DKA manifestations
• kussmaul respirations- hyperventilate to compensate for acidosis
• postural dizziness
• CNS depression
• nausea
• abdominal pain
• polydipsia, polyuria
• ketouria >> dehydration >> hypotensive, tachycardia
What is the main difficulty of treating DKA?
**managing hyperkalemia while patients are vulnerable to hypokalemia

• K+ is vulnerable to changes in acidosis; K+ will shift out of cells in exchange of H+ going into cells >>
patient can appear hyperkalemic
• BUT they are actually hypokalemic b/c K+ is pushed out of cell and is being excreted via urine
• insulin brings K+ into cells >> can (+) risk of hypokalemia
T/F. DKA is seen exclusively in DMII.
False; seen exclusively in DMI--there is adequate level of insulin to maintain fat stores in DMII
hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome (HHNK)
**similar to DKA minus ketoacidosis
insulin levels high enough to suppress lipolysis but not high enough to facilitate glucose entry to skeletal muscle & fat tissue

occurs in following conditions--
glucose > 600
plasma osmolarity ~310 (high)

• usually seen in DMII; is a complication of insulin resistance & relative deficiency
HHNK manifestations
• hyperglycemia
• glucouria
• polyuria
• polydipsia
DM chronic complications
**extreme variability among patients

• coronary artery disease, e.g. ischemic heart disease, MI, heart failure
• cerebrovascular disease, e.g. CVA
• peripheral vascular disease; plaques >> poor circulation to legs >> diameter gangrene, ulcers, lower limb amupation

• diabetic nephropathy
• diabetic retinopathy

• autonomic
• sensory
diabetic nephropathy
• endothelial cells in glomerular capillary are esp. vulnerable; 1/3 of renal failure in due to hyperglycemia
• glomerular membrane thickens >> sclerosis (scarring of capillary) >> progressive damage >> cascade of compensatory of hypertrophy, etc.
• nephrons cannot keep up >> renal insufficiency >> renal failure
diabetic retinopathy
retina of eyes are thin neuronal cells @ back of eye; delicate & highly vascularized // higher incidence w/ HTN

phase one--
• non-proliferative- vision is not impaired unless it occurs @ macula
• aneurysm, hemorrhage, exudate due to capillary damage

phase two--
• proliferative- capillaries die and retina become hypoxic >>growth of abnormal vessels >>hemorrhage & bleed gets into vitruous and impairs vision
• as new vessels are forming, can pull on retina and cause detachment >> loss of vision
T/F. Autonomic neuropathy occurs prior to sensory neuropathy.
False; sensory occurs prior to autonomic neuropathy
sensory neuropathy
**dulled perception of esp. vibrant vibration & temperature for most patients
--can be very painful to some >> aledenia- enhanced perception of light touch

• most noticeable in extremity, esp. in lower limbs
• usually bilaterally & symmetrical
autonomic neuropathy
** reflexes/autonomic functions are dulled

can affect--
• GI- n/v/anorexia
• erectile dysfunction
• cardiovascular
baro-reflex maintains perfusion to brain >> loss will cause orthostatic hypertension; this is called autonomic dysreflexia
peptic ulcer disease (PUD)
• break in protective mucosal lining of lower esophagus, stomach, or duodenum >> exposes submucosa to gastric secretions >> causes autodigestion
• ulcers can be acute or chronic, superficial or deep
locations of peptic ulcers
• lower esophageal; gastric acid from stomach can cause reflux into lower esophagus

• antrum of stomach; cells that produce HCl are found in antrum

• duodenum; most common--does not have thick alkaline mucus covering but receives acidic contents from stomach making it extremely vulnerable
• superficial ulcer
• mucosal lining is thin or broken; underlying blood vessels/muscle layers are intact & unaffected
• asymptomatic- gastric acid is not interacting w/ nervous tissue
acute ulcer
• true, deep ulcer
• penetrates through submucosal layer and penetrates into muscle layers
• becomes painful; gastric acid interacts w/ nerves within walls of stomach or GI tract
perforating ulcer
• penetrates through layers of GI tract
• exposes body cavities to contents of tracts
• dangerous
PUD risks
**anything that (+) gastric acid production >> (+) irritation of mucosal lining, OR (+) inflammation >> damage to mucosal lining

• smoking
• H. pylori infection
• alcohol
• high psychological stress
• emphysema
• rheumatoid arthritis
• cirrhosis
H. pylori
• found in 50% of stomachs; can trigger ulcers in 10-15%
• bacteria is thought to cause > 90% of duodenal ulcers & 80% of gastric ulcers
• contributes to stress/injury to mucosal lining

how does it cause peptic ulcers?
• stimulates acid production
• releases toxins >> mucosal irritation
• (+) inflammatory response if detected by immune system
T/F. Duodenum depends on NaCHO3 to prevent ulcers.

