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46 Cards in this Set

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Why is reconciliation important to RCs?

-It encourages us to identify and reflect on the sins we have committed

-We can receive forgiveness from God through a priest

-It gives us the chance to be freed from sin to start afresh

-It offers ways in which to remedy the sins we have committed through the penance recommended by a priest

What is sin?

A freely chosen act which goes against God's will

What is absolution?

The forgiveness; removal of the guilt that results from sin

What happens in the rite of reconciliation?

-Preparation and reflection

-The sign of the cross and blessing



-Act of contrition


What does preparation and reflection involve?

Before the ceremony begins the penitent prepares himself in the examination of conscience by identifying the sins for which he needs forgiveness

What does the sign of the cross and blessing involve?

The penitent is greeted by the priest and they make the sign of the cross. The priest may read a suitable passage from scripture which reminds the candidate of the mercy and forgiveness of God.

What does the confession involve?

The penitent confesses his sins and the priest counsels him by offering suitable advice on how to live a good Christian life

What does satisfaction/penance involve?

The priest offers a penance as a way to make up for the sins that have been committed. It may consist of prayers or acts and shows willingness to remedy the damage that has been done by sinning

What does an act of contrition involve?

The penitent says a prayer for the pardon or an act of contrition. This prayer expresses sorrow and remorse for sins as well as a resolution to change to a better way of living

What does absolution involve?

the priest gives absolution or forgiveness. He acts as God's representative who has been given the authority to forgive sins

What does the priest say in absolution?

"I absolve you from your sins in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen"

What happens at the end of the rite of reconciliation?

The penitent makes a final prayer of praise and thanksgiving, and is then told to go in peace.

What does communal reconciliation allow?

Members of the same community to prepare together especially during festivals such as Easter and Christmas. It may lead to individual reconciliation and on special occasions these services may include a communal absolution.

Why is praying for forgiveness just as good as receiving reconciliation?

-God is everywhere and he can see if we are sincerley sorry for our sins, we dont need to go to church for that

-Praying at home will allow you ot really be open and honest with God about the things you have done; confessing in front of a priest may cause embarrasment and restrict you from making a full confession

-Jesus died for our sins, bringing forgiveness to all. He didn't restrict it to those who go to reconciliation

Why is praying for forgivenedd not just as good as receiving reconciliation?

-The effort involved in going to mass and verbalising you sins shows a real commitment to expressing your soorow; praying at home doesn't really require this

-By going to receive reconciliation you can be certain that you have received forgivenedd through the priest; at home you could only hope that you have been forgiven

-Reconciliation offers the chance of receiving counselling from the priest and advice for how to avoid commiting such sins again

What are the bible teachings on Forgiveness and Reconciliation?

-The parable of the forgiving father

-The unmerciful servant

-The good samaritan

What does the parable of the forgiving father show?

That the father showed unconditional love towards his son, even after all the awful things he did. It symbolises how God would be grateful when people go back to him after whatever they have done that is so awful.

What does the unmerciful servant story show?

Those that get forgiven should forgive others, else their forgiveness will become invalid and God will be unhappy with them

What does the story of the good samaritan show?

You should be kind to your neighbour, whatever your differences may be as it will bring you eternal life.

What are causes of crime?




-drug issues

What are the aims of punishment?






What is protection of the public important?

Protecting society by stopping the individual criminal from being able to commit crimes against people

Why is retribution important?

This means that revenge or repayment for what has been done against the laws of society or the indiviuals

Why is Detterence important?

It acts as a warning to others to try to discourage them from committing similar crimes

Why is Retribution important?

It helps to change a criminals way (e.g. rehab)

Why is vindication important?

People must respect the law else there will be a consequence.

What is the Christian view on Punishment?

It is right to obey the government and uphold the law. Punishment and forgiveness can go together but there must be reform in order to reconcile the criminal and society. Punishment should rehabilitate the offender and change their behaviour. Prison is acceptable but other forms of punishment are preffered

Why should murderers by executed?

-It can act as a deterrent

-It vindicates the law and show that it must be upheld

-'An eye for an eye' certain criminals deserve to die

-It protects the public and prevents reoffenders

-Prisoners that are allowed parole are unfair

-Its cheaper than imprisonment

-It allows for retribution for the victims family

Why should murderes not be executed?

-Innocent people have been executed

-There is no evidence that it is an effective deterrent

-There are other alternatives

-Life is sacred

-Only God can judge others

-Execution breaks the commandment 'Don't kill'

-It is mentally and physically barbaric

What is Christian teaching on the death penalty?

Some support it as a deterrent but others believe that other forms of punishment are preferable. Quakers believe reform is always possible. Many Christians are deeply opposed to the death penalty in any situation because they have a deep commitment to the sanctity of all human life and a belief of morality of the commandment 'do not kill' and Jesus' command to love your neighbour

If alternative, non-lethal methods are suffiecient to defend and protect society than they should be used, as they better respect the dignity of the person.

What are arguments for imprisonment?

-Loss of freedom is a lesson learned

-Offers protection for society

-Criminals should be punished

-Allows eductaion and the prisoner can be taught new skills

What are the arguments against imprisonment?

-Does little to reform and many re-offend on release

-Mixing of criminals

-Difficult to readjust to society when released

-Can be very costly

-Its hostile and overcrowded

What is amnesty international?

An organisation for human rights attempting to end capital punishment and release political prisoners. Over 3000 executed in 2001 in 31 countries. It campaingns through letter, petitions and emails sent to governments to protest

What is equality?

The idea that all people should be valued and treated with respect. Everyone should have the same opportunities in life and should be able to live wihout discrimination

What is prejudice?

Judging someone, usually beofre you know enough about them

What is discrimination?

Acting on a prejudice and mistreating someone because you think that you are superior to them

What is racism?

Mistreating someone because of their race, country of origin or skin colour

What is sexism?

Mistreating someone because of their gender or sexual orientation

What is stereotyping?

Forming crude mental images of a group of people

What are the main causes of racism?

-Children get prejudice from those around them. They aren't born with it

-Ignorance and fear; its a way to express anxiety

-Bullying; People make themselves feel better by picking on someone they feel is weaker than themselves

-Poverty and unemployment; people look for someone to blame for their issues

What is a disabled person?

Someone with a physical or mental impairment which has adverse effects on his or her ability to carry out day to day activities

What are Christian responses to disability?

-We are all one in Christ

-We are all made in the image and likeness of God

-Disabled people should also be active members in the parish

-Bibles that are in braille should be provided to allow participation

-Families with disabled children should be supported materially and physically

-Disabled people should have equal opportunities

-Fetuses with disabilities shouldn't be aborted

What is religous prejudice?

The belief that one person's religion, or denomination, is the 'one,true religion'. They have the correct wiew of Gid. Their religion is 'the only way to salvation'

What was Jesus' attitude towards people of other religions?

-A hated samaritan was the hero in the parable of the good samaritan

-He accepted all people and taught that everyone was deserving of love

-He praised a Roman Officer saying he had not found faith like this even from the Jews

What are Christian teachings on Prejudice and discrimination?

That all people are made in the likeness of God and are loved by God. Jesus taught all people are welcomed into the Kingdom of God, especially those excluded by society.

What are bible teaching on prejudice and discrimination?

-God made humankind in the image of God

-There is no difference between Jews and Gentiles... you are all one in union with Christ Jesus

-Love your neighbour as yourself

-It tell you, whenever you did this for one of the least important of these followers of mine, you did it for me