food moves from stomach to duodenum; presence of food/acid triggers duodenum to release CCK and secretin >> which triggers liver and pancreas to release bile and digestive juices into the duodenum

secretin acts on exocrine portion of pancreas and binds to duct cells >> releases NaCHO3 (alkaline) >> enters duodenum and is designed to neutralize acid from stomach
duodenal ulcer causes
• hypersection of gastric acid and pepsin, e.g. smoking, H. pylori infection, excess parietal cells (which produces HCl)

• elevated plasma gastrin- stimulates gastric acid & pepsin

• inadequate secretion of pancreatic NaCHO3; mechanism for neutralizing acid is impaired

• excessive rapid gastric emptying does not give duodenum enough time to neutralize acid

• immune reaction to H. pylori can cause damage to duodenal lining
duodenal ulcer
**manifestation is chronic intermittent pain in epigastric region; heals spontaneously but reoccur within months
T/F. Gastric ulcers are acute and do not heal on its own.
food-pain relief pattern
**consuming food triggers acid production by stomach >> pain BUT additional consumption can alleviate pain b/c it gets b/w acid and ulcer

gastric ulcers--
• food immediately enters stomach >> no immediate pain
• pain after 20-30 mins
• keep consuming to automatically relieve pain

duodenal ulcers--
• food moves out of duodenum after an hour >> starts to feel pain
• consume food 20-30 mins after initial consumption >> relief
PUD treatment
• antacids, i.e. histamine blocker >> decreases acid production

• proton pump inhibitor, e.g. omeprazole; is an antacid
proton pump moves H+ out of parietal cell into stomach >> will bind w/ chloride to make HCl

• antibiotic to treat H. pylori infection reduces damage to duodenum and stomach lining

• anti-cholinergic drugs inhibit secretion, suppresses gastric motility, and delays gastric emptying
stress ulcer
• acute form of PUD that accompanies severe illness, systemic trauma, or neural injury
• ischemic
• involves multiple sites distributed throughout stomach & duodenum

**triggers of stress response changes perfusion to GI tract
• acute form of PUD that accompanies severe illness, systemic trauma, or neural injury
• ischemic
• involves multiple sites distributed throughout stomach & duodenum

**triggers of stress response changes perfusion to GI tract
cushing ulcer
• type of stress ulcer
• particularly severe, involves trauma and activation to stress response; normal pathology + increase acid production

trauma is to part of brain where vagal nerve originate >> stress response and intense activation of vagus nerve stimulating gastric acid production
maldigestion v. malabsorption
maldigestion >> malabsorption

however, there are primary malabsorptive disorders--anything that affects absorptive surface area of small intestine, e.g. anything that kills mucosal cells that affects villi/microvilli of small intestine
pancreatic insufficiency
**occur when both endocrine and exocrine pancreas is effected, e.g. pancreatitis, pancreatic carcinoma, or cystic fibrosis

deficient production of pancreatic enzymes; very devastating when exocrine pancreas is affected b/c it is necessary to digest all types of food
• lipase- fat
• amylase- carbs
• trypin & chymotrypsin- protein
T/F. Amylase insufficiency is the most devastating part of pancreatic insufficiency.
False; lipase insufficiency

• pancreas is the only source of lipase
• fat is the most caloric dense form of food >> w/o it, unable to maintain weight >> body wasting
What is the clearest sign of pancreatic insufficiency?
• weight loss
• steatorrhea- fat in stool; oily, smelly, yellow, & can float!
bile salt deficiency
• caused by cirrhosis, obstruction of bile ducts, anything that can decrease bile production
• bile emulsifies fat so that it cannot re-form; fat-soluble vitamins get trapped in big glob of fat

clinical manifestations r/t poor intestinal absorption of fat and fat-soluble vitamins >> deficiencies in--
• A- night blindness
• D- decreased calcium absorption >> bone demineralization (osteoporosis), bone pain, & fractures
• K- prolonged prothrombin time >> bleeding & spontaneous bruising
• E- neurological effects, esp. in children as their nervous system is maturing
T/F. Bile salt deficiency will not have same effect on fat digestion as pancreatic deficiency.
What color stool do you expect from a patient w/ bile salt deficiency?
bilirubin in bile is what colors feces brown; in absence of bile >> stool will be gray or clay-colored
maltose = glucose + glucose
sucrose = glucose + fructose
lactose = glucose + galactose
lactose deficiency
aka lactose intolerance

• disacchridases are found on plasma membrane of mucosal cell in small intestine within microvilli; they are bound to the brush border
• lactase is a recessive trait; dominant trait is the progressive decline of lactase formation as we age (no longer need breast milk)
• inability to lactase is esp. common in african or middle eastern descent

lactose moves through small intestine >> large intestine undigested; gets consumed by bacteria of the colon and goes through fermentation >>
• gas is one of the byproduct >> painful gas cramps
• severe flatulence
• presence of lactose in colon (+) osmolarity of feces and draws water into colon >> causes osmotic diarrhea
T/F. Cheese and yogurt is easier for lactose intolerant patients to digest than milk.
True; the milk in these products have been incorporated w/ non-harmful bacteria and fermentation process has already started